Thursday, May 5, 2016

30 weeks | pink blush giveaway

three quarters of the way (+/- a little) to meeting our baby boy!
if I've said time has flown by before, I know I will be saying it in a couple of months when we have our little one in our arms! just two months left! say what?! gets me a little (ok a lot) sentimental thinking of allll the changes to come for my little family!
he has been all over the place today. left. right. high. low. using up allll of his space and making me oh so aware of it :) 
with a 30 week bump + one that is not little, finding clothes to wear can be a challenge!
Angela and I went shopping this weekend to look for some good Hawaii clothes for our vacay (next week!) and boy was it frustrating! with a dressing room full of tops + dresses + skirts- I would call it a fail... our 'usual' go-to clothes do not fit well over these baby bumps! 
it's all about the fit and the style. I like to go the more fitted route. tops and dresses that don't hang loosely from the ta-tas to the hips where there's question to where one may begin and the other end. ya know what I'm sayin here?? a little bit of shape still please!
I love this dress from Pink Blush!
it's fitted enough up top. the waist line is in just the right place. it's cute. lightweight enough for hot days. and it is comfortable! because comfort is just as important as the fit!
it will most certainly be packed up in my suitcase for Hawaii!
details at the bottom of this post for how to enter to win a $75 gift card to Pink Blush!
they aren't only maternity wear! they have everything. the cutest women's (non-maternity clothes), jewelry, shoes, bags, tons of baby gear/accessories, and goodness so much more!
this giveaway is for everyone + could be used for some great gifts too!
(scroll to the bottom on how to enter)
banner // hooray everyday
dress c/o pink blush
How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: 30 pounds (and my app says baby will triple his weight over these last few weeks!) hopefully I don't do the same ;)
Maternity clothes? most certainly. a combo of maternity and non maternity that happen to be stretchy and longer fits. whatever is most comfortable (and clean) ;) at the time.
Sleep: give me all that I can get. I'm still able to sleep well at night and napping when able. I was talking to Brandon this week and gave myself permission to stop feeling the guilt of napping. it's been a struggle! I feel that I ought to be more productive rather than sleeping... b u t reminded myself to take advantage of it now because I certainly won't be catching up on sleep when the baby is born! so, sleep? yes. it's a big part of my life lately.
Best moment this week: oh little one has been so active! it's my favorite thing feeling him all throughout the day. I love to try imagining how he's placed in there and picturing him moving his little long arms + legs. most certainly long! thanks 6'6" hubby ;)
Current symptoms: really just that third trimester uncomfortableness kicking in. nothing in particular to complain about though. for quite a few weeks now, I've been noticing some braxton hicks here and there throughout the days. it isn't anything that causes me great discomfort, but I notice some lower back ache when having them. that's exactly how they were with Harper too.
Looking forward to: HAWAII!! only one week away! so darn excited for this, but it will be my first time being away from Harper over night and I know that part of it is going to be very tough on me... at least I'll be in paradise :)
Love this dress as much as I do?? Pink Blush has been so kind as to offer up a $75 gift card! Head on over to my Instagram (@brittneyhjelseth) to enter the giveaway! 
giveaway ends Friday (5/6) at 10pm MST and the winner will be announced on Saturday.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Life Lately

life. the little thing called- life.
it's been great lately. but so often (due to pregnancy tiredness) I have a little battle within myself where I want to just do nothing all day and hang out at home vs. doing all the fun things with Harper during these last weeks while she's still my one and only little. 
of course the easiest thing to do with an almost 22 month old is to just stay home. and that's the homebody in me :) but honestly, running around in and out of the car is not always the easiest. although she does do great on days out of the house! we've been finding a good balance and days where we're home for the day (with the weather being so nice) we've been spending lots of our time out in the backyard. 
and we love it.
the comfort of our own home, but yet the playing + fresh air + sunshine.
though I know it is going to be an adjustment having two babes- one that we can't quite prepare ourselves for- I am so looking forward to our littlest being here in a couple of months and having him join our sunny summer days at home :)

well.. over a month ago (!!!) we had Easter. little miss had tears over putting her slip on, but all was good once we got passed it :)
grandma she-she came for a visit!
this girl loves her dog 'my-no' (mylo) :)
Harper's first 'movie night'
Madagascar! and she fell in love with licorice just like her mama and daddy :)
EE and Tyler are having a BOY!!
I never want to forget how she 'hops like a rabbit' 
thank you bubble guppies for this one ;)
zoo days. and lots of them!
I think the zoo pass has already paid itself off!

errands with mama. always making the most of it!
my little best friend is so, so good and tagging along.
lots of playing out in the yard + sunny weather walks!
extras: P H O T O  D U M P!!

and another week has almost passed again... Happy Wednesday all!!


Friday, April 29, 2016

29 weeks

goodness gracious here we are. 29 weeks!
only 11 (ish) weeks left!
it's a week now into the third trimester with this sweet baby boy. it's like the minute I woke and entered this last trimester of pregnancy last week, my body just knew it. achy feet + tiredness just hoped onto a new level. just like that.
any sort of bending over, or picking up Harper, or shaving my legs is not a pretty sight! this big belly is right there taking up all the roomy space it desires. but baby brother is using his space in my tum-tum really well and enjoying the roominess from older sis Harper stretching it out for him 2 years ago :)
banner // hooray everyday
How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain: 28 pounds
Maternity clothes? my favorite thing to wear lately is either my maternity jeans or shorts (depending on this WA weather...) and then a long tank or t-shirt. my maternity jeans are nearly just as comfortable as my sweat pants so it makes for a win win. I feel comfortable bending down 50+ times a day with the toddler, and yet I still look (relatively) presentable for when I have to go out in public :) I really feel the extra body heat from carrying this little one, so no matter what the weather is out, I tend to be more comfortable with a thin, short sleeve top that breathes well.
Sleep: napping. napping. napping. still nearly every day. when I do get that afternoon nap in, I notice such a difference in the evening. I actually have some energy left in me from the day to get through dinner, clean up, bath + bedtime. and then it's straight to the couch to relax with the hubby.
Best moment this week: feeling little one's hiccups! I started feeling them last week, but have been noticing it more often now. with all the movements being bigger than ever, it's such a great feeling to feel baby brother. and if I could really have it my way, I would just sit around all day watching Ellen, eating my strawberry + almond butter toast, while feeling my sweet boy. but like that will ever happen. but a girl can dream ;)
Current symptoms: not really too much I can complain about- just the onset of more uncomfortableness. but hey, that's to be expected. I have been having some calf cramps. and goodness gracious those are no joke! I pop some Ca+Mg tablets a couple times a day (as told to by my midwife) ;) since the babe is starting to pull it from my body. it does make a difference in helping with those dreaded charley horses for sure!
Food cravings: just give me my strawberry + almond butter toast! two times. every. day. 
Looking forward to: the nursery is making progress! we have the crib, dresser, bedding, and a few decorations to go up on the wall. we also just moved the rocking chair out of Harper's bedroom and into the baby's. honestly, it broke my heart a bit! feeling like we're having to make Harper grow up even quicker due to prepping for little brother's arrival. I have such torn emotions of wanting to cherish every day I have with just Harper and the overjoy of excitement for baby brother to get here. but oh I know Harper is just going to look like she's ten years old when we have a newborn in the house!
I got curious on doing the ol' comparison of baby bump pictures... I easily ran across a picture from pregnancy with Harper at 26 weeks. so here's a comparison of just a few weeks ago to then.
whoa belly!!
both are 26 weeks, but look q u i t e different!

follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth