Thursday, June 1, 2017

tanner's first SWING!

first park trip of the summer and it was so so fun!!
I started this blog all cause I wanted a place to document our lives and the memories we make.
this post has to happen because baby's fist swing is one of my absolute favorites.
I remember harper's first time swinging like it was yesterday, and I've ben anxiously awaiting the time we would take tanner!
we did it yesterday after we made a run to the cutest little cupcake shop downtown (hello cupcake), and it made for just the most perfect afternoon with me and my babes.
tanner can sometimes be a little unsure about newness.. so I wasn't quite sure if he would take a liking to swinging right away during his first time... but the boy LOVED it!!!

the biggest open mouth smile. seriously THE BEST!

look at this! same frog! tanner at 10 months and this was harper at 12 months :)
so excited for the memories to be made in these summer months ahead!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

6 tips for traveling with young kids

when we got back from hawaii I was asked so much about how traveling with the babes went.
...and quite honestly it went GREAT!! 
sooo.... with that, (I'm no pro by any means!), BUT here are some tips and things that we found helpful while traveling with two kids under the age of three.
 harper (2.5 years) & tanner (9 months).
**now first let me start with this disclaimer: all could have gone the complete opposite as well. but some how the stars aligned for us and we sailed right on through those 6+ hours of flying. EACH.WAY. ;)

1. if you can take grandma. then TAKE GRANDMA. (or any extra set of hands to help for that matter). my mom went with us and it was HUGE.
2. for baby bring a wrap to wear for them to nap in. I brought my solly wrap (rather than my ergo because it's small and takes up a lot less space. and when traveling with kids there is already SO much you're lugging around. so go for a small one you can stuff in your carry on.)
I put it on prior to boarding our flight so I didn't have to mess with putting it on in the tight airplane space. I didn't actually put tanner in though until we were able to be standing and moving about. then in he went and it was naptime!
3. sit in the aisle seat. this was so helpful for me to be able to get up and down if I needed to keep tanner moving to keep him sleeping. and let me tell ya. IT WORKED. cause boy slept for 2.5 hours!!
4. for harper (busy little toddler) it was all about newness. things she hadn't yet seen before. new snacks. new (little, easy to pack) toys (think dollar store!), new movies (we brought a portable dvd player), and of course... the iPad! 
**make sure to not use everything up cause you'll still need some new things for the flight home!**
5. use the other passengers around you! ha! we were sitting by such kind people, and if they were showing interest in my baby and wanting to talk to him, by all means I was gonna let them!
6. when you book your flights, if possible try flying in the morning. the kiddos are still fresh in the day and not yet over it and getting tired for bed. our flights home were a little later in the day and the kids were just a little busier cause of it.

if you have any questions for me, please don't hesitate to ask! cause there is certainly so much more to it than six simple steps haha! ;) if I can help just one mama out with this, that makes it all worth it. I know the travel can bring on lots of stress and anxiety of what to expect. 
if there's a point where things aren't going great-- just get though it. cause once that plane lands and you're off, that part is over and you're now ready to enjoy the vacation!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Monday, May 22, 2017

a fun summery sunday

a photo every hour post.. turned just a fun summery sunday post.
I started out good but as the afternoon came rolling around, a photo every hour just didn't happen cause we were having too much fun. but lots of fun pictures of my loves that I can't help but document :)

early morning waking in the 6's, but when baby slept allll night without a single wake-- I actually felt energized!
these new insta filters-- so fun!!
a little time with my girl drinking our chai while brother naps :)
...and then that's when I lost it.
we headed to the country club for a family lunch to celebrate Brandon's brother Tyler's birthday.
then harper went over to nana + papa's for a few hours while brandon and I spent some time with this little (BIG) guy.
a busy day made for not getting his good, solid afternoon nap.. little one caught a quick cat nap on our way to dinner at our friends garrett + lexi's. 
a sunny sunday in the books and I can't wait for what the rest of this summer has in store for us!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth