Monday, March 14, 2016

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes! I finally went to the mall on Friday and bought a couple pairs of maternity jeans! It's about time. and I cannot believe how comfortable they are! I'll never know how/why I didn't get a pair before now. I didn't even buy any during my pregnancy with Harper. I guess I just made due, but man oh man I am so happy to have these! It's become quite the struggle to find bottoms to wear lately and now I'll always have a comfy go-to :)
Sleep: good! as it has been all the prior weeks. BUT now it's gotten even better. we just got a new mattress and oh the comfort! since I'm sleeping on my side all through the night, I was noticing some soreness in my shoulder when I would wake up. but now with the new mattress it gives into the pressure point so much better and I wake up feeling even better. thank you hubs for the best birthday gift!!
Best moment this week: getting our new, much needed mattress :)
Worst moment this week: one night I woke up at 4:30am with the worst stomach ache! my stomach was extremely bloated, painful, and I felt an urge of needing to throw up. I never did throw up (although at one point I thought that might actually make me feel better), but after a couple of tums and crackers, I started feeling better and was able to fall back asleep. must've been something I ate that night that didn't sit well...
Current symptoms: this week my appetite and thirst have really increased. I'm also feeling a little pressure low in my belly, that I never felt with Harper. I think this baby must be sitting lower.
Miss anything? just belly sleeping :) (which I know isn't a good way to sleep even when not pregnant!)
Movement: His movements have started to feel a bit stronger and more definite. a couple of nights ago while laying in bed, I pulled the covers down and Brandon and I were actually able to see some of his movement. feeling kicks/movement (on the inside) is so great, but then being able to see it, is just that much more exciting!
Food cravings: nothing particular. well... except for those darn Reeses peanut butter eggs... being pregnant during Easter time- it's hard not to resist those! I could eat them alllll day long. I had the exact same problem when I was pregnant with Harper. (with these babies being nearly exactly 2 years apart, it's like I'm going through the same things during the same seasons/holidays- kinda feels like life on repeat from two years ago- at least in the pregnancy aspect of things)
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: happy :)
Looking forward to: we have a check up with my midwife this week and it's always something I look forward to! it's my favorite sound getting to hear my baby's heartbeat, and I just love pregnancy and babies so an appointment where we're talking about all things related.. it's time well spent!


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