over this past week, it has been BIG for our harper girl.
as a baby, of course there are lots of firsts happening on a regular basis, but into toddlerhood the firsts start to happen a little less frequently.
this last week however, we loaded this girl UP with first time experiences.
and it was so fun to watch her light up each time.

first sleepover at our house with her little bff, aubrey!
cuteness o v e r l o a d!!
these girls had the best time ever making pizza, watching cinderella + snacking, making popcorn on the stove, and then climbing into bed and making shadow puppets on the ceiling with the flashlight :)
the first of many for these sweet girls!!
these girls had the best time ever making pizza, watching cinderella + snacking, making popcorn on the stove, and then climbing into bed and making shadow puppets on the ceiling with the flashlight :)
the first of many for these sweet girls!!
harper's first dance shoes!!
she'll be starting dance lessons next weekend and talks about it everyday.
we got her essentials (ballet shoes, tap shoes, leotard, and tights). over and over again once we got home, she would pack and unpack her dance bag :)
so excited for this tiny dancer!!
--who just LOVES to dance!!--
these three had theirs first cousin bath!
so cute to see all these little babes in one big tub.
kinda feels like the grand finale here :)
at just barely three years old miss harper participated in her very first two day cheer + dance clinic!
I was nervous going into it that she'd be clung to my leg the entire time, want nothing to do with it (unless I was standing by her side), and be extremely shy.
I was 100% WRONG.
she did awesome!
a little social butterfly who ran around (often a little too much!) and danced to her own beat ;)
by the end of it though, she learned a little bit about 'trying' to stay in line with the other girls. and her favorite part was the dancing by far.
she met some new little friends, enjoyed performing at the baseball game (once she got over the fear of being away from mama and that the mascot wouldn't do anything to her), and had a cherry on top of getting to experience this with her most favorite auntie 'E-E'!!
we were all so proud of our harper girl!!!