Showing posts with label our table. Show all posts
Showing posts with label our table. Show all posts

Friday, November 6, 2015


Let's just say. to.die.for.
I don't know a soul who doesn't love themselves some lasagna.
Can we say comfort food?!! And this is just the time of year when 'comfort food' is calling our names!
I've thought about sharing this recipe before now and then I've resisted it.
This isn't just any recipe but one that is a family recipe where I've made some of my own {healthier} modifications.
But it's a family recipe(!) so it's not the easiest to share because it feels like there's a little piece of me + mom + grandma in it. But it is just TOO darn good and I hope know sooo many will love it! It is absolutely one of the regulars around here and quite possibly our number one favorite meal.
This is the best, easiest lasagna you will ever make. I can nearly 100% guarantee it! You do NOT have to cook the lasagna noodles prior to assembling! Now I told you it was easy :)

1 lb ground turkey breast*
1 medium onion diced
3/4 cup water
1 - 14.5 oz can petite diced tomatoes
1 - 24 oz can spaghetti sauce
100% whole wheat lasagna noodles (uncooked)
2 cups cottage cheese
1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
1/4 cup dried parsley
1 lb shredded mozzarella cheese

--Preheat oven to 375.
--Brown meat in large skillet. Once meat is about halfway done cooking, add diced onion. Continue cooking until meat is fully cooked and no longer pink.
--Add water, tomatoes, spaghetti sauce. Bring to a boil. Let simmer about 5 minutes. Sauce should still be runny.
--In a bowl, mix together cottage cheese, shredded parmesan, and parsley.
--Begin layering. In 9x13 baking pan, place one layer of noodles evenly over bottom of pan, half of cottage cheese mixture, half of mozzarella cheese, and half of meat sauce.
--Repeat layers. (ending with meat sauce).
--Bake in preheated oven for 1 hour.
--Let stand 5-10 minutes before serving.

That's it!
I paired our lasagna with this Cranberry Pear Kale Salad and it was a great combination!
And leftovers. Talk about leftovers! With a large pan like this we have lots of leftovers for our family (even if we have dinner guests over). And it almost tastes even better (if you can imagine it!) the next day after the flavors have mingled over night :)

I hope you enjoy this meal as much as my family does!

*A little dietitian note: Now the ground turkey breast. The breast part makes a huge difference. In the grocery store you will find ground turkey and then also ground turkey breast. Without that word 'breast' all parts of the turkey meat can be in your ground meat. That includes the fatty parts. Which makes ground turkey not that much different than ground beef. Don't believe me.. check the fat in the nutrition facts! So look for 'ground turkey breast' and get that one. You can often find it on sale. Buy a couple extras and thrown them in the freezer to use later.


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Friday, October 30, 2015


Hip hip hooray! It's here! Halloween marks the first holiday into the 'holiday season'!
Two of my favorite things about the holiday season are food and fun festivities. And I love even more when the two are combined!
So here we have it. With today being Halloween Eve, what better time to share this festive Halloween snack mix concoction that of course too can be nibbled upon all Fall. Mmm... Mmm... Good!!
Muddy Buddies - recipe here
Cinnamon Life
Whole Grain Goldfish
Peanut M&Ms
Reese's Pieces
Candy Corn (of course!)

The sweet and salty combination is calling your name!
I mean it sure did call mine because this mix is now g o n e. Yep. Time to make a second batch :)

I'm so excited for this weekend and all of the fun that is to come! Costumes, candy, and good friends. 
Happy Friday + Happy Halloween {Eve}!!


Thursday, October 22, 2015


Easy dinner meals?? YES please!!
And here's one of my favorites. Stuffed peppers!
This is such a quick, easy, go-to meal around our house. I generally have these ingredients on hand, so when it's one of those nights where a meal wasn't planned (or there was a change in plans) I can whip these babies together in no time! And the bonus.. I don't need a side to go with them because... veggie, check. protein, check. whole grain, check. Now that's what I'm talkin' about! This here recipe covers T H R E E major food groups. Stuffed peppers really are an all in one.
**Disclaimer: now it definitely isn't the 'prettiest' of meals I've made, but let me tell ya, they are so so so good. Don't let the looks deceive you ;)

Ingredient List:
3 bell peppers (any color)
1 small onion diced
2 cups cooked quinoa or brown rice (I use a quinoa rice blend from Costco)
1 can black beans drained and rinsed
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Shredded parmesan cheese

--Preheat oven to 350.
--Cut bell peppers in half and clean out seeds/stems.
--In a bowl combine cooked quinoa/rice, drained & rinsed black beans, diced onion, and seasonings.
--Spoon pepper halves full of quinoa/bean mixture.
--Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
--Place on baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
How easy is that??!
The peppers get cooked just enough to where their flavors have come out, but yet they haven't gotten too soft. I'm a texture person and too soft/over cooked veggies make me wanna gag. So with 10 minutes in the oven, these babies have reached perfection!
Really you could use just about any sort of ingredients to stuff your peppers. Diced or shredded chicken.. Ground turkey breast.. Various beans & veggies. Get creative!


Monday, October 5, 2015


What is life without good food? Am I right? :)
Of course being a dietitian, I am all about getting that 'good, nutritious food'.
Now I don't know about you, but I often get stumped on the veggie side dishes for dinner. I don't like to make it anything too complicated. So often I just go with the same 'ol things. steamed or roasted veggies. lettuce with tomato (and maybe cucumber too if we're really going to get after it). and this summer, lots of corn on the cob.
Now don't get me wrong, those are all still great sides and quick, easy 'go-tos' that I can throw together in a matter of minutes with hardly putting a thought into it. BUT sometimes I just need some variety! but I need it to be something just as quick and easy. because I just made the entree and I'm not about to spend an hour on a side dish. You agree?!
With that... I made this salad the other night to accommodate our lasagna. I tell ya. It was better than I ever could have imagined. The flavors were spot on. and it literally took 5 minutes. if that.
Ingredient List:
Fresh, ripe pear
Dried Cranberries
Feta cheese crumbles
Sky Valley Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinaigrette

-Roughly chop kale.
-Thinly slice pear.
-Top prepared kale with pear, dried cranberries, and feta.
-Lightly drizzle with dressing.
and that's it! So easy, yet the flavors just explode with every bite. 
This dressing is my new favorite. Purchased at Fred Meyer in the refrigerated produce section.
Nothing fancy, but so pretty! (pre dressing here)
Enjoy! :)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


So we all know the answer to this common question... 
'What is the most important meal of the day?'
'Duh.. Breakfast!'
Ok, but the real question.. How many of us actually eat a good, substantial breakfast to start out our day? Here's the answer for ya. Only 34%!
and the number one answer as to why the majority of us don't eat breakfast... 'not enough time'
Ok. I get that. Mornings are busy! So much to do before running out of the house. Eating breakfast just looses it's priority when we're talking 'real life'. We just don't take the time to stop for 10 minutes and eat. We have to go. and we have to go now.
Well I have a solution for you. These make ahead breakfast sandwiches take 1 minute, 30 seconds to heat up in the microwave. Grab a piece of fruit while it heats up, and you'll be out the door with a nutritious breakfast in hand. Good, whole food that will put you on the right foot at the start of your day.
Ingredient List:
12 - 100% whole wheat english muffins
1 dozen fresh eggs
12 slices of cheese (I sliced, from a block, Tillamook sharp yellow cheddar)
24 slices canadian bacon (or any other meat you choose)

Open your english muffins and lay them out on baking sheets.
Place them in a 250 degree oven for 10 minutes.
While your muffs are toasting, cook your eggs.
I like to use this individual - english-muffin-sized pan. Heat the egg until one side is cooked, and then flip it with a small spatula to cook the other side. You could also cook half of the eggs at a time in a large skillet and then cut that into 6ths (if you can picture it, they would be triangle shaped - kinda like a piece of pie!). Then repeat for the other 6 eggs. 
But this pan just makes them perfectly round and pleases my OCD :)
Here are all of my eggs once I was done cooking all 12.
Get your meat and cheese ready.
Now start assembling!
Once you have all 12 sandwiches assembled and put together, leave them on the baking sheets and place them flat in the freezer until cooled. About 15 minutes.
Now wrap each sandwich in a paper towel and place them in gallon size freezer bags. Zip 'em up. Toss the bags in the freezer.
And that's it, you're done!
Now when you need a good, quick, easy breakfast, just pull one of these out. Pop it in the microwave for 1.5 minutes (left in the paper towel), and ta-da! You're on your way!
On those busy mornings, you will thank yourself for having made these ahead of time.
We love having these on hand. I will sometimes mix it up with the type of cheese or meat. To add a little extra nutrition, you could thrown some bell peppers or spinach on the sandwich before you heat it up.

I made a bunch of these sandwiches before Harper was born, towards the end of my pregnancy. And I was so thankful I had! It was vital that I get good, nutritious foods in that initial time of breastfeeding and taking care of a newborn. These sandwiches were something filling that I could quickly heat up. Sometimes even for lunch or dinner.
Enjoy! Let me know if you give them a try :) You will not regret it!
You may want to double the recipe as these tend to get eaten up quite quickly!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Mmm... Dinner time!
One of my favorite times of the day. Not only do I get to spend some time in the kitchen preparing our meal (which I love), but it's time to eat (really.. I mean who doesn't love to eat!). Sitting down at the dinner table as a family at the end of the day, enjoying our meal together while having family time.. to me, there's just not much better than that.

I just love trying new foods and recipes. Ok, that's only half true. I love trying new recipes where I'm preparing foods that I know I like, but in different ways :) The trying of new foods... well that's somewhere that I really fall short. and as a dietitian, I'm not proud. but I tell ya, that list of 'dislikes' really isn't too long! I'm working to shorten the list, but here it is as of today: fish, bananas, cooked fruit (except for in apple pie of course), and sweet potatoes. I know... all healthy foods that I should like. but there are so many other foods that I do like, that I find plenty of options.

Moving on... :) the bbq chicken tostadas we had for dinner just the other night. Goodness gracious, they were gooood! and the other bonus, they were oh so easy! Thank heavens for the good ol' crockpot.
I had seen a recipe on pinterest for some bbq chicken tostadas but made some modifications for my own creation. and I mean, just how delicious do they look?!
Ingredient List:
2 lbs chicken breast
1/2 cup BBQ sauce (Trader Joe's Carolina Gold BBQ Sauce - try it!)
1/2 cup fat-free refried beans
romaine lettuce
shredded sharp white cheddar cheese (Tillamook)
corn tortillas

--Place chicken in crockpot + evenly pour 1/4 cup of bbq sauce over chicken. Cook on LOW for 6-8 hours. Leaving in crockpot, shred chicken with two forks. Stir in remaining 1/4 cup of bbq sauce. Keep warm.
--Preheat oven to 350. Place tortillas on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Lightly spray tortillas with olive oil (I use a Misto oil sprayer filled with olive oil). Bake in oven for 15 minutes. 
--Top the (now baked) tortillas with the refried beans, chicken, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and drizzle a little extra sauce on top.
Yummy in that tummy!
The flavor was just to.die.for.
and what's better?! We had enough for leftovers to have a second meal the next night. For me, a meal that provides enough for a second night, that's all the better! Although I do love cooking, to have a night of simple preparation.. I'm all for it.
This would also be great just prepared as tacos too, rather than the tostadas. The crunch from the tostadas was a great added texture though. Another great option would be to top the chicken over a bed of lettuce to make a great salad. or even, this chicken in a quesadilla. the possibilities are endless.
A meal this good and this easy, I don't know anyone who wouldn't sign right up.
This one will definitely be thrown into the rotation to be had again in our house!

Eat up!
