Showing posts with label Favorites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Favorites. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2016

two month favorites

here's a quick run down of my favorite things over this last month with our baby Tanner Ross.
still love and use everything from last month. plus a few more!
life with a two month old! :)
solly baby wrap // let's just say hands free! with this I can run around with Harper and keep Tanner close. it's A-MAZE-ING

medela sterilizing bags // we've been trying to offer Tanner a bottle a little more frequently to get him used to it. these have been great in cleaning my pumping supplies. I hand wash them as well, but it's also great to use these sterilizing bags every so often and when I really just don't feel like hand washing with the bottle brush and soap :) it's so quick and easy to throw it in the bag and pop it in the microwave!

nursing bra // really I've loved this since day one of nursing, but it is still hanging on as a favorite!

dry shampoo // well because- I now go longer than I ever have before with washing my hair. how would we live without this stuff!?? I started using dry shampoo once I became a mom with Harper, and I don't see myself e v e r stopping! I've tried so many different brands too. some that I love and some that I hate. (thinking of doing a dry shampoo review post! - if anyone would care) ;)

grass drying rack  // I wouldn't say it's a complete necessity, BUT it works really well for the inside of the bottles to dry well when they're upside down

pacifier // we introduced Tanner to the pacifier when he was having a couple of fussy days at 7 weeks old. since then he has grown to really like this one and it soothes him so, so well! and I'm a fan of the solid, simplicity of it :)

Happy Friday, all!!


Thursday, August 25, 2016

one month favorites

we've gotten through our first month with a newborn, and I have to say we have transitioned quite well! beyond thankful for that! though a lot of it is due to having a sweet, mellow baby, there have been some items that have helped ease us into our new normal. now don't get me wrong, we've definitely had our times where morning comes all too quickly and bedtime can't come quick enough.
nuroo swaddler // we started swaddling Tanner at 2 weeks when he had his first overtired/fussy night. this made all the difference in helping him settle down and relax. I love swaddles with velcro because it makes swaddling SO easy. this particular brand has been the one we use every night. the fabric is super soft and light enough so he doesn't get too hot during these summer nights.

noise machine // (we also have the portable version which I keep in the diaper bag). another game changer at two weeks when it came time to help Tanner settle down. white noise, played about as loud as a running shower, is so soothing for babies. Harper liked it as a baby just as much as Tanner does. if you haven't I would recommend reading The Happiest Baby on the Block. it's a great book in helping to understand your baby and figuring out how to help them feel comfortable (less crying!!).

white onsies // simple. easy. my go-to. and I just love a baby boy in a plain white onsie!

aden and anais swaddle blankets // I couldn't resist these ones pictured :) I use these blankets every single day. I think I have a swaddle blanket obsession. just ask my husband- he would agree! there really isn't much more to say, other than they're so great!!

boppy newborn lounger // my friend Kaylani had one of these for her baby who's the same age of Harper and it always looked so great. so with Tanner I just HAD to get one and we've loved it! Tanner loves 'lounging' in it and it's been so convenient in taking him every where we go around the house. often during Harper's bath he's right there with us on his pillow :)

boppy nursing pillow // so helpful in the beginning nursing months when baby is still so little!

IKEA spoka night light // when my friend Holly had her baby a few months ago I saw this night light she had gotten and was very intrigued. since it's a dim light, we use it in the middle of the night for diaper changes. it's great because it gives enough light to see, without being too bright to where it would wake Tanner too much. and what's even better is that it's so portable. the battery lasts so long and is rechargeable. since using it over the past few weeks, we haven't needed to recharge it once.

freezer meals // (hoping to post more on this soon!) last, but most certainly not least! I made a number of freezer meals towards the end of my pregnancy to have on hand for after baby was born. I did this while pregnant with Harper as well. hands down the best thing I ever did to prepare for baby!! between freezer meals and meals that friends/family have brought to us, I haven't had to 'really' make dinner once since Tanner was born! nothing compares to a hot, home-cooked meal. this way we get to enjoy that with such minimal work. 


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

postpartum favorites

well... I was VERY certain that the post following my last about pregnancy would be a 40 week update... and how VERY wrong I was! 
baby boy decided to make his arrival before allowing us to get to that point with coming two days before due date. which I know isn't really that early, but when your previous baby came e i g h t days late, it's hard to fathom baby's arrival happening before the due date. 
I would've bet money on the fact that I was going to be late. 
and that is exactly why I'm not the betting type ;) 
but let me tell ya, I'm not complaining one bit because it has meant that we've been blessed with more days spent with our little love bug. 

so now, I thought I'd share what my favorite postpartum things have been.
it's certainly not always the most glamorous part of having a baby.
BUT no doubt it is allll worth it. every single part of it. for these babies that we mamas love with every ounce of our hearts.

not the prettiest of things here, but these items have helped with making the last two weeks more comfortable. and comfort after pushing an 8lb 2oz baby is exactly what I've been looking for :)
comfy sweat pants // with a wide waist band! I love these Make + Model ones. they are so soft and comfy and also light enough in these summer months. the waist band isn't too tight either, so I don't have to feel uncomfortable with anything cutting in on my sides and postpartum tummy.

comfy t-shirt // again with the 'comf'. a simple, comfy, loose fitting tee. that's really what I've been living in. and bonus- these that I love are on sale right now for Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale!

granola bars // they have truly been a life saving go-to for me. easy to eat with one hand. especially important in the middle of the night when I'm up nursing and my stomach starts rumbling. because honestly, I am so much more hungry breastfeeding postpartum than I ever was when pregnant. and I KNOW I have to be sure to eat enough nutritious food to keep my milk supply up. a good friend made me some lactation cookies and they were a delicious, easy snack in the middle of the night. I just need to make some more to have on hand!

tumbler // this one is my absolute favorite. I had it in my third trimester favorites, and I won't ever be done with it. it is sooo convenient to drink from without having to unscrew a lid. and with that, I then find that I'm better about getting my daily water in. AND when nursing- I always keep this by my side because thirst hits so quickly. it makes it possible to quench my thirst and I can easily grab it with my one available hand.

nursing pads // on the topic of nursing... these are MUST HAVES!

ibuprofen // (recommended by my midwife) I took 800mg every 6 hours in the first days after delivery. it really helped my comfort level from all the swelling you know where ;)

depends // I know, I know... but while we're talking about what's going on 'down there' I swear by depends after having a baby! just trust me. and they're quite comfortable if I must say.

maxi pads // it's essential to go for a maxi pad rather than just a little panty liner. this is to follow the use of the depends. you'll know when you reach the point of switching ;) but they're 100% a necessity. I also threw these ones in on one of our honest bundles and have really been happy with them. also, the fact that they're organic cotton can be great in ensuring healing if any 'damage' happened 'down there'. again, you know what I mean ;) it also can be a good idea to get a variety of absorbencies for the different phases of postpartum bleeding.

well that's that!
some of the not-so-glamorous things from having a baby. but doing what it takes to make yourself as comfortable as can be (and resting, resting, resting!) makes such a difference in recovery. 
I've found I have to remind myself to be patient with my body and give myself grace (because I JUST had a baby!). it certainly takes time to get back to 'normal'. if ever ;)

stay tuned for our birth story to come! :)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Thursday, June 30, 2016

third trimester favorites

as I'm nearing the very (very!) end of the third trimester (which means the end of PREGNANCY all together!) I wanted to share what my favorite things have been these last weeks.
and with having a summer baby, it's mainly been geared towards comfort and staying cool.

comfy tanks // a comfortable tank that I can wear with absolutely anything has been my number one go-to. shorts and maxi skirts if I'm leaving the house. lounge pants/shorts around the house. and even as swim coverup when we're headed to the pool. I've always loved these basic tank tops. pregnant or not- I wear them all the time. they are long + stretchy + comfy! I've recently discovered these tanks and have a new found love for them! they're lightweight and there are so many color options that I may or may not have bought myself seven or so of them! but when they're on sale (and they are now- for only $6!) who can resist??!

Schick Intuition Razor // a friend of mine told me about this razor while she was pregnant and as I entered into the third trimester of being bigger and harder to bend down... I went and got myself one. it's AMAZING! you do not need any shaving cream! it makes for shaving my legs (which should happen far more than it actually does) so, so much easier. without this razor.. let's just say shaving my legs would be a task that would've gotten thrown out the window :) so we should allll be thankful for this razor! ha!

Flounce bralette bikini tops // I hadn't ever worn this style of swim top until recent. I picked one up before we went on our trip to Hawaii and after the first time of wearing it, fell in love! being pregnant there's a bit more going on up top ;) and these have great coverage! I can wear it all around the pool with a toddler whom I'm carrying, bending over to help, throwing around in the pool, and never feel like I have to be adjusting my swim top to keep things 'contained'. my favorites that I purchased were from old navy and are they ever on sale right now(!!), but I also JUST scored this one for $5!

Dr Teal's Epsom Salt // what pregnant woman doesn't love a nice bath soak in lavender epsom salts??! I wish I was able to do it more!

Tumbler // it's must to keep hydrated and it's even that much more important in the heat! a good (non-leaking) tumbler makes it simple and easy to drink throughout the day. I fill mine about 6 times a day.

Electrolytes // in the summer when sweating more, it's a must to not only replace fluids, but also electrolytes. this body has to be well hydrated and prepared for the marathon of labor! I also make a labor aid drink (provided by my midwife, but there are lots of recipes out there) that I freeze into ice cubes and add to my drinks throughout the day to just boost my electrolytes that much more.
labor aid recipe:
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup honey
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp liquid calcium
6 cups water
-mix it all together & drink or freeze as ice cubes.

hydrated + comfortable. that's the focus this trimester!
and only about 2(ish) weeks left!! can't wait to meet you, sweet boy :)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

2nd trimester favorites

how. how. and another h o w!!?
we're at the last week of my second trimester and I know as cliche as it sounds... time has just flown by! I felt that my pregnancy with Harper went by quickly, but that's nothing compared to this one. I'm sure taking care of chasing a busy toddler around all day has something to do with it ;) all while getting things ready for this new little bundle to join our family!
with the second trimester's end rolling around, thought I'd share a handful of my favorite things from the last several weeks.
1. hydro flask water bottle - I received this as a Christmas gift and hadn't actually used it until recently. I am in love with it! with trying to keep up on my fluid intake throughout the day, I keep water with me all day long. this water bottle is insulated and keeps my water cold for hours on end.
2. honest co. belly balm - well. stretch marks. we all have this dilemma, and know that it really comes down to genetics. but if there's something that can be done in hopes of reducing them, I'll do it. although I do already have them on my hips from the first pregnancy. embrace it :) I also love this essential oils product too!
3. palmer's cocoa butter - again for stretch mark assistance :) but my skin has also been dry all over and this lotion has been so so moisturizing. and the smell! yum!
4. honest co whole-food based prenatal - so easy on my stomach and it doesn't have that strong smell that some prenatals can have. I've been very happy with these!
5. ooh la lift - this stuff is so great! those no make up days where I would still like to care for the bags under my eyes... (which I never really understood until joining motherhood!) this gives me a quick little eye lift ;)
6. full panel maternity jeans - these are heaven sent! I don't know what it is as a pregnant girl, but I put off buying maternity jeans for wayyy too long! I so wish I would've started wearing maternity pants sooner. my pregnant self is so comfortable in them! and these ones here are so cute!
7. snoogle body pillow - if my husband would be ok with it, I would use this for sleeping even after pregnancy! it takes up half of our bed, but when I'm pregnant, it is so great for finding comfortable sleeping positions. it is so worth it!!
8. chewy with a crunch kind bar - recently ran across these and love them as a good snack for when we're running out the door. I love that they aren't too crunchy and crumby. great ingredients and a yummy on-the-go snack when needed. which is often!

so there ya have it. 
I use most all these products every day and I'm certain that will continue on into the third trimester (plus some!). 
second trimeter bliss is about to end, and I'm sure more and more days of uncomfortableness are in my future. but so be it :) baby brother will be here in 3 months and I'm sure it too is going to fly by!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth