he is here. he is so here!
we are over the moon happy and have a new, sweet baby boy who fits into our family just as perfect as can be.
so many emotions resurface as I think back to the day when we welcomed him into this world.
it was perfect. in every way.
Brandon, Harper, and I couldn't be more in love.
so many emotions resurface as I think back to the day when we welcomed him into this world.
it was perfect. in every way.
Brandon, Harper, and I couldn't be more in love.
we are blessed with SUCH a good baby. I mean crying/fussing is rare.
we hear some fussing out of him only when he feels those wipes on his warm bum during a diaper change, or if I don't get to him quick enough when he's ready to nurse. and boy does he love to nurse!
we hear some fussing out of him only when he feels those wipes on his warm bum during a diaper change, or if I don't get to him quick enough when he's ready to nurse. and boy does he love to nurse!
but really, so far these first two weeks, that has been the extent of his crying.
we are completely in love with his calm spirit and just how content he is.
he is the perfect addition to our family and we feel so blessed to now be a family of four!
it's been filled with lots of baby Tanner loves, kisses galore, smelling his little head to soak up that newborn smell, and big sister has fallen quite in love with him :) talk about making a mama's heart just burst.
it's been filled with lots of baby Tanner loves, kisses galore, smelling his little head to soak up that newborn smell, and big sister has fallen quite in love with him :) talk about making a mama's heart just burst.
over the last couple of weeks clearly the blog has been on the back burner. my time has been spent soaking up these initial moments and focusing everything on resting, nursing, and loving on my sweet family.
so without any more delay (and because even though he is now a whole 13 days old (!!) this post still has to happen) :)
...welcome to this world...
Tanner Ross Hjelseth
July 13, 2016
3:19 pm
8 pounds 2 ounces
21 inches long

I'm working on our birth story, but soon enough I will share our experience of what it was like as we worked to get our sweet little man here.
we all love you so, so much baby Tanner and know that you are the perfect fit to our now family of four :)
here are some weight stats since birth:
birth - 8lbs 2oz
day 2 - 7lbs 11oz
day 12 - 9lbs 1oz
photography by Linenko Photography