and she's two!! (well almost!) ;)
in leu of her little brother- who is due on the 15th, we decided to have Harper's birthday party the weekend before her actual birthday.
this sweet, spunky, sassy, little one still has a couple more days of being one.
come Wednesday she will officially be a two year old and my heart will be completely broken!
ok- not true.
she is at such a fun age right now and I just love love love, how she is growing and learning.
though it certainly does get me all sorts of emotional (thanks a lot pregnancy hormones) ;) seeing my baby no longer have an once of baby in her. she's about to graduate to her big sis role and how perfect it is to be able to celebrate her, and only her, just before that change comes.

this was such a fun party to plan. fairly simple with a pink lemonade theme.
pink + yellow + lots of lemons!
it was perfect for our girl, because she LOVES herself some lemons!
no joke.
she will eat a lemon wedge like it's nothing.
so what better summer birthday party for her than one full of lemons!

T W O birthday candles in the cake this year!

and how shy she got when we all began to sing to her. she knew allll the attention was on her and wasn't sure what to do with it.
it was the cutest thing :)

in just two short days this girl will officially be TWO!!
we love her with all that we have and are so looking forward to celebrating her again on Wednesday.
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