I almost grabbed the '38' for the banner for this week's picture. and then it hit me... nope! we're at 3-9!! just one week's time makes such a difference at this point in pregnancy. technically it's just another week passing, but at this point, one weeks is soooo much more!
I mean, it's possible this could be the last bump picture. although I'm feeling quite sure that it won't be ;)
before we were about to snap this picture, Brandon said "only two more". so he's thinking this one, and then next week at 40 will be the last. I'm not quite sure... I wouldn't be surprised if we were able to get ourselves a picture at 41 weeks!
would not be surprised one bit.
we had an appointment with my midwife yesterday. and well, there really isn't a lot to report.
still pregnant. and it looks like I will most likely be making it to my appointment next week as well.

Total weight gain: 41 pounds
Maternity clothes? well of course. and due to this horrible weather we've been having lately (it seems more like October than July...) I wore my maternity jeans for the first time in awhile. I thought I was looonggg done with them.
Sleep: napping nearly every day. once Harper goes down for her nap, it's like my energy level just tanks. I've been taking advantage of her sleeping and getting myself a little nap in too. and not feeling an ounce bad about it, because here soon sleep will be a lot less than it is now! to the newborn world we will go :)
Best moment this week: the 4th of July for sure! we didn't have any big plans, but hung out with great friends, enjoyed great food, and watched some great fireworks. even though it's her second 4th of July, this was Harper's first time seeing the fireworks. after a little bit of warming up to them in the late afternoon, by the time it was dark and the real show was happening, she didn't have any fear of the loud booms. she still, four days later, has been talking about the "fie-wooks" :)
Current symptoms: just those that go along with being 39 weeks pregnant. uncomfortableness.
Miss anything? I'm really missing being able to have Harper sit on my lap in the rocking chair before bed reading books. with a belly this big, there isn't any space left for her to sit. baby brother is taking up allll the room! but Brandon has been completely taking over this duty and it's actually so sweet to watch them sit and read together :) warms my pregnant mama heart!
Miss anything? I'm really missing being able to have Harper sit on my lap in the rocking chair before bed reading books. with a belly this big, there isn't any space left for her to sit. baby brother is taking up allll the room! but Brandon has been completely taking over this duty and it's actually so sweet to watch them sit and read together :) warms my pregnant mama heart!
Labor signs? no. no. and no.
Looking forward to: Harper's second birthday party on Saturday!! HOW is our baby just days away from turning t w o??! her days of being the 'baby' are limited now and soon she will be a big sister girl! we are so excited to celebrate her and I can't wait to see what she thinks of her party :) then, (as long as baby boy is still comfy in my tummy) mommy + daddy will celebrate her again on her 'real' birthday on the 13th :)

and there we have it. week 39 is here!
bags are packed. car seat is in the car. and we're ready to roll once he decides to give us the green light.
I'm sure you will be hearing from me again in another 7 days! but I won't be complaining if you don't ;)
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