Tuesday, January 24, 2017

family getaway | suncadia 2016

while putting together the post + pictures for tanner turning 6 months, I ran across so many fun and sweet memories from our pre christmas family getaway to suncadia. although it was now over a month ago, I can't not bring all these treasured photos together and make a post out of it. and how much sweeter these will even be when I look back at them next year! I find that I so cherish pictures in the moment, but even so much more so when looking back after some time has passed.
so here ya have it! our family getaway to suncadia right before christmas 2016.
for memory's sake :)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Tanner Ross || 6 months

S I X...
when I woke on friday to my baby boy being six whole months old, I felt some sentimental emotions. gave me a little taste as to what I'll be feeling six months from now when he turns one. but that seems like a lifetime away. until it gets here and then it'll seem as though it came so fast. 
it really does amaze me how time just flies. but at the same time, it is all so great. so much joy is brought into our home with our sweet baby tanner.  his precious little spirit is almost too much for a mama's heart to handle. we're seeing his little personality shine more and more these days.

I feel like I keep saying it, and I know I'm gonna keep at it too- but this age is SO fun! his level of interaction with harper is just the best. he loves to play with her and she loves to play with him. most of the time ;)

oh our sweet tanner boy! we love you to the moon and back! and back again!
age: 6 months

                   birth: 8lbs 2 oz  --  21 inches
 2 days: 7lbs 11oz
 12 days: 9lbs 1oz
                                1 month: 12lbs 4oz  --  23 1/2 inches
                     2 months: 15lbs  --  24 inches
                                                 3 months: 17.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
                             4 months: 18lbs 13oz  --  27 inches
                                                  5 months:  20.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
**6 months: 21lbs 2oz  --  28 inches

clothes: 9-12 month
diapers: 3

Tanner name sign // Quincyjeanart
banner // hooray everyday
some big ones this month!!
--- first family trip to Suncadia + Leavenworth before Christmas (dec. 13-15) --- first solids- rice cereal! (dec. 19) --- first christmas! ---  first tooth!! (jan 6) --- sitting up! (jan 12) ---  
this boy is going through yet another growth spurt. but then again that seems to be the case since the day he was born. growth spurt after growth spurt after growth spurt. just look at him though- what else should I expect!?
still breastfeeding and going strong! my goal is to reach at least one year. harper was breastfed for 13 months, so I certainly believe it to be possible!
we usually have to go up to his nursery to get away somewhere quite for nursing because he's become much more easily distracted with all that's going on around him.
right now we are doing solids only once a day. we started with rice cereal mixed with breastmilk. after about a week of that, we've been playing with some veggies too. we have a baby breeze from when harper was a baby and I love it! after pureeing the vegetable, I then spoon it into ice cube trays, put them in the freezer, then once they're frozen I move them into ziploc bags. makes it so easy to grab and heat when it's time for tanner to eat.
right now, it's been one cube of veggie, followed by rice cereal. until he shows signs that he's over it. which with this guy, become very clear! he's quite vocal at meal time and gets very into it. I'm guessing this is just the beginning with having a son ;)
Tanner has had yellow squash + sweet potato + butternut squash. the butternut squash seems to be his favorite as of now. his reactions when we introduce a new food are quite funny but as he learns the new taste and texture, he has been accepting it all very well! praying he'll be a good eater like his sister! but who am I kidding? there's probably no question in that. I mean, just look at the kid ;)
being off our norm with the holiday + teething + having a cold, it's hard to say what's been going on. we're definitely much improved from where things were at four months though. it's much more rare for him to end up in our bed. he's getting back to being better at putting himself to sleep after a little rocking when first going down. 2-3 night wake ups are our norm. then it's nursing, a little settling down, and he's back to sleep. not bad in my book!
naps are about 2-3 a day. usually shorter, 45min ish in the morning and evening, with a bigger couple hour nap in the afternoon. usually ;)
sometimes we'll find that he's rolled himself over to his side while sleeping. and now he's actually wanting to tummy sleep at times! though he's not quite sure what exactly is going on when he wakes to find himself there. we'll see where this goes though! we could have a tummy sleeper on our hands.
loves playing peek a boo :) there's just something about how he likes to be startled. and he always has since the beginning of his little life. the biggest, happiest smile!
BOOKS!! books have hit a whole new level with tanner this month. he has loved them before, but now even more so. we make even more of a point to make sure he's included in harper's bedtime stories. the way his arms fly and his little facial expressions when he sees each new page as we read through the book.  it is so so fun! and I'm so happy he's as into books as his sister was as a baby.
tanner LOVES his big sister! harper literally doesn't have to do a darn thing, but just look at tanner and often she'll get smiles and giggles out of him. many times it turns into big belly laughs too. things like... while she was sitting on the potty and while using the feather duster around the house. so funny! and she of course LOVES it too! I truly get a tad bit jealous. but it warms my heart to see them playing and interacting with each other. the two of them will often sit and play together just engrossed with each other.
he's become so good with reaching + grabbing + holding. though he isn't crawling, he still manages to get himself scooted around the living room on his tummy.
--things I want to remember--
--- he has really learned his name. we just love when we can call over to him and he looks our way.
--- I don't really want to remember, but little guy came down with his second virus of his life. another stinking cold! so much sickness was going around over the holiday and he came down with it too. SO thankful it didn't turn into anything as bad as his bronchiolitis a couple months ago.
--- I keep trying to get clothes for him in the next size up to grown into and by the time they're washed + put in his room, he fits into them. I just can't keep up with his growing!
--- hates the car. though I do have to say the last handful of times have been sooo much better. there is hope that we're moving in the right direction here!

P H O T O  D U M P

happy half birthday our sweet boy!!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth