Showing posts with label Family Fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Fun. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Suncadia | 2018

it's year four that we've taken our getaway to suncadia right before christmas. we look forward to this every year. to escape the craze and busyness that the days leading up to the holiday bring, and just stop and enjoy eachother. it's so special to me and always make the best memories.
we've always stayed in the same exact condo. it gets me so sentimental that year after year it's been the same place. until this year. with our growing family of now five, we decided a house would fit us all better. it's so fun to think we started doing this when we were just a family of three!
and here we are, keeping this tradition going.
i dream about all the childhood memories our kiddos are making and will one day look back on.

these littles in their snow pants and matching hats!! 
7 am
cookie + coffee for breakfast
packing, packing, packing.
loading, loading, loading.
we need a bigger car.

10 am
all that medicine ball goodness for the roadtrip
picking the perfect carrot for frosty's nose
mad dash to the car to fill that babe's tum
no nap for the day and he passed right out on dad for the first time in a LONG time.
sleepy babe on that cozy bed.
and into bed in the 11 o'clock hour.

successful first day!
top of the list for day two is to hit the bakery for fresh cinnamon rolls and then to build a snowman.


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Friday, September 21, 2018

fall is here | summer 2018 recap

so many things i've wanted to share over the summer months, but we were busy DOING all the things! i wasn't able to find the moments in time to pull pictures and thoughts together to share each event as the summer went on.
...and THEN i've been dying to do a summer recap post with all our summer fun wrapped into one, as we welcomed in fall.
still didn't happen.
well somehow, now having our newborn baby tatum born, i have the time??
(those nighttime nursing sessions) ;)

anywho... here we have it!!

we had SUCH a great summer, and lived for it every day!
summers here in the PNW are the greatest and most beautiful ever.
one of our favorites.
all the simple backyard play.
staying home (i'm a major homebody!), playing in the backyard. 
a simple blowup pool, running through the sprinkler, water table play, and of course allll the OTTERPOPS! :)
our getaway to suncadia over the 4th of july weekend!

the most fun ice cream party for our TWO + FOUR year old birthday twins!!
treats before dinner + afternoon baking with my best two!
good 'ol family days!
some just the four of us. some grandparents, cousins, auntie + uncle too.
all equally good!
my favorite:: growing this tatum belly!!!

day after day spent at the pool!
our other favorite for summer!!
...and pool days followed up with LOTS of car to house nap transfers
a quick jaunt down to palm dessert (kid free!) to celebrate tyler + angela turning 30!
dance recital + swim lessons + golf lessons for our harper girl!
allll the donut + sonic stops

visits from family and friends!

a quick overnighter to celebrate US!
S E V E N years of marriage.
our week trip to my home state, of I D A H O!!
an evening + morning spent in pocatello.
then to mackay for a handful of days.
followed by our last couple days spent in sun valley.

cheer + dance clinic and performing at the rainier's baseball game for harper!
she did this last year, as a three year old, (she was the youngest of all the girls at the clinic). it was so fun to see how she has grown over the last year.
girl is a performer at heart!
ending summer, rolling into fall with a trip to the local dance store for a new leotard and shoes for this dance year and one last trip to the pool! 
it was the best summer and we packed it full! while also finding time to have the lazy days at home.
summer has always been my favorite season, but my heart has been a bit torn this year while also longing for fall. likely due to our waiting on our fall baby to arrive :)
and now that sweet tatum is here, it feels so good to welcome FALL! 
we've been spending our days in. sunggling + relaxing + and soaking up these precious moments.

i've shared pictures on insta, but next to come will be sharing more about our little tatum and how he made is {quick!} entrance into this world. 

as of now, back to cuddling my sweet baby and cherishing these slow days at home with my family of FIVE.


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth