Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

all aboard... the crazy train!

where oh where has life taken me lately.
since the day we got back from vacation - a week ago already! (a belated post to come on our trip) it's like I've been on the crazy train and can't decide if time has drug on or flown by. You know that feeling?!
and for everything that has been packed into it, it has felt like such a blur. 
somewhere in this last week I've traveled back home from the vacay, unpacked and gotten the house back in (some) order, had a sick/teething toddler (which is still ongoing - and quite honestly the most exhausting part), a midwife check up, an ultrasound on baby boy, a celebratory birthday brunch, and hosting supper club. just crazy! (so clearly no 19 week bump update!) and saying it all, makes me feel like the last week has been more like a month long.
so back to that sick/teething toddler...
during the last couple days of our sunny getaway to Palm Desert, CA, Harper was going through some teething discomfort.
drooling + fingers in her mouth.
her back mollars have been slowly working their way on and off over the past month.
well... things started seeming just 'different' with her a few days ago and we decided to take her in to the pediatrician. and well and behold, she has a throat infection. explains why my big eater suddenly hasn't wanted to eat anything!
so we're still on the mend from that and it has been so hard for me to be couped up in the house with this gorgeous sunny weather we've been having this week! but mama duties call first :) and there's no other place I would be than with her.

well, we're midweek now and here's to hoping by the weekend/before this nice weather ends (!) we are back to normal around here!
but hey- on the positive note- with a new baby on the way, this only preps us for a life that is going to continue to get crazier and crazier.

Happy hump day!!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Life as of Late

Life as of late has been good. actually, really good. 
We have ourselves a toddler who is so kind and sweet (don't get me wrong, we have hard moments), but she really is such a joy. on top of her, we now have a baby boy who will be entering our lives this summer. and I am oh so thankful for a pregnancy that has been a majority of the time, enjoyable thus far. and honestly how I love the pregnancy months and carrying my babies! these precious gifts from God are so sweet and fulfill us in a way we didn't even know was needed. until Harper joined our family of course :)
I have been working on gathering ideas for what we want baby boy's nursery to be. we are also working to find the perfect name for him. Brandon and I have found that during pregnancies we don't put a single thought into what the baby's name will be until we know the gender. now that we've known he is a he for a few weeks, it really is time we get thinking so that we are confident in the perfect name for our sweet boy.

It really seems like there has been so.much.rain as of late. until the last couple of days! and we have been taking advantage of this sunshine that's for sure! walks around the neighborhood, playing at our street's playground, getting the car washed, donuts, a trip to the big play ground not far from our house, and overall feeling the energy from the sun :) but I hear the rain making its way again. tomorrow they say.
BUT Brandon, Harper, and I really can't complain because we are getting away to some California sunshine this weekend! it is much needed that's for sure. I'm looking forward to not having house chores, swimming at the pool, working on my tan (desperately needed!), going to coffee in the mornings while sitting outside soaking up the sun, eating at some favorite restaurants, and everything else that a sunny vacation brings. 
The countdown is on and we are officially less than two days away from vacation time!!
and I can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday than being on vacay :) only a few more days of 26!

P H O T O  D U M P!


Thursday, October 15, 2015


I had never been to the east coast before this trip, but man! It's gorgeous. I would recommend anyone to go if they have the opportunity. The history, picture perfect scenery, old architecture, and views. Just stunning. And to be honest pictures don't even do justice to how eye catching it all is in person. So get ready. Cause as I'm sure you can imagine... a big 'ol photo dump is making its way! 
There were times when I did soooo good at taking numerous pictures to document this trip, but then other times I was so into my surroundings and soaking it all in, that the camera went untouched. 
There were less pictures taken of us, but more of the beauty around us. Can you blame me? Just look at all the colors of those trees.  And they were even more vibrant in person.
My little brother (well in a few days he'll be 23 and he's bigger than me - so I guess he's my 'not-so-little' brother now) is in the Navy and stationed in Groton, Connecticut. Soooo the fam (me, Brandon, Harper, mom, and dad) flew in to make a trip out of a few days of leave Nickolas had. And yes, I still call him Nickolas although nearly everyone else uses 'Nick' ;) 
Being that Boston is only a couple hours away from Groton, we thought it'd be a fun place to explore and just went with it. And I'm so glad we did! Boston did not disappointed one bit! It was so fun getting the opportunity to visit. So I guess I can thank the Navy for that one ;) 
Our 6 day trip... Here we go! (day 1 + day 6 were travel, BUT to me vacation starts the minute I leave my house until the minute I step back through my front door).

Day 1:
Plane rides. Oh plane rides.
Harper has been on many, many flights since she was a newborn and has always been so good to fly with. Well of course being (almost) 15 months old, she's now more active than e v e r. and therefor this flight was more challenging than e v e r. BUT we made it through and she did nap for some of it :) and how about that long-messy-baby mullet-nap hair!
Day 2:
We started out our first day by really exploring downtown Boston with the Freedom Trail Tour. It really was the best way to start our trip and throw us right into the history of Boston. This tour takes you all through downtown Boston and highlights all of the historic significance.
The Old State House.
Massachusetts State House + Boston Common (America's oldest state park)
The views of these gorgeous buildings are just stunning, but there's nothing better than my view of this man ;)
Harper slept the e n t i r e tour, which we were A-OK with. That meant for a more peaceful enjoyment of the tour for us :)
...but once it was over and she was up, she was ready to explore! Only with her blanke in hand, of course...
That cheesy grin!
Then it was dinner at the historic Union Oyster House. Which is the oldest running, restaurant in the country.
Brandon LOVED it.
Harper, not so much.
Day 3:
We toured the USS Constitution. Which is currently the oldest active warship in America. We followed that with some shopping and dinner. Yes, we were those people and did every touisty thing we could think of. And we loved it!
Day 4:
Concord, Massachusetts.
I thought I loved Boston the most, and then we went to Concord (which is only about 15ish minutes outside of the city). Concord is where some of the first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired. I loved this town. They have kept it so historic and quaint. If I didn't know better, I never could've guessed that we were just minutes away from the busy, populated city of Boston. Concord was so calm and peaceful. And beautiful! I loved the old churches and houses.
I have some inner desire where I wish I lived back in those days. There's just something about that small town, less hectic of a life, feel.
It's times like this that make me have even more of a desire to slow down and simplify our life and enjoy those little things.
A day of lunch and exploring around the town :)
And look at those piggies of hers! #hearteyes
"Yes, Harper, that is a dog."
Her love for all dogs. And clearly I mean allll dogs ;)
Our walking then led us to the old battle ground where those first Revolutionary War shots where fired. What an indescribable experience to be setting foot on the exact ground where men fought and lost their lives while fighting for what mattered most.
While strolling the grounds, little miss experienced her first sucker. And that soon became a big 'ol sticky mess :)
Day 5:
Fenway Park + Boston Harbor
The oldest baseball park in America. Built in 1911.
That seems to be a trend here "..the oldest        in America.." But what would you expect, we are in Boston after all :)
Brandon + Harper (asleep yet again for an entire tour) + Nickolas (my Navy Nuke brother - so proud of him!)
The oldest seats in baseball. Think how many people have sat here since back in the early 1900s.
Our last evening in Boston ended at Boston Harbor.
It was perfect.
Perfect temperature.
Perfect scenery.
Perfect company.
Their love for each other melts my heart every day.

Day 6:
Traveling home.
No pictures were taken because I was sad to be leaving and to be honest, down right exhausted!

Thank you, Boston for creating so many lifelong memories for my family and I.
This will be a trip forever cherished and remembered.
And now back to real life of laundry, dishes, and making the bed. Ughh!
