Monday, October 26, 2015


It's a dreaded time of year when it comes to pesky colds. Am I right??!
We recently felt colds trying to make their way around here and I jumped right on that to try to kick them before they made a full appearance. Cause ain't nobody got time for that. And I succeeded! This time at least...  Thank goodness too! Because there isn't much else like having tissue in hand and chasing around a snotty-nosed toddler.

Having a {walking} toddler now, we go more places and do more things where she is able to pick up more germs. And they are everywhere! But I'm certainly not going to lock ourselves in the house and live in a boring bubble (although sometimes I wouldn't mind that) ;), so the biggest thing... keep the immune system up so the colds can't make their way in the first place!
But when that hasn't worked, follow 1-8 bellow :)
How many germs you wanna guess are all over that slide?!
1. Humidifier. I am so impressed with this Honeywell. Love it! I had the Crane Drop Shape before and it was worthless. I run the humidifier in Harper's room during naps and night while she is asleep. Helps SO much in breaking up that congestion!
2. Essential Oils (thyme, lavender, eucalyptus). I swear by 'em. In so many ways. My favorite to use is the ImmuBoost blend from Time Laboratories. I put my oil diffuser with a few drops of that in her room while she sleeps. Smells so good too!
3. Viamin D. This is HUGE for our immune systems! Around here we take a vitamin d supplement every day of the year. Brandon and I take 5000 IU a day and then baby Vitamin D drops for Harper.
4. Daily Multivitamin. Once a day I mix this multi powder in either yogurt or cottage cheese for Harper. A little extra umph to go along with her daily diet.
5. Fruits + Veggies. Pack these babies in and get lots of them! They are loaded with vitamins and minerals help the body fight off whatever comes its way.
6. Fluids. Fluids. Fluids. All day every day.
7. Rest. Just get it. Promise it makes all the difference! Otherwise those darn colds can linger, and linger, and linger. No thanks!
8. Wash hands. Extra attention to this one when it's germ killing time!

There ya have it! It's that season so start doing it before the cold even starts to appear.
We're healthy as horses over here. Praying it will stay that way!


Friday, October 23, 2015


I haven't a clue what day it is lately. And that is mainly because we have been having so much fun! And to be honest when you're a stay-at-home-mama with a husband who is a busy realtor (who works nearly 7 days a week) the day of the week doesn't matter. Tuesdays can feel the same as Saturdays. We take it day by day and embrace it all!
After our Boston trip, Brandon left four days later to make a HUGE check mark on his bucket list by going to the USC vs Notre Dame game with his dad and brother. You could say he was just a little over the moon ;)
Well while daddy was away, my little and I did some Saturday morning shopping! New rain boots were in order since we were heading to the pumpkin patch (for our second time!) later that day.
Doesn't she look just the cutest in her boots?! Harper however was a bit more into the aquarium and the balloon :)
We made round two to the pumpkin patch with Auntie and her sister and her two girls who were in town visiting for the weekend.
There isn't much cuter than three littles piled in a wheelbarrow!
Living in Washington, the weather can catch ya by surprise. And boy did it! We planned ahead by checking the weather the day before (which said there wouldn't be any rain Saturday afternoon) well... that was 100% w r o n g! By the end of our 4 hours, we all looked close to what drowned rats might look like. And the three littles were over it.
But memories were certainly made :)
Come Sunday, Grandma She-She made a visit from Idaho! We love when she's here and hate when she has to leave.
Grandma left Tuesday and by Wednesday I didn't have a darn clue what the day was and was shocked to find out the week was already half over! But then again, does it really matter the day?? NO.
Now here's to another weekend! (I think...)
Yes! Happy Fri-YAY!


Thursday, October 22, 2015


Easy dinner meals?? YES please!!
And here's one of my favorites. Stuffed peppers!
This is such a quick, easy, go-to meal around our house. I generally have these ingredients on hand, so when it's one of those nights where a meal wasn't planned (or there was a change in plans) I can whip these babies together in no time! And the bonus.. I don't need a side to go with them because... veggie, check. protein, check. whole grain, check. Now that's what I'm talkin' about! This here recipe covers T H R E E major food groups. Stuffed peppers really are an all in one.
**Disclaimer: now it definitely isn't the 'prettiest' of meals I've made, but let me tell ya, they are so so so good. Don't let the looks deceive you ;)

Ingredient List:
3 bell peppers (any color)
1 small onion diced
2 cups cooked quinoa or brown rice (I use a quinoa rice blend from Costco)
1 can black beans drained and rinsed
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Shredded parmesan cheese

--Preheat oven to 350.
--Cut bell peppers in half and clean out seeds/stems.
--In a bowl combine cooked quinoa/rice, drained & rinsed black beans, diced onion, and seasonings.
--Spoon pepper halves full of quinoa/bean mixture.
--Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
--Place on baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.
How easy is that??!
The peppers get cooked just enough to where their flavors have come out, but yet they haven't gotten too soft. I'm a texture person and too soft/over cooked veggies make me wanna gag. So with 10 minutes in the oven, these babies have reached perfection!
Really you could use just about any sort of ingredients to stuff your peppers. Diced or shredded chicken.. Ground turkey breast.. Various beans & veggies. Get creative!
