Thursday, November 2, 2017


these are one of my favorite kinds of post to look back on (along with kiddo updates)!
it always amazes me just how quick we move from one phase, onto the next.
and it's far too easy to almost 'forget' what life was like in the previous stage.

I had all the intentions to make this same post while we were on a two naps a day schedule with tanner... but here we are... and by the time I've gotten around to it... he's now down to one a day!

it has changed a little bit of how our days run.
the stage we're in right now is one that I just LOVED when harper was tanner's same age... and i've been kindly waiting for it to come. with a one nap a day schedule, our life is so on routine. and I LIVE FOR IT. I'm open to being flexible with these two littles in my life when we need to be. but boy do we run our days best when we're living on our routine!
I try my hardest to wake before harper and tanner do. with a goal of 6:30am.
I like to be able to wash my face, put my contacts in, make the bed, and pour myself a cup of iced coffee before I'm needed to tend to one of the littles.

 if time allows before they wake (and depending on what time I woke) I will spend some time in my journal and devotions. I find if i can start my day this way, I'm at least off on the right foot here in this moment and I'm better ready for what comes in our day.
every morning I also write my self a 'to-do' list so I keep focused on what I want to get done that day. if I don't I find that...
1. I feel like I didn't get anything accomplished that day (it helps to be able to cross off what task I did. I often even include little daily things like laundry, dishes, other cleaning, ect.) such satisfaction crossing something off the list!
2. when I'm busy with the kids, I often forget what I'd hoped to do and the day's busyness can sometimes take over
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 Harper usually wakes around 7am.
either brandon or I will make smoothies for the kids and give harper hers and then tanner's waits for him in the fridge until he wakes.
frozen fruit + whole milk greek yogurt + whole milk + a splash of orange juice
 a show or two for her while she drinks her smoothie.
usually little einsteins or bubble guppies.
throw princess sophia + doc mcstuffins in the mix there too ;)
tanner starts to stir around 7:30am and I'll usually go up to get him around 8 :)
this boy does better if he has a little time to wake on his own before we greet him in his room with his smoothie.
 if we don't have many plans for the day and it's a slower morning home, I will make a hot breakfast for us all around 8:30. if we have somewhere to be sooner, it'll be a quicker breakfast. usually oatmeal or toast or frozen waffles with a side of fruit.
I usually spend a good 30 minutes afterwards doing dishes/cleaning up the kitchen/living room while these two play/help me :)
then we're upstairs to get ready for the day!
this particular day all we really had on our agenda was a stop for some groceries so our morning at home before heading out was slow paced and a bit leisurely.
if we have somewhere to be sooner, breakfast is quicker, clean up isn't done as well ;), and it's a quick 'getting ready' (where I usually skip my hair or makeup, or both!)
we try to get back home by noon as to fit in lunch before naps.
we'll usually watch a little bit of a show before nap and tanner will have some regular whole milk warmed up.
one nap a day for tanner is new for us as of just a couple weeks ago, but his nap time has been falling about 1:00-3:30/4. and it's great!!
if harper is in need of a nap that day, she too will go down at this time. if not, I will let her rest on the couch and watch a movie. while I get some 'me' time! ;) to work on the things on my 'to-do' list that are much more challenging with two kiddos awake and active. and some blogging if I can fit it in too :)
after that, while tanner is still finishing his nap, harper and I will have some one on one time. it may just be some house chores we do together, a craft, a couple pages in her workbook, or baking of some sort :) I love our one on one time together! 
3:30/4 tanner is up!!
...and a well rested, happy boy he always is!
I'll often keep the three of us upstairs and work on folding some laundry or picking up bedrooms until it's time to get dinner going.
dinner around here is generally around 5:30. 
we find it important in our house to all have dinner together at the table. so that's what we do :)
after dinner + kitchen clean up, if it's bath night we'll head upstairs for that (we do baths every other night), and if it's not, we'll get a little extra play/family time!
after all the bath time craziness of washing + drying + lotion + jammies + ear cleaning + hair combing.... we wind down with a show and chocolate milk.
for our chocolate milk we do: whole milk for tanner - - 1% milk for harper & mixed with a little chocolate carnation instant breakfast.
then it's to the bedrooms we head! for some reason they often think this suddenly turns to play time! butttt... after reading a few books together, oil + socks on feet, brushing teeth, washing face + hands, and a camel ride back to their rooms, it's to bed they go :)
I take tanner, who is super easy-peasy these days!! lullaby music on, lights out, cuddle and sing a couple songs, then it's down in his crib he goes.
brandon takes harper, and with a bit of work, her music is on, lights are out, and bedroom door is shut.
we work for 'bed by 8' and usually we're able to hit it, if not just shortly after!!
wash my face, contacts out, sweats on.
once the babes are in bed it's all about husband + wife time for brandon and I.
...and we roll into bed always later than we should around 10:30/11.
this was a 'typical' day at home. but also throw in various appointments, kindermusik, dance class, play dates, ect. in there.
some lazy days. some productive days. and surely everything in between.
ultimately we are happiest at home. with a few fun things sprinkled in throughout our week :)

I always love learning how others run their days + what 'a day in the life' looks like for them. to learn from others how they balance life and to pick up a piece of advice along the way.

it's such a sweet spot in raising babies when you get to a good ol' routine and stay there for just awhile :) 


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween Party!

we held a first ever halloween party at our house on friday for the kids!
harper has reached the age where activities like this bring her so much excitement and fun. tanner was along for the ride and had fun too, but harper understood alllll that was going on and the anticipation working up to the party was so big for her.
I tell ya, holidays just keep getting BETTER the more kids we have and as they reach new ages and stages. 
I've never been one to celebrate christmas until thanksgiving passes, but because of these kiddos and how fun it all is, we might jump ship a little sooner this year ;)
...but first... HALLOWEEN!
this party was so fun to put together. and it really was pretty quick + simple too.
we started the party with pumpkin painting for the 'older' kids. I say older loosely because it's referring to the five 3-year-olds :) who really aren't that old at all!
then a little pin the nose on the pumpkin!
for food:: I made a couple snacks/treats, we had pizza delivered, and a few friends brought a goody along with them too!
...and then some little goody bags to send home with our friends!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
we're so looking forward to some good trick or treating tomorrow night and ready to throw those costumes back on! if it were up to these kids of ours, they'd be in their costumes every day + night.

happy halloween, friends!!
can't wait to see everyone's costumes and enjoy the excitement of this holiday!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

OUR TABLE || favorite fall recipes

ever since the temperatures dropped a bit & fall rolled around, the amount of weekly meal planning and cooking in the kitchen I've been doing has increased so much more. it seems to be that the busyness from summer died down a bit and I now have time for it again :) anddd we aren't spending almost every evening out on the back deck bbqing like we had been.
it feels sooo good to be cooking yummy things!

I've shared a handful of things I've made recently on my insta stories and have gotten lots of questions for the recipes! so I thought I'd just make this post real quick and throw in a few of the ones I've been asked about!
I'll start with the most recent one I made just the night before last for when our weekly bible study friends came over & it's so appropriate for the season... cream cheese pumpkin roll!!

PUMPKIN ROLL || I can't take any credit for the recipe other than a good pinterest/google search. this isn't any secret family recipe... just good ol' ;) I have this saved to my pinterest board to keep for reference when I need it.
...and here's the direct link to it! :)
Pumpkin Roll with Cream Cheese Filling
SIMPLE APPLE CRISP || a favorite here that my mom started making YEARS ago. and seriously the easiest apple crisp EVER! and the BEST too!
this is a pampered chef recipe. who remember's pampered chef parties!??
my mom held them at our house allll the time when I was growing up and we fell in love with some of their recipes and have made them our 'regulars'. and this apple crisp is certainly one fo them!
Quick Apple Crisp:
5 granny smith apples (though I usually do 6)
1 package yellow cake mix (yep! easy peasy right there!)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/4 cup butter, melted
1/2 chopped nuts (I always leave this one out)

:: preheat oven to 350*.
:: peel, core, slice apples, and cut them in half. if you don't have one of these, you NEED one!
:: place apples in a deep 9x13 baking dish
:: combine cake mix, sugar, cinnamon, butter, and nuts (if you choose), until crumbly.
:: sprinkle mixture over prepared apples
:: bake 35-40 minutes or until apples are tender.
:: serve warm + top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and you'll be in heaven! :)
HOMEMADE MAC+CHEESE || this is one I kinda just 'toss' together, but I'm gonna attempt to nail it down to an actual(ish) recipe :) my measurements aren't really 'measurements' though so forgive me!
if you've never had homemade mac+cheese, you are missing out! it's nearly just as simple as boxed, and is soooo delish!!
Homemade Mac+Cheese:
 1/2 box of elbow macaroni noodles
1 egg
couple tbsp butter
couple splashes of milk
couple handfuls shredded cheese
1/2 cup bread crumbs
couple tbsp olive oil

:: cook noodles as directed on package + drain + return to pot on stovetop
:: stir in one whisked egg, the butter, and milk
:: add in shredded cheese. add in what you need to get the amount of cheesy-ness you desire! :)
:: combine + stir until all your cheese is melted (I sometimes will turn the burner on low as I'm doing this)
:: we like ours topped with breadcrumbs, so I combine those with olive oil, and then sprinkle on top after pouring the mac + cheese mixture into a baking dish. crumbled bacon on top would also be sooo good!
:: to brown the top up a little, I put the pan in the oven under broil for just a couple minutes

so yum! and perfect fo accompany dinner or even for a weekend lunch!

BANANA BREAD || this one I have shared before! and HERE is my recipe to the BEST banana bread I've EVER had!
though call me bias! ;)

there ya go, friends!!
any questions on any of them, feel free to ask :)
also would LOVE to know some of your favorite things to make during this time of year!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth