Friday, September 21, 2018

fall is here | summer 2018 recap

so many things i've wanted to share over the summer months, but we were busy DOING all the things! i wasn't able to find the moments in time to pull pictures and thoughts together to share each event as the summer went on.
...and THEN i've been dying to do a summer recap post with all our summer fun wrapped into one, as we welcomed in fall.
still didn't happen.
well somehow, now having our newborn baby tatum born, i have the time??
(those nighttime nursing sessions) ;)

anywho... here we have it!!

we had SUCH a great summer, and lived for it every day!
summers here in the PNW are the greatest and most beautiful ever.
one of our favorites.
all the simple backyard play.
staying home (i'm a major homebody!), playing in the backyard. 
a simple blowup pool, running through the sprinkler, water table play, and of course allll the OTTERPOPS! :)
our getaway to suncadia over the 4th of july weekend!

the most fun ice cream party for our TWO + FOUR year old birthday twins!!
treats before dinner + afternoon baking with my best two!
good 'ol family days!
some just the four of us. some grandparents, cousins, auntie + uncle too.
all equally good!
my favorite:: growing this tatum belly!!!

day after day spent at the pool!
our other favorite for summer!!
...and pool days followed up with LOTS of car to house nap transfers
a quick jaunt down to palm dessert (kid free!) to celebrate tyler + angela turning 30!
dance recital + swim lessons + golf lessons for our harper girl!
allll the donut + sonic stops

visits from family and friends!

a quick overnighter to celebrate US!
S E V E N years of marriage.
our week trip to my home state, of I D A H O!!
an evening + morning spent in pocatello.
then to mackay for a handful of days.
followed by our last couple days spent in sun valley.

cheer + dance clinic and performing at the rainier's baseball game for harper!
she did this last year, as a three year old, (she was the youngest of all the girls at the clinic). it was so fun to see how she has grown over the last year.
girl is a performer at heart!
ending summer, rolling into fall with a trip to the local dance store for a new leotard and shoes for this dance year and one last trip to the pool! 
it was the best summer and we packed it full! while also finding time to have the lazy days at home.
summer has always been my favorite season, but my heart has been a bit torn this year while also longing for fall. likely due to our waiting on our fall baby to arrive :)
and now that sweet tatum is here, it feels so good to welcome FALL! 
we've been spending our days in. sunggling + relaxing + and soaking up these precious moments.

i've shared pictures on insta, but next to come will be sharing more about our little tatum and how he made is {quick!} entrance into this world. 

as of now, back to cuddling my sweet baby and cherishing these slow days at home with my family of FIVE.


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Monday, September 3, 2018

35 weeks || littlest brother bump update

i've gotta get another bump update in before it's too late. i've been meaning to for about 5 weeks, and if i wait another 5, chances are i'd be too late!
the last update i did was at 23 weeks. over 10 weeks ago!
so here's a quick little recap/summary from what the last several weeks have been for us.
how far along? 35 weeks + 4 day

total weight gain: 30 lbs

baby is the size of a: pineapple

maternity clothes? pretty much the same outfit day after day over here. my favorite maternity full panel denim shorts, paired with a gap maternity tank (the most comfy ever!). i try and think of some other pieces to wear to mix it up, but this is what i tend to go back to day after day. and i'm fine with it, because i am allll for comfort at this point!

stretch marks? just those leftover from my previous two pregnancies. i haven't noticed new ones yet, but we will see! my skin has been itchy lately so i am moisturizing at least twice a day!

sleep: snuggle me up in my pregnancy pillow, turn the diffuser on with some of my most favorite oils inside, most nights a quick calf massage with my favorite essential oil lotion mix (for those calf cramps) and i am out in no time!

best moment as of late: baby's movements are so big and so obvious, it makes me just so happy every time i feel him. i'm expecting him to be another long little babe just like his brother and sister were/are! i feel him pushing way down into my hips and all at the same time i can feel his long little legs up at the top of my uterus by my ribs. my favorite is when i can feel with my hands on the outside a little nob, which i can only assume is either a knee or heal :) he has been in the perfect position for delivery (head down, back to my left side), and we pray he continues to stay that way the next weeks to come before he's born! i'm savoring these last weeks, yet so anxious to hold him for the first time. it's such a sweet time over here :)

excited for: getting the nursery finished up! we had chosen furniture that then happen to be backordered, and it finally got here last week!! now it's time to hustle and get all the things in their place and the final touches before this sweet boy joins us. a little bit of stress and a whole lotta excitement! i've been washing all the sweet baby things (in dreft- the best smelling laundry detergent EVER!) 

current symptoms: gosh, other than my braxton hicks contractions increasing, not a whole lot here! i'm thankful for that. i do get tired and uncomfortable at times, but at this point in pregnancy with tanner i was uncomfortable from swelling as well as carpal tunnel. i'm so happy that neither of those are bothering me at this point this time! i still go into the chiropractor (and have been for months) about every 2ish weeks for an adjustment. it's key for me to manage sciatic pain as well as help my body + baby prep for labor/delivery.

midwife update: i go in next on wednesday this week. i'll be 35 weeks + 6 days. almost 36 weeks! baby's heartbeat has been sounding so great and strong at all the previous appointments we've had. and he's growing as expected. i measure right on track to my corresponding week. we're starting to do some prep for him before he comes, i've stopped taking my fish oil supplements (still taking my prenatal, iron, vitamin d, and calcium) and have added in an herbal gentle birth formula. at 35 weeks, my midwife always has me begin this as it's meant to start toning my uterus in preparation for labor + delivery. a few weeks ago, i also had to go in for a morning fasting glucose test as i didn't quite pass my initial glucose test. thankful to say that all is good and my blood sugars were right in range from the fasting draw!

miss anything? right now, no. i love pregnancy. and as it's going to be over for me in just a handful of weeks, i am cherishing this time. i know i will miss being pregnant once i no longer am.

movement: oh yes :) sometimes i think he's been my most active baby, but then not so much. i'd say he moves about as much as tanner did while in my belly. my boys seem to be a little busier and have more wiggles than harper did. typical ;)

food cravings/aversions: meh.. any cravings that were on before have now faded off. right now i just go with what is currently sounding good, which can depend on the day or time of day. we'll be going to the fair in the next week or two, so i'm sure i'll find plenty that sounds good while we're there ;)

gender? sweetest little boy :)

looking forward to: repetitive to up above, but every prenatal appointment, getting the nursery done, and enjoying these weeks! i have so much excitement for having baby three at the birthing inn again, just like his siblings. and hope that he too can be born in the same room as harper + tanner were. praying that all stays well with baby and i where i can have the birth that i have hopes for.

how i'm preparing: we've still got a name to decide on! brandon and i are torn between two. two that we both love, but we each love one a little more.

P H O T O  D U M P

follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Harper Monaé || FOUR YEARS

oh my harper girl. 
you are four. 
i don’t know how it can be. it gets me feeling all the emotions of you not being my little tiny baby anymore, yet at the same time i just love how you have grown into the sweet girl you are! it brings me so much joy and happiness to have your sweet soul with me everyday. you are so fun and my little bff. 
always by my side. always wanting to be involved with what I’m doing. you are such a little mama yourself. you are my right hand girl and i just know you always will be as we're raising your little brothers too. they are so lucky to have a big sis like you!
tanner is rarely out of your sight. and you're always talking about all the ways you're going to help me take care of your new little brother once he arrives.
i CANNOT wait to see how you fall in love with him.
i am cherishing these precious days, my sweet girl.
couldn't love you any more.
-xoxo, love your mama
Harper girl, 
Happy 4th Birthday!  To think you're 4 already is just crazy to me.  I look back at pictures when you were first born, and I can’t believe we’re already to this age.  You are such a beautiful little girl full of love, compassion, and sweetness… just like your Mom!  You are an amazing sister to your brother Tanner and I can’t wait to see you love & care for your new little brother in a few months. 
I pray that your life will be filled with happiness and that Jesus directs your path. Rely on Him and He will be with you always.  I love you more than words can say, and you will always be my little girl! 
Daddy loves you!  Happy Birthday Harper!

last year:: THREE YEARS


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth