Showing posts with label Hjelseth Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hjelseth Life. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Family Getaway | Cannon Beach, OR

life is busy. life is great. 
and it's about to get a whole lot busier and even that much better.
but before we bring the fourth member into our family (and while traveling is still ok for me) :) we decided to put a pause on 'normal' life for a day and took a little family day trip to the beach!
and it's just what our hearts needed at just the right time.
I tell ya... there honestly isn't anything in this world like family time. 
these two are my life and bring me more joy and happiness than I ever could've imagined I needed.
ok, enough with that... here's our trip! :)
a three hour road trip didn't sound too bad with a toddler. we had snacks packed, books, toys, and when needed, we could pop down the dvd player in the car.
little miss is currently working a couple two year molers in and well... enough said.
though she isn't really that bad of a teether, it does play on some of our days/moments.
about 45 minutes from arriving, and she was not having it. getting tired + cranky. and just not falling asleep... ahh! we were really having to practice our patience to say the least ;) 
and then. no joke. two (maybe three!) minutes out. she fell asleep.
cue driving around town to buy a little time for her to at least get a small cat nap in.
three hours of driving when there was perfect opportunity for a great nap... the life of traveling with children!
...and the real estate world... never.sleeps.
I was too eager for this day to really begin to just keep waiting in the car while Brandon worked and Harper slept...
so we woke Harper, got some lunch, and began to explore!
the candy store!!
this girl LOVED going around to each taffy bin and filling our bag one salt water taffy at a time! :)
and 10 dollars worth of salt water taffy later...
happy campers!!
it was just a perfect day all around. 
my absolute favorite though... watching Harper explore the beach for the first time. 
she was in heaven! we all were :)
leading up to going, we had been talking about our road trip and going to the beach. and Harper couldn't stop talking about it.
"road trip!"
"beach. ocean."
"see whales. fishies. dolphins."
this was the moment she had been waiting for!

building sandcastles with daddy.
even today she's still talking about her sandcastles :)

time to make our way to the water! this pacific northwest ocean water is cold, but she had so much fun dipping her feet in!

oh my heart. the bond between these two is enough to bring me to tears. their love for each other is so sweet.
just looking at these pictures now and remembering our day makes my eyes water. the pregnancy hormones could have a little to do with that! ;)

it was thee best day.
just the three of us away together.
it was the first day trip we've taken and I foresee it being the first of many!


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Life Lately

life. the little thing called- life.
it's been great lately. but so often (due to pregnancy tiredness) I have a little battle within myself where I want to just do nothing all day and hang out at home vs. doing all the fun things with Harper during these last weeks while she's still my one and only little. 
of course the easiest thing to do with an almost 22 month old is to just stay home. and that's the homebody in me :) but honestly, running around in and out of the car is not always the easiest. although she does do great on days out of the house! we've been finding a good balance and days where we're home for the day (with the weather being so nice) we've been spending lots of our time out in the backyard. 
and we love it.
the comfort of our own home, but yet the playing + fresh air + sunshine.
though I know it is going to be an adjustment having two babes- one that we can't quite prepare ourselves for- I am so looking forward to our littlest being here in a couple of months and having him join our sunny summer days at home :)

well.. over a month ago (!!!) we had Easter. little miss had tears over putting her slip on, but all was good once we got passed it :)
grandma she-she came for a visit!
this girl loves her dog 'my-no' (mylo) :)
Harper's first 'movie night'
Madagascar! and she fell in love with licorice just like her mama and daddy :)
EE and Tyler are having a BOY!!
I never want to forget how she 'hops like a rabbit' 
thank you bubble guppies for this one ;)
zoo days. and lots of them!
I think the zoo pass has already paid itself off!

errands with mama. always making the most of it!
my little best friend is so, so good and tagging along.
lots of playing out in the yard + sunny weather walks!
extras: P H O T O  D U M P!!

and another week has almost passed again... Happy Wednesday all!!
