Thursday, December 1, 2016

three + four month favorites

...doing this quick before yet another month flies by!
november has been a bit of a tough month over here. from harper being sick with a yucky cold, to then tanner coming down with bronchiolitis. I'm not quite sure where the last three weeks went. sick babies make for such a roller coster of days/weeks. it looks like we're finally seeing the light though! 

so... a few of our favorite things for three + four months!

floor play mat // since tanner began reaching and playing with toys- toys have been a big new favorite around here. the floor mat we have is from when harper was a baby and it's just as loved!

car seat toys // we're entering the phase of needing entertainment in the car. of course tanner gets very entertained by harper :) a few carseat toys have also been helpful. we have this elephant and this hanging toy and he really likes them both. 

nursing cover // I ended up buying a second of these after tanner was born. being that it doubles as a carseat cover, it easily got dirty and days (or weeks) could pass by the time I got it washed, dried, and back in my bag :)

paci clips // we use these every day! though my legs could benefit from the squatting down all day long, it's much easier that we use a clip to keep the paci from falling on the ground. and these leather ones by Ryan & Rose, I love for tanner.

monitor // we had/have this exact same levana monitor for harper and were so happy with it that we bought a second to have for tanner. harper's has been dropped a thousand and one times, but is somehow still hanging in there and working for us!

play chair // we used this chair allll the time when harper was a baby. and we're already getting lots of use out of it with tanner! it's also so easy to clean- which makes me love it that much more :)

mama roo // another hand-me-down from harper. we're likely nearing the end of swing days as tanner prefers more and more to be in a sitting position. but it's still quite useful to bring into the kitchen for him to hang out in while i"m making dinner on the nights where he doesn't want me out of his sight :)

how in heaven's name will he be tuning F I V E months in just less than two weeks!?


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Christmas Holiday Fun List

I've always been the "no Christmas until after Thanksgiving" kind of person. I know, I know... some think I'm all bahumbagh because of it. well.... having kids is changing me. just a little.
the christmas decorations were brought in from the garage this last weekend, I'm already writing a christmas bucket list for us this year, and as I'm sitting here typing, I've turned on the classic rudolph show for harper.
...and I'm actually loving it!!

having kids (especially now of age to understand more of the excitement) makes this holiday even that much more fun! I can't wait for us to do all these fun holiday things together and to see harper light up and enjoy it all with us!

here's one of our pictures from last christmas season. I was just barley pregnant with tanner :)
so excited to take our family pictures this weekend!

2016 Christmas holiday fun list:

--decorate the tree as a family with christmas music playing in the background and sipping on hot apple cider

--bake + decorate sugar cookies. I"m on the lookout for the softest sugar cookie recipe. I've yet to find one that I've fallen in love with.

--ZOO lights at our local zoo. we've been before, but I just know harper is going to LOVE it this year! she already loves when we go to the zoo and this will be magical for her.

--drive around neighborhoods looking at christmas lights with some hot cocoa :)
--watch christmas movies in our christmas jammies while eating stove popped popcorn

--make, cut, and wrap our annual homemade caramels

--deliver christmas goodies to our neighbors. we did this last year and it was so fun to quickly see each of our neighbors. we all live on the same street, yet sadly, we rarely get to see each other unless it's in passing while going to get the mail.

...and tonight we're breaking out matching christmas jammies!

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!
we always something to be thankful for.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Favorites

...and another friday already!?
this was Tanner's first week into being a four month old and it zipped by so so quickly. we just went in for his four month well baby check yesterday and he is growing like a champ!
his stats put him about the size of your average 7 month old. big boy we have here!!
18 lbs 13 oz + 27 inches long. 
yes, really... twenty SEVEN. 
this boy is already taking after his tall (and handsome) ;) 6'6" daddy!
...we also found out while at his appt that sweet little boy has bronchiolitis. this hurts my mama heart so badly! the coughing and struggle of getting that icky mucus out is so hard to watch. I broke down to tears from his struggle after his first breathing treatment during the appt. but our amazing pediatrician is so great and gave me all the tools and advice we need to get this sucker gone!
"it'll get worse, before it gets better".
ok, now I'm ready for it to get better!!
with that... it's still a happy friday over here! Brandon's 32nd (!!!) birthday is on sunday. we're celebrating with some friends this evening, doing some family celebrating with us four on saturday, and then on his actual birthday (sunday) we have friendsgiving with our supper club group. it's going to be a busy, but ever so fun weekend over here!

we had a very similar week last year too, but we've added one more family member this year :) I had just found out I was pregnant with tanner the week before Brandon's birthday last year. best birthday gift I could give, right?? how can this year even compete ;)

to kick it off...
---a few of my favorites lately!---

slippers. I treated myself with these during one of nordstrom's sales. there's nothing like a pair of cozy slippers by the fire when it's cold and rainy out. it's one of my favorite things about the fall and winter months. I'm dying to get Harper a pair of slippers for christmas. if you've seen any cute ones to suggest- please let me know!

hard cider (these are my absolute favorite- so good!). I have one nearly every night after the babes are in bed :) brandon and I head up to the bonus room, hang out on our new sectional, and enjoy a relaxing hour together. I look forward to it each day. it's our nightly getaway :)

this is us. if you haven't been watching, you NEED TO. it is so so good. I feel like I know each character personally and they're my friends/family. the only downfall is having to wait a whole week for the next episode ;)

that's it!
Happy Friday, all!!
and send some prayers our way (if ya think of it) for little tanner to get better quickly!
