Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Photo (or two) Every Hour | turning 28!


...and goodnight...

a day with my loves doing the things that I love!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

BIG Girl Bed

harper has been in what we've called her 'big girl bed' being her crib converted into the toddler bed.
well with a child in the 97th percentile... and the stuffed animals.... and her baby doll... and bunny... and blanket... who all sleep with her. it's time for the real big girl bed.
her crib also converts to a full sized bed so we're starting to look at mattresses and bedding! oh the bedding. there is such cute, cute little girl bedding out there!
ruffles. bows. swiss dot.
love it all!!
just so many options. pottery barn has been my go to when it comes to bedding and they aren't disappointing for big girl beds either.
it makes me want to do a whole re-do of her room.
which... brandon's biggest question with all this is... "am I gonna have to repaint her room?" ;)
maybe. just maybe :)

here's what I'm loving as I browse :) ahhh!!
blush quilt // ruffled sham // grey duvet cover // light grey duvet cover // bow pillow //
washed dot sheets // swiss dot sheets // swiss dot sham // heart sheets

Harper really loves PINK these days so I want to make sure to do what she likes, while also keeping a bit neutral so we can change it up and reuse for years to come.


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

five + six month favorites

a handful of our favorite things over the last couple of months. though I often think there are too many baby products out there, I have definitely found some that have helped make our days roll out better. most of the time ;) because there's still no ignoring the fact that our days involve a two and half year old and a six month old. both who have a lot of needs!!

{kinda lengthy descriptions, but it explains why we like each of these products} :)

blackout curtains // we don't have blinds in the bedrooms of our house so the sun shines through with nothin stopping it. not good when it wakes sleeping babes! we installed pull down black out shades into the bedrooms when we first moved in (I think I bought them a jcpenny..??). found that from the direction the bedroom windows face, extra darkening was necessary for good sleeping babies :) and have bought pottery barn black out curtains. they are amazing! they block the light so well and I don't have to worry about the sun shinning in and waking the babes earlier than they ought to ;)

quilt // we've been using these quilts/blankets to lay down over the rug in our living room when setting Tanner up to play in the day. it's mainly to protect our rug from spit up and/or blowouts! they're also so soft and we use them when going out of the house too for staying a little warmer during these cold days we've been having. we have this one + this fun new print that I'm thinking might turn into being his 'baby blanket'. there are so many prints between the two brands, that I just want so many of them!!

diffuser + oils // amongst working on getting better sleep for tanner, I brought our essential oils into our night time routine. we had been using them here and there, but now it's every night. I totally believe they have helped! a little coconut oil + lavendar on his jaw line, behind the ears, and back of his neck (especially when he's teething!). a relaxing chamomile blend I have from timelabs that I massage on his feet. and lavendar + frankensense in the diffuser (I have this one and have been very happy with it- we actually have two in our home).
baby boy loves getting his little massage before bed. it really calms him down and settles him in for the night. a little bonus- it's relaxing for me too!

zipadee zip // we used what in our home we call the "zippy" with harper as a baby as well. since we've had them on hand, we pulled them out for tanner (really ever since we stopped swaddling him months ago), but it's still what he sleeps in. and it's working great for us. I've thought about trying to transition him to having his arms out, but why mess up a good thing ;)
--he wakes a time or two in the night, but for me that's no big deal when I can get him right back to sleep after nursing.
--also, being a tummy sleeper 50% of the time, with the amount of space he has in this sleep sack, he is able to move around freely and sleep on his tummy comfortably.

high chair //  since we started solids at five months and he's now been sitting around six months, we've pulled the high chair out and use it every night. we were using the play chair, but it was just too big on our kitchen table during dinner and with being such a big boy.. we started getting concerned with safety! this is the high chair from when harper was a baby, and it's held up so well. we love the wood on it so it isn't an eyesore in our kitchen, and it's so easy to clean.

baby breeza // here again with solids. it's so easy to make baby food with this product. and inexpensive! one sweet potato and I can make over a dozen servings for tanner. it steams + purees so there aren't multiple cooking steps. easy peasy!!

there ya have it!
let me know if you have anything you are loving for this age (or any other age at that matter!) mama recommendations are the best recommendations! ;)

previous month's favorites:


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth