Thursday, July 13, 2017

Harper MonaƩ || THREE YEARS

this right here. 
our harper girl.
captured just perfectly.
her being her.

oh my sweet harper girl. 
the joy and blessing you have been over these past three years. it's indescribable. just as I sit here and try to soak every little ounce of you in through these precious pictures, goosebumps + chills flood over my body. my eyes well up and I can't help but smile.
you girl, are something special. God's light is shining right through you and into this world. I want to freeze time and hold every bit of you close and dear to my heart for always. 
to see how you've grown into your own little self over this past year fills my heart ever so much. 
I never want these days to pass, yet I am so excited for all the years to come. you have such a bright future, my girl. I pray everyday for you. your pure joy brings joy to all around you.
as I sit here the tears are flowing and you are running around the house dancing + singing in your sweet voice. girl, please always be you and never change.
your smile. your personality. your sweetness. your love for your family + friends. your sass. your role as a sister. your singing + dancing. your giving + caring spirit.
I love you, baby girl.
love, mama
My sweet girl, I love you more than words can ever say! I can't believe you're 3 years old.  It seems like just yesterday when we brought you home for the first time. You've grown into such an amazing little bundle of joy & with a little spit fire when you need it :)
You will always have my heart Harper.  I'm so excited to see the great things God has in store for your life.  Please always draw near to Him.  I'm so grateful to be your Daddy!
Happy 3rd Birthday Harper!
Love, Daddy

happy 3rd birthday baby girl!
we love you!!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tanner Ross || ONE YEAR

oh tanner. you are all boy. 
you are sweet beyond words yet so determined and strong willed. it's one of my most favorite things about you. I can't wait to see who you become over this next year, yet I'm also a bit nervous about it. you're already so adventurous and don't seem to hesitate when you've got your mind on something.
sweet tanner boy of mine, you made me a boy mom and it's been something new that i've loved so so much. I think about you and your future all the time. who you will be. what you will become. and who you will impact with your life. I pray you grow and stay close to the lord. 
you came and entered this world on the absolute least expected day. the best birthday present your sister has ever received and one we'll never be able to top. there is really something special between you two and I believe it's got a lot to do with the birthday twin thing :)
you are filled with so much joy and such a calm, tender spirit. you remind me so much of your daddy. 
my precious boy. you've got the most special place in my heart. 
second time around and yet you have taught me so much more about motherhood and myself than I thought there was to learn.
I'll never, ever stop kissing on you. 
I love you to the moon and back. and back again.
love, mama
Tanner Ross, you're MY boy.  From the moment we found out we were having a boy, deep down I was so excited to be able to have a Son to love and cherish forever.  You're so much like me in so many ways, but you will be a world changer some day.  Stay close to Jesus and He will always guide your path.  I'm so excited for the years to come to see how you will grow into a little boy.  

This first year of your life has been an absolute dream for us!  I can't believe we're here already.  Your Mom's letter to Harper got my eyes watering, which doesn't happen to often.  You're both the most amazing gifts God could ever give us and we're so grateful for you.  Stay strong and courageous and know that I will always be there for you.  Thanks for giving me the greatest year of my life! 
Happy 1st Birthday Tanner!

I love you!


happy FIRST birthday baby boy!!!
we love you ever so much and have been blessed beyond words by you this past year!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

4th of July 2017 || Suncadia

about a month ago we got talking with some of our best friends about what we were gonna do for the 4th, and we were all itching to get out of town. 
so brandon researched some houses to rent that would fit all eight of us, and soon enough we were booked for a fouth of july weekend away to Suncadia! a hjelseth + brown fourth of july trip!!
the past two winters, right before christmas we've made the couple hour drive to suncadia for a few days. (last winter's trip HERE). we were excited to experience it this time in the summer!

...just summing it all up with a photo dump for memory's sake :)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Friday, July 7, 2017

friday favorites || bow edition! {with coupon codes!}

our collection of hair bows is S T R O N G. and I don't know that it'll ever stop growing. I love finding new shops who make the cutest of bows with the best quality. 
sooo... a friday favorites edition including some of our favorite hair bows + accessories!!
and some of these awesome shops have provided some AWESOME coupon codes for my readers as well! 
they are so generous and no doubt I will be taking advantage of these deals too :)
a girl can never have too many bows, right?? ;)
harper loves picking her bow these days and calls her collection "harper's bowtique" :)

we love each and every one of these shops and harper wears all their hair bows on a regular basis.
so here ya have it!! take note of when the codes expire, cause they vary from shop to shop!!

rebecca is amazing and offering 20% off your entire order!!
expires: the end of july!

20% off by using code: SHARINGSMALL
expires: july 15th!

these ladies are working so hard on pre-orders right now that there aren't yet any new bows for sale, but no worry, because this code is good for quite some time!!
use code: FORTHELOVEOFJULY for 15% off until November 1st
--so be sure to check back on this one-- :)

the cutest, best quality, most functional clips. harper wears these alll the time!
be quick on this one!
free domestic shipping on orders through saturday with code: HJELSETHFREESHIP

other favorite shops you might have? please share!! 

happy shopping, friends!! and happy friday!!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth