Showing posts with label Baby Hjelseth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Hjelseth. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes! I finally went to the mall on Friday and bought a couple pairs of maternity jeans! It's about time. and I cannot believe how comfortable they are! I'll never know how/why I didn't get a pair before now. I didn't even buy any during my pregnancy with Harper. I guess I just made due, but man oh man I am so happy to have these! It's become quite the struggle to find bottoms to wear lately and now I'll always have a comfy go-to :)
Sleep: good! as it has been all the prior weeks. BUT now it's gotten even better. we just got a new mattress and oh the comfort! since I'm sleeping on my side all through the night, I was noticing some soreness in my shoulder when I would wake up. but now with the new mattress it gives into the pressure point so much better and I wake up feeling even better. thank you hubs for the best birthday gift!!
Best moment this week: getting our new, much needed mattress :)
Worst moment this week: one night I woke up at 4:30am with the worst stomach ache! my stomach was extremely bloated, painful, and I felt an urge of needing to throw up. I never did throw up (although at one point I thought that might actually make me feel better), but after a couple of tums and crackers, I started feeling better and was able to fall back asleep. must've been something I ate that night that didn't sit well...
Current symptoms: this week my appetite and thirst have really increased. I'm also feeling a little pressure low in my belly, that I never felt with Harper. I think this baby must be sitting lower.
Miss anything? just belly sleeping :) (which I know isn't a good way to sleep even when not pregnant!)
Movement: His movements have started to feel a bit stronger and more definite. a couple of nights ago while laying in bed, I pulled the covers down and Brandon and I were actually able to see some of his movement. feeling kicks/movement (on the inside) is so great, but then being able to see it, is just that much more exciting!
Food cravings: nothing particular. well... except for those darn Reeses peanut butter eggs... being pregnant during Easter time- it's hard not to resist those! I could eat them alllll day long. I had the exact same problem when I was pregnant with Harper. (with these babies being nearly exactly 2 years apart, it's like I'm going through the same things during the same seasons/holidays- kinda feels like life on repeat from two years ago- at least in the pregnancy aspect of things)
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: happy :)
Looking forward to: we have a check up with my midwife this week and it's always something I look forward to! it's my favorite sound getting to hear my baby's heartbeat, and I just love pregnancy and babies so an appointment where we're talking about all things related.. it's time well spent!


Friday, March 4, 2016

21 weeks

banner / hooray everyday
How far along? 21 weeks - belly really grew this week!
Total weight gain: 15 pounds. I can't remember how much I had gained at this point with Harper (total of 36 at the end of pregnancy), but man I feel like the weight is really coming on this time! 
Maternity clothes? I really, really need to get my booty to the store to find some jeans! I have one pair of jeans left that I'm somehow still able to button, but that isn't going to last much longer. Procrastination at it's finest!
Stretch marks? no new ones from this pregnancy
Sleep: oh sleep. it is so so good! :) I can feel my body getting more tired from busy days running around with a toddler, and by evening my body is so ready to sit down and rest. and I am more than willing to listen to my body!
Best moment this week: having Harper back to her fun and happy self after being sick last week.
oh and one more :) I also went to a Le Leche League meeting for the first time and thought that the support and info shared was so great for breastfeeding moms! a little reminder of what's to come with my newborn :)
Current symptoms: my feet are getting more tired by the end of the day from the extra weight. I don't know if that would really be a symptom... but other than that I'm doing great!
Miss anything? not at the moment :)
Movement: yes. more and more movement! lately I've been feeling a bunch of little, quick movements in addition to the feeling of him rolling around inside.
Food cravings: none lately - fine by me!
Gender? BOY!!


Friday, February 26, 2016

20 weeks

banner / hooray everyday
How far along? 20 weeks! half way there! (give or take a couple weeks/days)
Total weight gain: 13 pounds
Maternity clothes? no.. but I have got to get myself into some maternity jeans. and soon! the hair elastic trick is beginning to be less comfortable
Stretch marks? same as weeks prior and still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter and this essential oil prenatal balm after showers.
Sleep: so good! for me that is :) with Harper being sick this last week, we've had nights with her up.. but the last two nights she has been back to sleeping through the night and this mama is loving her rest!
Best moment this week: Brandon and I were out doing some errands and just chatting about new baby to come, and he said, "ya know, I'm actually looking forward to having a newborn again." talk about making my heart so happy! I just looove having a newborn. it's one of the things I am most looking forward to. to know he is looking forward to it too makes me love this man (who is an awesome daddy!) just that much more :)
Worst moment this week: Harper being sick :( breaks my heart seeing her that way. BUT so thankful she is being herself more and more now.
Current symptoms: I've been e x t r a thirsty lately! which of course then means more trips to the potty :) congestion is ongoing (and has been), so I keep the humidifier by my bedside and run it every night. I had the same thing with congestion all throughout my pregnancy with Harper too. other than that, symptoms are very limited! there are times I don't even feel pregnant. I'm going to hold on it while it lasts, because it won't be this way for too much longer I'm sure of that!
Miss anything? hard pear/apple cider on these sunny days we've been having and a cold turkey sandwich!
Movement: sure thing! I feel more movement with him than I did with Harper (however, she wasn't a huge mover). not sure yet if that's due to second pregnancy or if he is just more active. we will see in the weeks to come!
Food cravings: really, nothing lately! I was just telling Brandon how different this is with this pregnancy. with Harper I was all for the sweets. ice cream. brownies. fruit. lately I've had the same preferences as I normally do when not pregnant. if anything, I have less interest in foods. unless of course we're talking potato chips + sour cream ranch dip :)
Looking forward to: going to Sip and Savor on Sunday evening! it is so refreshing and uplifting to my soul!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It's a... BOY!!

How can it be that we already (at 14 weeks) know the gender of our sweet growing baby??!
We never expected we would find out this soon since with Harper we didn't find out until 21 weeks. With her we had two ultrasounds.
8 weeks + 21 weeks.
This time around we weren't able to get in for an early dating ultrasound until 14 weeks. I truly was bummed that we had to wait so long to see our baby, but I'd say in this case waiting paid off! :)
I didn't have my first appointment with my midwife until 9.5 weeks and since my period had really never gotten regular again since having Harper, we thought it'd be a good idea to get the early dating ultrasound done. BUT they weren't able to get me in until what I thought was 14 weeks. Well the ultrasound confirmed that we were just as far along as we had suspected. and b o n u s during that ultrasound I asked the tech, "it's too early for you to determine the gender, right?" Well to my surprise she answered "nope! do you want to know?"
...and there we had it... "it's a BOY!"
It's still taking some getting used to to say 'he', 'him', 'his'. But trust me when I say it's becoming more and more natural every day. Brandon and I feel so blessed that we are able to have both boy AND girl in our little family. The boy world is going to be so different than what we've been used to over the last year and a half, but we are so thrilled for it :) 
We have a son!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Friday, January 15, 2016


We are so thrilled to be adding a second baby to our little family! A family of 4! I can hardly believe it's true!
This pregnancy is already going by so quickly and I'm sure before we know it we're going to have our second little bundle home in our arms :) We're already at 14 weeks and into the second trimester. 
The morning we found out... 
Friday, November 13th. 
I took that pregnancy test with high hopes that it would be positive (partly because I had an unexplained 5lbs of weight gain!) and sure enough, two lines appeared! Positive! Now I had to share the news with Brandon - the most exciting part :) Harper was still asleep and I wanted to include her in this reveal. I very impatiently waited for her to wake and wrote and rewrote the chalkboard over and over. The minute she woke, I dressed her quicker than ever and brought her downstairs to hold the chalkboard for her daddy. When Brandon walked around the corner from the kitchen to see her and noticed what the sign in her hands read, oh I wish I had a picture of his expression! Priceless. He was sooo shocked and sooo excited + I cried + Harper didn't know just what was going on :)
And there we have it. Baby Hjelseth #2 with a due date of July 15th! The same month our Harper will be turning two :) her birthdate is July 13th so it's possible we could have birthday twins!
With the timing of this new baby it was so fun getting to do our reveal on New Years day!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth