Showing posts with label month update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label month update. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tanner Ross || 5 months

five months somehow seems a whole lot older than four months!
oh my tanner boy. another month has yet again flown by. I remember thinking when you were first born about how fun your first holidays were going to be, but that was back in july and seemed SO far away. we've gotten here so fast! how can it be already!? though I of course miss and love those newborn days, this age you're at has been just so fun.
smiles. and giggles. and laughter. it all comes out of you so easily. and for all of us, it's our favorite thing to get you to do. we act so silly playing with you but it's so so worth it when we see your big grin and hear that sweetest laugh.
baby boy, you are so loved by us all. you've shown us another level of love that we didn't know we had.
to see the relationship already building with harper. it could make my mama heart just burst. the two of you are so sweet together and oh the smiles and giggles you give each other! there must be an extra special bond between you two birthday twins. july 13th is certainly a big deal in this house! your dad thinks I'm crazy, but I've already put thought into your first birthday (and harper's 3rd of course!) having you both to celebrate on the same day will be quite the task, but there will be sooo much love, and birthdays will be extra, EXTRA special around here!
we've got another 7 months until then, so I ought to try to slow down as to not make you grow up any quicker than you already are :)
age: 5 months

               birth: 8lbs 2 oz  --  21 inches
 2 days: 7lbs 11oz
 12 days: 9lbs 1oz
                                1 month: 12lbs 4oz  --  23 1/2 inches
                     2 months: 15lbs  --  24 inches
                                                 3 months: 17.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
                             4 months: 18lbs 13oz  --  27 inches
                           **5 months:  20.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)

clothes: 6-9 month
diapers: size 2/3

Tanner name sign // Quincyjeanart
banner // hooray everyday
--- first sickness. we found out that baby boy (at his four month appt) had brochiolitis. we were doing breathing treatments with the nebulizer every four hours (even through the night) it was rough. it took just shy of two weeks to get completely through it. so there went half of the month! --- first thanksgiving! ---  found his toes and loves playing with/holding them! (11/28) --- first time at church (12/4 it took us long enough!) --- christmas card pictures (11/26) he did good! even being that he was still not back to feeling 100% --- first snow! --- first meet with santa! --- road trip to suncadia (the day turning 5 months) ---
we moved tanner out of our room in the pack 'n play to now sleeping in his crib in his nursery at night! he's been taking naps in there for quite some time. the pack 'n play just doesn't provide good support and with him growing (and he's no little baby!) he needed the better support and sturdiness of the crib to sleep in. overall it's gone really well and he's done great with the transition. 
not much change here. still exclusively breastfeeding. nursing about every three hours.
he doesn't get a bottle all that often. because we just don't need to. but we try for brandon giving him one usually in the evening about 1-2 times a week. at it's going well. no resistance from him as of late!
for the week and a half he was sick, there was a lot more comfort nursing and our 'normal' there was thrown out the window.

lots of change here! again... being sick and teething AND the four month sleep regression came on later in the month. we went though this with harper too. we're just powering through and trying our hardest to keep consistent with how things were before. he's in need of more comfort and soothing when he wakes in order to fall back asleep. sometimes that means shh-ing, rocking, paci replacing, or nursing. and... there's been a whole lot more of him ending up in our bed in the night.
we were just a bit spoiled with he's fantastic sleep that now 2-3 wake ups in the nights is just something we're not used to! I do think we're slowly improving though! we had one random night where he slept 10 hours straight. not a clue why. we hadn't done anything different. but that only happened once ;) and then the next night was back to a couple wake ups.
BUT we're embracing all this and caring for our baby boy in the way that he needs. and right now his needs are higher in regards to sleep ;)
I find if he's woken too early from a nap, he wakes unhappy. I do what I can to help him go back to sleep and he then wakes a happier baby once he's fully rested.
he hasn't been putting himself to sleep as well as he was before getting sick and moving out of the swaddle. and that's ok. he wanted more snuggles and comfort from mom and dad when he wasn't feeling well. now we're working to get back to him going down before falling completely asleep in our arms.

grabbing and reaching and pulling at everything!
he's been working hard at transferring smaller toys from one hand to the other. it's amazing how his hand eye coordination has suddenly come about. I'm sure daddy thinks that will be good for playing sports ;)
playing with sister is certainly a favorite of his too! and thankfully harper is so good with him and enjoys playing with her little brother. she is so sweet to him!

---things I want to remember---
--loves his two fingers in his mouth for some teething comfort
--stares and is fascinated by the polka dots on his zippee :) when he wakes in the morning he'll often lay there examining his arms/hands. oh and it's taken some getting used to seeing our BOY in his pink and white handmedown zippee from sister. but no sense in buying another just for a different color! same goes with the pink bath tub :)
--NOT enjoying car rides lately
--we attempted driving through fantasy lights with nana + papa. but tanner boy was not having it. we drove through chick-fil-a to pick up some dinner, then turned around and called it quits before even getting to the lights
--sweet boy is starting to feel that separation from mom + dad when being around new people or in new environments. the absolute saddest little sad face right before the cry comes
--getting good at sitting with little propping. I'm sure he'll be sitting solo this next month!
--still loves the bath! soon we'll be switching to sink baths and forget the baby bathtub once sitting up gets a little more solid

P H O T O   D U M P

we love you so, so much sweet tanner boy!! happy five months to you!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tanner Ross || 4 months

oh tanner boy! how fun and full this last month has been!
so much growth, development, and changes too.
the cuddliest little boy who gives the best snuggles.
we have our four month well baby check on thrusday and I'm so anxious to see where his stats are!
if I could, I'd go every  month just to do a stats check. it feels so good as a mama to see that confirmation that your baby is growing and thriving well. I am beyond thankful for healthy, growing children.
one of my favorite parts of our days is when my sweet baby boy wakes (whether it's in the morning or from a nap) he is so smiley and happy. no doubt that sweet smile can pick up my mood and bring so much light to the day. this boy is heaven sent. and his mama is ever so grateful for him.
four months later and I'm finally starting to make the bed again. boy does it make a difference in my day. if I get the bed made, I feel so much more put together, and I at least accomplished one thing that day ;) I've also been meal planning our dinners again and these two things are making life feel like we're getting a hang of things and back to 'normal' or more so figuring out our new 'normal'.

age: 4 months

               birth: 8lbs 2 oz  --  21 inches
 2 days: 7lbs 11oz
 12 days: 9lbs 1oz
                                1 month: 12lbs 4oz  --  23 1/2 inches
                     2 months: 15lbs  --  24 inches
                                                 3 months: 17.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
                        --4 months: we'll find out on thrusday!!

clothes6/6-9 month
diapers: size 2

Tanner name sign // Quincyjeanart
banner // hooray everyday
jesus saves bro shirt // imperishable clothing co

10/15- rolled from front to back.
10/19- first flight! to palm desert and he did so so good. so content like it was nothing. the drive home from the airport after a long week away was another story ;)
10/25- first swim! at nana and papa's condo in palm desert. he did so well in the water and seemed to like it. he lasted in the water (until being over it) longer than we had expected.
10/28- first trip to the pumpkin patch! hung out in the ergo with daddy the whole time while sister and I enjoyed all they had to offer :)
10/31- first Halloween! we went with the most simple of costumes- a baby bear. mom did not soar high with halloween costumes this year and we went with quick and simple.
11/8- (election day!) started rolling back to tummy too. no more leaving him on the bed/changing table!

still exclusively breastfeeding. and going strong! my goal is to breastfeed for at least one year. I went 13 months with harper and wouldn't be opposed to going a little longer with tanner if he and I are both happy with it.
he tends to nurse about every 2-4 hours.
he had been taking a bottle quite well. but we only make it happen 1-2 times a week, if that. and about a week ago he was no longer interested and made it clear he preferred his milk right from the source :) but with some practice this last week, we've had some improvement and he's taking it again.
it can be a hard thing for me because I love nursing and hate keeping it from myself and my baby. but I also know I need to be able to give myself the break that I need when it's needed. and the hubs and I need some kid free date nights. we''ll get there.
I've noticed this little guy eye my food a couple of times- but we still have a couple of months until that door is opened!

overall I still can't complain, but strong little man started breaking his way out of his swaddle. because of that (and that he's rolling over) we've done away with the swaddle during night time sleep. with harper, after the swaddle we transitioned her to the zippee and it worked out great. we've done the same with tanner now. because of having more freedom and also all of his developmental changes this last month, night time sleep is a little less solid than it used to be. and will be until he gets used to the freedom of his arms being able to move around. since then the norm has been 1-2 wake ups.  but not bad! we're transitioning and working on it.
he's still sleeping in our room in the pack 'n play at night (which we're thinking we might change here soon! but to be across the hall just seems so far away!).
naps are in his crib in the nursery.
2-3 naps a day. in the morning after being awake about 1.5-2 hours he's ready for one. then another nap later in the afternoon for a couple of hours. this afternoon one usually overlaps harper's 1-4pm nap. yay! #momwin :) and then there's sometimes a quick later afternoon/early evening nap. kinda depends on how long the previous two naps went for.

playing playing playing!!
just last week he started reaching and grabbing for toys and it's so much fun. I love watching him take it all in and hold a toy in front of his face in amazement. I can just see his little mind working and learning.

---things I want to remember---
--oh he started making the sweetest little noises when being rocked down for sleep.
--overall he does great in his car seat in the car. UNLESS he's gotten super tired and might be a tad hungry. then he is MAD at me! not a fun ride home like that... the good news is Harper just deals with it and doesn't follow her little brother's lead.
--oh drool. it comes and it goes. but so much chewing on fingers and teething toys. the teeth seem to just cause discomfort here and there, but not constant.
--on 'typical' days we have a routine, but not a schedule. wake, eat, play, sleep, repeat.
--harper caught a cold this last week and shockingly tanner has not got it. I'm praying he won't! both babes have been loaded with essential oils and the humidifiers.

P H O T O  D U M P

I'm loving this age right now and I know each month is just going to get that more fun. I'm loving learning his personality. I'm loving the chunky thighs. and I'm most certainly loving being a boy mom! and though brandon's starting to disagree with me, he's still definitely a mama's boy! ;)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth