Saturday, June 4, 2016

34 weeks

I had to do a double check to make sure I was tracking right and not ahead of myself. I was pretty sure today was 33 weeks. but NOPE  a n o t h e r  week flown by! and here we are at thirty four weeks into this pregnancy!! with a baby the size of a cantaloupe!
I am getting so darn excited to become a boy mom and have our little here. looking forward to those sweet newborn snuggles and that sweet newborn smell :)
and I'll guarantee at the same time (once he's here) I'll be thinking how great life was being able to get an entire night's sleep. but I know he will be oh so worth every bit of sleep deprivation! I'll have to remind myself of that over and over in the moments of exhaustion though ;)
Harper was (and is) overall such a great sleeper. praying this little guy is the same way, but I'm certainly not getting my hopes up! but we will take it all as it comes and only control what we can.
but please Lord, give us another good sleeper!
How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain: 34 pounds- I believe this is the first week of the pregnancy that has gong by where I haven't gained any more than the previous week. crazy how these pounds are packing on! I'm only two pounds shy of reaching my total weight gain from pregnancy with Harper.
Sleep: definitely getting harder to get comfortable in the night. but thankfully I'm so tired by the end of the day that it hasn't been a challenge to fall asleep. just more tossing and moving to find that comfortable position.
Best moment this week: I had the greatest massage AND got my hair done. it was a good week! and thanks to my amazing hubby for helping to make it happen!
Current symptoms: ahh just third trimester stuff. sore feet. tired body. and starting to feel a little bit of nesting coming on! I've been wanting to take on tasks that I really shouldn't be worrying about right now. like organizing all of our pictures on the computer and completing house decorating in the areas that have been neglected since we moved in. but let's be real- those are not the things I should be putting this nesting energy towards! oh and though I don't always feel them and they aren't too uncomfortable (other than lower back cramping) I'm noticing more and more braxton hicks contractions. my uterus is definitely practicing for delivery day!
Looking forward to: baby shower today!! and a fun weekend ahead with a m a z i n g weather!! hello June!!


Monday, May 30, 2016

33 weeks

Summer time is approaching us and boy is life getting busy. I had Brandon quickly snap this picture (realizing that I hadn't yet taken a weekly picture) while we were stopping home quick from a luncheon and about to take off again for supper club. 

the nice weather is returning this week and I just want to! I really want to enjoy and savor these last weeks with just the three of us before we soon become FOUR! it's a busy time though. finishing up the nursery. planning Harper's 2nd birthday. planning for Angela's baby shower- which will be soon after our little is born. it's busy, busy with lots of prep on top of the part of actually preparing for baby to arrive! one thing I was most happy I did before Harper was born was make freezer meals ahead of time. honestly, best thing I did to prep for baby! so add that to my list of to-dos!
anddd back on the prepping for Harper's birthday... since her birthday is July 13th and my due days is July 15th, we've decided to celebrate and have her party the weekend before. the 9th! I'm actually praying that baby boy does not come early! some think I'm completely crazy for planning her party so close to baby being due and the fact that I'll be 39 weeks pregnant... but what else am I to do!? I can't not celebrate her second birthday!
How far along? 33 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain: 34 pounds
Maternity clothes? for sure. my favorite thing to wear has been dresses and tanks + maxi skirts. these last weeks I am all about the comfort! I'm getting more and more limited on what clothes I can wear. and the fact that my hips have been spreading/widening so much earlier in pregnancy this time- even some of my sweat pants aren't comfortable!
Sleep: sleep is good. no problems falling asleep. but there's something about those two minute trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night (twice a night) where it feels like it takes an hours worth of sleep from me. even though I have no problem falling back to sleep. in other words... I would have no problem staying in bed all day! :)
Current symptoms: by afternoon/evening my body is just done for. completely exhausted. there was one day this week that was non stop with errands and running around. I could tell I was having some swelling. that evening weird symptoms were happening! if they didn't go away as quickly as they did, I would've been more concerned and definitely been calling my midwife. some blurry vision on one side. then later followed by some numb arm and lip. yikes! sounds scary when I type it. but it wasn't all at once, didn't last too long, and has not returned in any way. thankfully!
Movement: oh yes. I do feel like I feel more movement than I did when pregnant with Harper, but I don't feel like he's crazy active in there. 
Food cravings: sometimes it's difficult to determine what is a food craving vs. a food preference :) 
Labor signs? no. although I am definitely noticing more braxton hicks as of lately.
Looking forward to: baby shower is this weekend!!


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hawaii | Babymoon

it's taken a few days, but finally feeling like we're back to 'normal' life around here.
the last few days of adjusting to reality of being home and trying to get our internal clocks back on track has included lots of sleep, caffeine, grocery shopping, easy dinner meals (like grilled turkey + cheese sandwiches and mac + cheese and dinosaur chicken nuggets), sleep, caffeine, laundry, unpacking (which still is not 100% done!), and some more sleep and caffeine!
but it was all so so worth it to spend 8 days laying under that glorious Hawaiian sun! I'm especially missing it since we came back to a weekend of rain here in Washington... so ready for those summer-feeling days to return!
there's just something about vacationing with the hubby before a new baby arrives. we did it when I was pregnant with Harper too by taking a vacay to Cabo. relaxing while soaking up the sun does wonders to the mind and body. it's a refreshing feeling and makes it a bit easier in accepting the reality that life is about to get a w h o l e lot busier real soon!

the very first photo I took on our trip was of this chicken here while we were waiting for our rental car! if you've ever been to Kauai you'll know what I'm talking about... these guys are everywhere!! no joke. chickens running free around the entire island. roaming the place like they own it. but I guess they kinda do ;) 
cats too. not nearly as many cats as there are chickens, but the most friendly, stray cats all around. Brandon took a liking to them ;) 
with all these animals, we found ourselves over and over talking about how much Harper would just love them all!
and on that topic... we took this trip without Harper and it was my first time everrr being away from her over night! and for the first time away to be so far and for so long... it was so tough to leave! I contemplated many times of just packing her along with us on that airplane... but in the end as hard as it was to leave, being on a child-free vacation was just what Brandon and I needed!
our two biggest decisions to make each day were "are we going to the beach or the pool?" and "what are we going to have for dinner?"

each day we did a whole lotta nothing. and that's just how we liked it!
this was actually a double babymoon since we were on this trip with Tyler (Brandon's brother) and Angela. we were able to enjoy our babymoons together since their expecting baby boy in September!
we love vacationing together :) Brandon and Tyler can get a little bit of golf in and then Angela and I can do our girl thing at the pool/beach with the guys joining us after golf.

this sign was perfect! and completely accurate. if you're to look at the Kauai weather forecast, it says rain BUT we were on the south side of the island and that wasn't even close to being true with the sunshine and blue skies we had!
all I have to say here is... WHITE PINEAPPLE.
no other pineapple will ever compare! if you ever go, get yourself a local white pineapple!
you won't regret the $17 it costs you. promise. and yea... really... we spent $17 on this pineapple.

a quick stop to see a couple of gorgeous, powerful waterfalls on our way to the airport.
absolutely breathtaking.

we're on the homestretch to welcoming our sweet boy into this world, and this babymoon was perfect. we were able to leave feeling refreshed and are now ready to push through these next 8(ish) weeks!
