Tuesday, July 5, 2016

38 weeks

There's just something about being at this point of 38 weeks- that makes it all so.much.more.real. as if I haven't known since October we'd be having another little babe join our family.. mentally it has taken time to become so real.
and the 'real' part of all this is that labor and delivery are near and WILL be happening anytime now. (though I don't expect it for another couple of weeks- at least). 
now watch- he's going to come early ;)
but with all that the 'real' part means mentally it's time I get myself there. for me- with natural childbirth- it's about a lot of reminders. 
each contraction is doing work to get me closer and closer. 
through all the hard work it's going to end with having my baby on my chest. 
don't fight the contractions- let them do their thing. 
God made my body to do this. 
women have been birthing babies since the beginning of time- I can do it too. 

How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain: 39 pounds
Maternity clothes? wearing the same 5 things- the only things that fit- day after day :) but hey! we're almost there and what I'm wearing is actually the least of my concerns these days
Sleep: love it and hate it. I want to just sleep, sleep, sleep. finding a comfortable position at night is not the easiest though! my snoogle pillow definitely helps, but there isn't anything that makes it great. some nights I would like to just sleep on the couch! I've been having Brandon massage my calves before going to bed and it really does make such a difference in helping me to relax and fall asleep. such a good husband! :)
Best moment this week: Brandon and I had a date night. just us. it was so great to get some quality time in together just the two of us. we don't have it in us anymore to stay out too late though! come 9pm we were both ready to hit the sack! we also have the nursery 100% completed and it feels.so.good!
Miss anything? I've been trying to spend more quality time with Harper, but I wish it were a bit easier to move! getting up and down on her level is certainly not the easiest and I miss being able to run around and play with ease. there isn't anything quick (or pretty) about me trying to get to my feet from sitting on the floor.
Movement: it's the best! I always wish I could see through my belly to see exactly what it is that I'm feeling when he moves. foot? knee? arm? elbow?
Food cravings: notta. cereal has been my go-to because it's quick, easy, and is a way for me to at least eat something. I believe we have nearly ten boxes in our house right now. never, ever have we had this much cereal!
Labor signs? nope!
Looking forward to: Harper's 2nd birthday party is on Saturday! we are so excited to celebrate our sweet girl and make it her day. I'm so excited to see her excitement at her party :) baby boy just needs to make sure he stays put until a f t e r Saturday! then he's more than welcome to come any day after. even if he's two days early on Harper's actual birthday (the 13th). what a birthday gift that would be for her!

it's been a slow process, but I finally did all the shopping and made some freezer meals this week. I have a few more to finish up this week. I'll be feeling like I'm on top of the world once I have them all finished!

we had a great 4th last night and hope you did too!
it's one of the best holidays! relaxing and having fun with family + friends, little responsibility, bbqing, laying in the grass on blankets, and watching the sky light up. nothing like it :)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Thursday, June 30, 2016

third trimester favorites

as I'm nearing the very (very!) end of the third trimester (which means the end of PREGNANCY all together!) I wanted to share what my favorite things have been these last weeks.
and with having a summer baby, it's mainly been geared towards comfort and staying cool.

comfy tanks // a comfortable tank that I can wear with absolutely anything has been my number one go-to. shorts and maxi skirts if I'm leaving the house. lounge pants/shorts around the house. and even as swim coverup when we're headed to the pool. I've always loved these basic tank tops. pregnant or not- I wear them all the time. they are long + stretchy + comfy! I've recently discovered these tanks and have a new found love for them! they're lightweight and there are so many color options that I may or may not have bought myself seven or so of them! but when they're on sale (and they are now- for only $6!) who can resist??!

Schick Intuition Razor // a friend of mine told me about this razor while she was pregnant and as I entered into the third trimester of being bigger and harder to bend down... I went and got myself one. it's AMAZING! you do not need any shaving cream! it makes for shaving my legs (which should happen far more than it actually does) so, so much easier. without this razor.. let's just say shaving my legs would be a task that would've gotten thrown out the window :) so we should allll be thankful for this razor! ha!

Flounce bralette bikini tops // I hadn't ever worn this style of swim top until recent. I picked one up before we went on our trip to Hawaii and after the first time of wearing it, fell in love! being pregnant there's a bit more going on up top ;) and these have great coverage! I can wear it all around the pool with a toddler whom I'm carrying, bending over to help, throwing around in the pool, and never feel like I have to be adjusting my swim top to keep things 'contained'. my favorites that I purchased were from old navy and are they ever on sale right now(!!), but I also JUST scored this one for $5!

Dr Teal's Epsom Salt // what pregnant woman doesn't love a nice bath soak in lavender epsom salts??! I wish I was able to do it more!

Tumbler // it's must to keep hydrated and it's even that much more important in the heat! a good (non-leaking) tumbler makes it simple and easy to drink throughout the day. I fill mine about 6 times a day.

Electrolytes // in the summer when sweating more, it's a must to not only replace fluids, but also electrolytes. this body has to be well hydrated and prepared for the marathon of labor! I also make a labor aid drink (provided by my midwife, but there are lots of recipes out there) that I freeze into ice cubes and add to my drinks throughout the day to just boost my electrolytes that much more.
labor aid recipe:
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup honey
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp liquid calcium
6 cups water
-mix it all together & drink or freeze as ice cubes.

hydrated + comfortable. that's the focus this trimester!
and only about 2(ish) weeks left!! can't wait to meet you, sweet boy :)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Monday, June 27, 2016

36 + 37 weeks

we're here. we've reached the point where baby boy is welcome to come any day now! I'm certain he won't, but he's (semi) welcome to ;) I went 8 days past my due date with Harper & I still have a few things to finish up before he comes, but soon, very soon he's going to be joining us!
hitting the 37 week (full term) point (and still being low risk) gives me the 'good to go' to deliver at The Birthing Inn
we had an amazing experience bringing Harper into the world at TBI and as long as all continues as 'normal' we plan to grow our family and become a family of four the same way.

the last two weeks have been a whirlwind. 
day trip getaway + bridesmaid in Jill's wedding + pregnancy sickness/exhaustion
but I'm getting myself back to life now and we're all doing good! (and Brandon is still busier than ever with work!)
I've got a burst of energy back and have plans to tackle some freezer meals this next week for after baby is born. I did this with Harper, and hands down the BEST thing I did to prep for baby!

here I am. 37 weeks pregnant and officially doing the 'waddle' when I walk.
this baby is LOW! and I can feel him being all comfy there in my hips. lower than I ever felt that Harper was in pregnancy!

sunday afternoon as we're about to run off to the pool for the day, I realized I hadn't yet taken my bump pic for the week! so swim suit and all.. we hurried and got it taken care of!
adventure awaits.
it sure does!!
How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain: 37 pounds. my weight had dropped when I was sick for a couple days, and it has now gotten back up to where we were two weeks ago.
Maternity clothes? honest. I would prefer to run around in my sports bra and underwear all day. the weather is suppose to get nice again this next week (it's been yuck lately!) so maybe I'll live the days in my swim suit at the pool. I don't think Harper would oppose tagging along for that.
Stretch marks? oh yeah. just embracing it, because who really cares :) and what am I to do about it anyway.
Sleep: hit or miss. the last few nights- great. the few nights before that- not so great.
Current symptoms: here's to the longest list of pregnancy symptoms I've ever had... carpal tunnel syndrome. random throwing up + achy stomach. sore back and neck and feet and hands (time to get in for another prenatal massage!).
Miss anything? sleeping on my tummy!
Movement: yesss! he's settled on a side though and seems to be staying put. 
Food cravings: no cravings. lunch has been a struggle. for some reason it's the meal of the day that I just do not have any desire to eat. I'm finding myself to snack my way through from breakfast to dinner.
Labor signs? just irregular braxon hicks throughout the days. nothing consistent, though I sometimes do find them to be more uncomfortable than ever before.
Looking forward to: we're on the weekly schedule for check ups now so after having an appt this week, we'll be back again next week to check that all is still going well!

I had forgotten how itty bitty teeny weeny newborn diapers are!!
(especially when I'm currently seeing Harper's size 5's every day)
here's to the very, very tail end of carrying our sweet baby boy!
I am so thankful for the blessing of carrying to term and that God has entrusted Brandon and I with these sweet children we've been giving.
it's true- children are life's greatest blessing.

can't wait to meet and hold you baby boy!!
