Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Get baby/toddler on a schedule- or not?

a schedule. "get your baby/toddler on a schedule." we've all heard it.
as mothers we strive for what is best for our children. but as a first time mom, there are so many things I have learned and to be honest, often there is too much advice out there. what about those God given mother instincts that we all have? let's listen to those a little more!

Harper never really got on a true schedule until about 8 months old.
I tried sooner (5-6 months or so), but it became more of a fight in trying to schedule her and I found that our days ran more smoothly when I just followed her cues. and that's how we did it for the first 8-9 months. having only one child to care for, it was great. for both of us. 
our schedule/routine started to form naturally when she was about 8-9 months old. I promise- it wasn't anything I did intentionally. it just happened. by paying attention to her needs, at that point she just naturally fell into a routine. and we have been on a routine ever since.

being on our routine has been so great for the both of us. when we can really stick to our 'regular', the days go better and her and I are both happier from morning to night. we just need it.
BUT this week I have realized that for how wonderful our routine/schedule really is (I mean really, I love it!), there are still those days/times where I need to remember to listen to what she is trying to tell me- like I did those first 8 months!
not every day is 'normal'. not every day is without 'other' challenges.
some days are just different.
that's when following the 'rules' is over, and following my mothering instincts trumps all else.
we didn't have anything planned for the day (and it was rainy out) so it was a day of being home and working/playing around the house. Harper has been going though a growth spurt and teething (off and on). those darn two year molars have been slowlllly working their way in here and there over the last couple of months. come on already!

we started our morning like any other and Harper woke like normal on Monday at 7:30am. the morning had its ups and downs. moments of happy, giggling, running the house. and then moments of dragging her blanket around, whinning/crying, asking for her paci (which she only gets for sleeping times- nap and bed). 
throughout the morning I continued telling her, "no paci. not until nap time" (which is at 1pm). we were hours from nap time! 
around 10am I thought, maybe she really is tired and is asking me to put her down...
but in my head... 'that will throw off the day's schedule!' and 'she just had a good night's sleep, no way she can really be tired.'
the crying and paci asking escalated.
it finally clicked for me! so at 10:15am I put her down for a nap. when I looked at the monitor 5 minutes later, she was completely passed out! and from there took a 2.5 hour nap. I'd say she was tired and what she needed was a nap ;)
there isn't anything in the world like a sleeping child! so precious!
sounds so simple, but in the moment it was such a challenge because I couldn't let go of our 'normal' schedule.
I am thankful for this experience and to be reminded of the importance to listen to my child and follow her needs. and today she needed me to NOT follow our typical daily routine and instead just stop and listen to her.
we both ended up having a happier rest of our day.
routines are so, so great! but having that balance, remembering to listen to my little Harper, and giving myself permission to follow her needs, can lead to even better moments :)
and she woke up as her happy self!


Saturday, March 19, 2016

23 weeks

We had such a great start to this week :) and it feels like Monday was just yesterday. 
As a stay-at-home-mama, how is it that the days blend and before you know it, it is Friday again!?

Monday we had a check-up appointment with my midwife, Susan.
I look forward to every prenatal appointment during pregnancy! Right now we're still on the every 4 week appointment schedule, but I am eager for the point when we get to go more frequently :)
We talked about a lot of things during this appointment. and it felt great to get so many topics covered!
We talked blood glucose test (which is to come in a couple weeks), turkey sandwiches, nutrition (specifically protein and electrolytes to prepare my body for labor), circumcision, my blood volume doubling over these next few weeks and what to expect there, and the bit of nerves I've sometimes felt about natural childbirth for this second time. 

No joke when I say I feel I have the best midwife around.
She is such a good fit for me. Direct and straight to what I need to know, while also being reassuring and reminding me of what I have in my favor this go around.

We heard baby's heartbeat and it was nice and strong at 150 bpm. Based on the old wives tales, you would guess we were having a 'she' :)
It's still lower than Harper's ever was. Her heartbeat was always around 160-170.
banner / hooray everyday
cardigan / white plum
How far along? 23 weeks + 1 day
Total weight gain: 18 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes! I  f i n a l l y  did it and went to the mall on Friday! I picked out two pairs of maternity jeans and they are! I seriously regret that I didn't go sooner! (like two years ago sooner when I was pregnant with Harper) I've been living in them since I got them.
Sleep: I've been a lot more tired this last week. At my prenatal appointment, my midwife said that's due to my blood volume working on doubling and it may be that way for the next few weeks. Thank goodness Harper naps well and most days I've been sneaking in a little nap for myself too.
Best moment this week: our appointment and hearing little one's heartbeat.
Current symptoms: the biggest things this week have been the tiredness and still feeling extra thirsty. which again, Susan said those both are related to my body increasing its blood volume. I'm doing my best to listen to my body and give it what it needs in those areas.
Miss anything? having more clothing options. trying to figure out what to wear for Eater next week and due to this belly :) my options are limited.
Movement: aw yes! the movements are getting bigger and bigger and I love it! he's actually kicking around right as I type this :) I'm still thinking he is more active than Harper was.
Looking forward to: a week with little planned and enjoying my time spent with my Harper girl and hubby :) Maybe a trip to the zoo (since we just got zoo passes!) if there's some decent enough weather.

follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Monday, March 14, 2016

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes! I finally went to the mall on Friday and bought a couple pairs of maternity jeans! It's about time. and I cannot believe how comfortable they are! I'll never know how/why I didn't get a pair before now. I didn't even buy any during my pregnancy with Harper. I guess I just made due, but man oh man I am so happy to have these! It's become quite the struggle to find bottoms to wear lately and now I'll always have a comfy go-to :)
Sleep: good! as it has been all the prior weeks. BUT now it's gotten even better. we just got a new mattress and oh the comfort! since I'm sleeping on my side all through the night, I was noticing some soreness in my shoulder when I would wake up. but now with the new mattress it gives into the pressure point so much better and I wake up feeling even better. thank you hubs for the best birthday gift!!
Best moment this week: getting our new, much needed mattress :)
Worst moment this week: one night I woke up at 4:30am with the worst stomach ache! my stomach was extremely bloated, painful, and I felt an urge of needing to throw up. I never did throw up (although at one point I thought that might actually make me feel better), but after a couple of tums and crackers, I started feeling better and was able to fall back asleep. must've been something I ate that night that didn't sit well...
Current symptoms: this week my appetite and thirst have really increased. I'm also feeling a little pressure low in my belly, that I never felt with Harper. I think this baby must be sitting lower.
Miss anything? just belly sleeping :) (which I know isn't a good way to sleep even when not pregnant!)
Movement: His movements have started to feel a bit stronger and more definite. a couple of nights ago while laying in bed, I pulled the covers down and Brandon and I were actually able to see some of his movement. feeling kicks/movement (on the inside) is so great, but then being able to see it, is just that much more exciting!
Food cravings: nothing particular. well... except for those darn Reeses peanut butter eggs... being pregnant during Easter time- it's hard not to resist those! I could eat them alllll day long. I had the exact same problem when I was pregnant with Harper. (with these babies being nearly exactly 2 years apart, it's like I'm going through the same things during the same seasons/holidays- kinda feels like life on repeat from two years ago- at least in the pregnancy aspect of things)
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time: happy :)
Looking forward to: we have a check up with my midwife this week and it's always something I look forward to! it's my favorite sound getting to hear my baby's heartbeat, and I just love pregnancy and babies so an appointment where we're talking about all things related.. it's time well spent!


Thursday, March 10, 2016

OUR TABLE || lemon cheesecake pie

This. Lemon cheesecake pie.
the picture truly does no justice to just how delicious it is!
light. creamy. lemony. sweet. (but not too sweet). and the crust. oh the graham cracker crust!
I made this for supper club a few weeks ago and it was a hit!
I've made it a few times now (the first was actually on Harper's first birthday) :) and it is such an easy, go-to dessert. I think Brandon would say this is top in his favorite desserts. and I would agree!
The original recipe is here.  and for the most part I follow it to a T, except for just a couple of my own modifications :) not sure how she gets hers to turn out so yellow! mine never has, but it's still delicious at that.

Here are my modifications:
1. and most important (in my opinion)! make your own crust and do not use a premade one. nothing compares to a homemade graham cracker crust!
recipe I use:
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/3 cup sugar
6 Tbsp melted butter
-in a bowl, mix all ingredients together with a fork.
-press into a pie pan.
-bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.
-let chill for 2 hours before adding pie filling. I throw mine in the freezer if I'm needing this step to be a bit quicker
2. the '2 8 oz bars of cream cheese' I replace one bar with neufchatel cheese.
it's right next to the cream cheese in the grocery isle and is 1/3 of the fat :)
3. for the sour cream - go with fat free

That's it. everything else, just follow the original recipe!
You will love this! 
We still have some leftover pie in the fridge and I'm quite contemplating getting myself a piece now. 
Pie for lunch?? Sounds good to me!


Monday, March 7, 2016

Palm Desert Vacation

This is so so so so- so late!
like we got home from this trip 2.5 weeks ago. but life, yeah that, has gotten in the way of this post :) and well, taking care of my family will always come first.
anywho... I still wanted to document this trip- as it was sunny, fun, relaxing and I was with my little family!
This will mostly be a bit of a 'photo dump' of the fun things we did, places we went, and more of just us. However.. let me start off with a quick little story that I can't not share!
Day 1 of vacation. 
So the day we are traveling down to California. All went g r e a t!! Everything at the airport went great, our flights went great, and Harper did great! We couldn't have been more pleased. 
Brandon's parents have a condo down there and were also there for the week. When our flight landed, they were there to pick us up and we were so ready for this fun, relaxing vacation with our little Harper to start! I just couldn't wait to have easy, (low responsibility) days, play with her out in the sunshine, take her to new places, and of course spend some time at the pool! This little girl is a fish and loves the water!
After the traveling we were all hungry and ready for a late lunch. and we had just heard that a new In-N-Out had just (like a couple days ago) opened not far from the condo. We were all more than ready to give it a shot. I was pregnant and hungry and this was just what I needed! A burger, fries, and a strawberry shake! (the dietitian in me though - thinking yikes!)
We placed our orders and began looking for a table to sit at. and that's when it happened...
I'm holding Harper, standing right in the front entry, before I know it Harper is suddenly vomitting allll over me and anything within touching distance to us! I have to say my mama instincts reacted faster than I would have. Somehow I instantly knew where the restroom was (thank goodness I went through the women's door, not the men's) and bolted straight to it! all while she's leaving a trail of every food she's eaten earlier that day. To the sink she went. and I tell ya, it would.not.stop. It was horrible. and when she eventually had nothing else left to come up, her and I were completely covered! and then I was frozen. Brandon's mom came in to help clean up and thank the Lord, we had our suitcases in the car!! Out to the parking lot we went. Stripped down and threw on some fresh clothes.
Somehow following all that chaos we still then managed to go back in the restaurant, find Brandon and his dad, and enjoy our lunch :) not quite the start to vacation I was expecting (and thank goodness Harper was fine from there on out!) but happy to say the trip was uphill from there!
and that. was Harper's first experience to In-N-Out.
trust me, she won't forget it. we'll be sure to remember this story as she gets older :)

V A C A Y  P H O T O  D U M P!

pool days.
the living desert zoo.

birthday eve (out with hubs) bathroom selfie.
my birthday.
cute Harper, ect. :)

last picture before heading to the airport.
in the airport. wishing though that she wasn't :)
Since the day we got back home, we have so been wishing we could still be wearing our summer clothes! It's now just barely March, and sadly we have a few months still until it's shorts weather. but we're ready for it when it gets here!
It was a great trip and memories were made :)
and chances are that was our last flight with Harper as a lap child!
I am so happy we had the trip though and were able to really enjoy our time away. The quality time with Harper was priceless. It's likely that the next trip she goes on, she will be a big sis!


Friday, March 4, 2016

21 weeks

banner / hooray everyday
How far along? 21 weeks - belly really grew this week!
Total weight gain: 15 pounds. I can't remember how much I had gained at this point with Harper (total of 36 at the end of pregnancy), but man I feel like the weight is really coming on this time! 
Maternity clothes? I really, really need to get my booty to the store to find some jeans! I have one pair of jeans left that I'm somehow still able to button, but that isn't going to last much longer. Procrastination at it's finest!
Stretch marks? no new ones from this pregnancy
Sleep: oh sleep. it is so so good! :) I can feel my body getting more tired from busy days running around with a toddler, and by evening my body is so ready to sit down and rest. and I am more than willing to listen to my body!
Best moment this week: having Harper back to her fun and happy self after being sick last week.
oh and one more :) I also went to a Le Leche League meeting for the first time and thought that the support and info shared was so great for breastfeeding moms! a little reminder of what's to come with my newborn :)
Current symptoms: my feet are getting more tired by the end of the day from the extra weight. I don't know if that would really be a symptom... but other than that I'm doing great!
Miss anything? not at the moment :)
Movement: yes. more and more movement! lately I've been feeling a bunch of little, quick movements in addition to the feeling of him rolling around inside.
Food cravings: none lately - fine by me!
Gender? BOY!!


Friday, February 26, 2016

20 weeks

banner / hooray everyday
How far along? 20 weeks! half way there! (give or take a couple weeks/days)
Total weight gain: 13 pounds
Maternity clothes? no.. but I have got to get myself into some maternity jeans. and soon! the hair elastic trick is beginning to be less comfortable
Stretch marks? same as weeks prior and still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter and this essential oil prenatal balm after showers.
Sleep: so good! for me that is :) with Harper being sick this last week, we've had nights with her up.. but the last two nights she has been back to sleeping through the night and this mama is loving her rest!
Best moment this week: Brandon and I were out doing some errands and just chatting about new baby to come, and he said, "ya know, I'm actually looking forward to having a newborn again." talk about making my heart so happy! I just looove having a newborn. it's one of the things I am most looking forward to. to know he is looking forward to it too makes me love this man (who is an awesome daddy!) just that much more :)
Worst moment this week: Harper being sick :( breaks my heart seeing her that way. BUT so thankful she is being herself more and more now.
Current symptoms: I've been e x t r a thirsty lately! which of course then means more trips to the potty :) congestion is ongoing (and has been), so I keep the humidifier by my bedside and run it every night. I had the same thing with congestion all throughout my pregnancy with Harper too. other than that, symptoms are very limited! there are times I don't even feel pregnant. I'm going to hold on it while it lasts, because it won't be this way for too much longer I'm sure of that!
Miss anything? hard pear/apple cider on these sunny days we've been having and a cold turkey sandwich!
Movement: sure thing! I feel more movement with him than I did with Harper (however, she wasn't a huge mover). not sure yet if that's due to second pregnancy or if he is just more active. we will see in the weeks to come!
Food cravings: really, nothing lately! I was just telling Brandon how different this is with this pregnancy. with Harper I was all for the sweets. ice cream. brownies. fruit. lately I've had the same preferences as I normally do when not pregnant. if anything, I have less interest in foods. unless of course we're talking potato chips + sour cream ranch dip :)
Looking forward to: going to Sip and Savor on Sunday evening! it is so refreshing and uplifting to my soul!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

all aboard... the crazy train!

where oh where has life taken me lately.
since the day we got back from vacation - a week ago already! (a belated post to come on our trip) it's like I've been on the crazy train and can't decide if time has drug on or flown by. You know that feeling?!
and for everything that has been packed into it, it has felt like such a blur. 
somewhere in this last week I've traveled back home from the vacay, unpacked and gotten the house back in (some) order, had a sick/teething toddler (which is still ongoing - and quite honestly the most exhausting part), a midwife check up, an ultrasound on baby boy, a celebratory birthday brunch, and hosting supper club. just crazy! (so clearly no 19 week bump update!) and saying it all, makes me feel like the last week has been more like a month long.
so back to that sick/teething toddler...
during the last couple days of our sunny getaway to Palm Desert, CA, Harper was going through some teething discomfort.
drooling + fingers in her mouth.
her back mollars have been slowly working their way on and off over the past month.
well... things started seeming just 'different' with her a few days ago and we decided to take her in to the pediatrician. and well and behold, she has a throat infection. explains why my big eater suddenly hasn't wanted to eat anything!
so we're still on the mend from that and it has been so hard for me to be couped up in the house with this gorgeous sunny weather we've been having this week! but mama duties call first :) and there's no other place I would be than with her.

well, we're midweek now and here's to hoping by the weekend/before this nice weather ends (!) we are back to normal around here!
but hey- on the positive note- with a new baby on the way, this only preps us for a life that is going to continue to get crazier and crazier.

Happy hump day!!


Saturday, February 13, 2016

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks + 1 day
Total weight gain: 10 pounds
Maternity clothes? not yet - but my options are getting smaller and smaller on which clothes from my closet that fit well.
Stretch marks? none from this pregnancy yet
Sleep: I sleep good and hard at night. Out like a light!
Best moment this week: easy. starting Palm Desert vacation!
Worst moment this week: Harper throwing up all over me, herself, and the entire IN-N-OUT restaurant! More on that to come... stay tuned! ;)
Current symptoms: this past week I've really been feeling my sciatic wanting to flare up. I had the absolute worst pain from it when I was pregnant with Harper - to the point where I couldn't walk. Trying to stay on top of it this time and getting into the chiropractor regularly.
Miss anything? a hard cider while down here in the hot sun sounds delightful. until next time though!
Movement: yep. he doesn't seem to be a crazy, big, active mover (yet!). but he seems to be nice and comfy in there :)
Food cravings: nothing particular as of late.
Looking forward to: the rest of the days of our vacation. how great it is to get away and refresh ourselves!



Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Life as of Late

Life as of late has been good. actually, really good. 
We have ourselves a toddler who is so kind and sweet (don't get me wrong, we have hard moments), but she really is such a joy. on top of her, we now have a baby boy who will be entering our lives this summer. and I am oh so thankful for a pregnancy that has been a majority of the time, enjoyable thus far. and honestly how I love the pregnancy months and carrying my babies! these precious gifts from God are so sweet and fulfill us in a way we didn't even know was needed. until Harper joined our family of course :)
I have been working on gathering ideas for what we want baby boy's nursery to be. we are also working to find the perfect name for him. Brandon and I have found that during pregnancies we don't put a single thought into what the baby's name will be until we know the gender. now that we've known he is a he for a few weeks, it really is time we get thinking so that we are confident in the perfect name for our sweet boy.

It really seems like there has been so.much.rain as of late. until the last couple of days! and we have been taking advantage of this sunshine that's for sure! walks around the neighborhood, playing at our street's playground, getting the car washed, donuts, a trip to the big play ground not far from our house, and overall feeling the energy from the sun :) but I hear the rain making its way again. tomorrow they say.
BUT Brandon, Harper, and I really can't complain because we are getting away to some California sunshine this weekend! it is much needed that's for sure. I'm looking forward to not having house chores, swimming at the pool, working on my tan (desperately needed!), going to coffee in the mornings while sitting outside soaking up the sun, eating at some favorite restaurants, and everything else that a sunny vacation brings. 
The countdown is on and we are officially less than two days away from vacation time!!
and I can't think of a better way to celebrate my birthday than being on vacay :) only a few more days of 26!

P H O T O  D U M P!


Friday, February 5, 2016

17 weeks

banner / hooray everyday
How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain: 9 pounds
Maternity clothes? still haven't had to yet, but some pairs of jeans are beginning to feel a bit snug - to the point where when I am sitting down it is a heck of a lot more comfortable to let that button pop open. So with that, I'm thinking some maternity jeans are in my near future!
Stretch marks? they are certainly here on my hips from my pregnancy with Harper, but no new ones yet. I use Palmer's Cocoa Butter and this essential oil prenatal balm after showers.
Sleep: going well! I am out cold from the moment I fall asleep until morning. I now use my snoogle body pillow every night. Since I'm normally a belly sleeper, it helps me get comfortable on my side. I bought it when I was over halfway though my pregnancy with Harper and wished I had gotten it sooner. So this time around it is already getting used :)
Best moment this week: same as last week - feeling this little peanut moving!
Worst moment this week: one afternoon I was feeling stressed because I wasn't feeling baby move... it was making me feel very unsettled, but later that evening I felt him more and have since then. I also had to remind myself that not all movements are as obvious at this stage. and when the days are busy I'm not paying as much attention to feel for his movement.
Symptoms: getting tired in the afternoons. Brandon is so great about letting me nap when I can and helping me to not feel guilty about it :) and my hair! because of hardly losing any these days it is becoming so, so thick!
Miss anything? not at the moment
Movement: yep. started feeling him at 14 weeks and each week seems to get a little bit stronger, but still no huge movements yet.
Cravings: my appetite is feeling a bit back to normal and more foods sound appealing again. however, there have been times where I cook something for dinner that sounds good, but when it comes time to eat, it just does not taste good. so some nights have resulted in no dinner for me and some snacking instead. the last few days I have really been loving Tillamook old-fashioned vanilla greek yogurt with strawberries and granola.
Gender? BOY :)
Looking forward to: we're heading down to Palm Desert, CA next week and it will be so nice to get some sunshine and relaxation!
lace trim top / white plum