Monday, June 19, 2017

Photo (or two) Every Hour | Father's Day 2017

it was a rough night with a teething tanner. my intent was to bring brandon his coffee before he got up, but instead he did it for me. on FATHER'S DAY.
man have I got a good one!
wakey wakey tanner boy!
sweetest little church girl holding her daddy's hand.
these good looking hjelseth boys!
... & a family photo attempt
at church they had maple donuts with bacon for all the dad's. harper tried a bite of brandon's and immediately said... "this is not good." 
so funny! 
so we made our way to the donut shop :)
... & so we drive :)
to nana + papa's house for a father's day bbq + some swim time
her second "pink ice cream cone" of the afternoon :)
how special it is to see brandon this father's day with his son.
such a precious relationship
literally 10 seconds in the car and he was OUT!
night night babies
then it was a little clean up around the house, but to the bonus room to lounge on the couch, and then we rolled into bed just shortly after 10.

happy father's day, Brandon!
thankful for all you are and all you do for us.


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tanner Ross || 11 months

my baby.
how, oh how can it be!?
you're E L E V E N months old today and I honest to goodness don't know how we've even gotten here. 
boy you just bring so, so much joy to us all. 
such a happy camper, with a calm spirit. 
a mama's boy at it's finest + you are ever so dear to me.
sensitive, yet determined.
I dream about you and what your future holds so often. it's such a bright one ahead for you and I pray you will always hold your mama close to your heart.
sweet boy, it brings tears to my eyes as we're getting closer to closing in on your first year of life. it's been a year of challenges and you've taught me so much about myself. made me stronger. made me more patient + compassionate. 
this past year you've molded me into who I am.
though it is so emotional and breaks my heart a little seeing you get so stinking big, it also brings me the biggest joy and I couldn't be more excited to continue to watch you as you grow more and more into yourself.
thank you my sweet tanner boy.
mama loves you!!!
and not knowing it was possible to love you any more than I already did--- this month you've been soooo solid with your sleep and we've had daysss of you sleeping all through the night :) mama loves you baby, now keep it up!! ;)
age: 11 months

26 lbs
(from the scale at home)

birth: 8lbs 2oz  --  21 inches
2 days: 7lbs 11oz
12 days: 9lbs 1oz
1 month: 12lbs 4oz  --  23 1/2 inches
2 months: 15lbs  --  24 inches
3 months: 17.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
4 months: 18lbs 13oz  --  27 inches
5 months:  20.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
6 months: 21lbs 2oz  --  28 inches
7 months: 22.8 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
8 months: 23 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
9 months: 23 lbs 15 oz  --  30.2 inches
10 months: 25lbs 2oz

clothes: 12-18 month
diapers: size 4

Tanner name sign // Quincyjeanart
banner // hooray everyday
11 month things:
--tooth number 8 made it's way! (5/19) you've got quite the mouthful of chomppers and i just love how every time you smile and get excited, those little teeth are showing off.
--as soon as his little cold passed, we started off the month with some great nights! usually one quick night wake up and a handful of nights without any! and THEN about a week and a half ago, we've been going consistent with NO NIGHT WAKE UPS!
yahoo! praying I don't jinx that now ;)
P H O T O  D U M P!!

follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth