Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2016

31 + 32 weeks

Two weeks of catch up here! Since we left early Thursday morning for Hawaii, blogging was not on my to-do list :) which means a 31 week update wasn't gonna be happening. at least not on time. it's been all about relaxing and zero responsibility! 
So here we are at 32 weeks (!!!) all refreshed and this baby belly is at its largest.

How far along? 32 weeks
Total weight gain: ??? this I am totally unsure about right now! with the heat from Hawaii, different climate, long flights, and my diet being different from normal- I have so much swelling. because of it, it's impossible for me to truly know my weight gain until my body has had sometime to get back to normal and get rid of this excess fluid! we had the red eye flight back home Thursday night/Friday morning. because of it I didn't get up once during the six hour flight (sleeping was my main focus!). but I now really know why they say it's important to get up and walk during flights while pregnant. goodness are my feet and ankles ever s w o l l e n! 
Maternity clothes? yes. although the last 8 days have been mostly about living in my bathing suit, so not too many 'real' clothes have been worn. with the exception of comfy non-maternity dresses.
Stretch marks? still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter and this essential oil prenatal balm after showers. but I think I may have noticed a new stretch mark this week. hard to tell though if it's one that was already there from pregnancy the first time. whether it's new or not, it is what it is and there isn't much I can do about it :) of course I'd rather not have them, but they're worth it for my babies!
Sleep: sleeping pretty good. I've had more restless legs and leg cramps so that can make it tough being able to fall asleep. it's also getting MUCH harder to roll over in the night to change positions.
Best moment this week: well we're technically combining two packed weeks here, but how can I not say it was babymooning in Hawaii! so so nice to relax, sleep in, have zero responsibility, and soak up some much needed husband/wife time. along with my brother-in-law & sister-in-law who we vacationed with :) double babymoon since they're expecting their first little in September!
Worst moment this week: worst moment, but also so great at the same time. when we got back to town Friday morning and headed to Brandon's parents' to pick up Harper, the moment I saw her my emotions flooded and tears ran as it really hit me just how much I missed her over the last week. it was so hard to think I had spent so much time away from her and for the first couple of minutes I felt a little disconnected from her. soon after though, we were right back to normal and she was giving me the sweetest loves and talking to me all about her fun week at papa and nana's. thank you, Lord that I didn't have those emotions during our vacation- I would've been a wreck!
Miss anything? I certainly did miss being able to lay on my stomach while we were out at the beach and pool. I was in good company with Angela though and well if you're to see the backs of our legs, they're no more tan than when we left Washington last week ;)
Movement: all over the place!
Looking forward to: getting back to our normal this week. as fabulous as vacationing is (and it is so so good!), there's nothing like it to make you appreciate just how great real life is at home with my little family.

follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Thursday, May 5, 2016

30 weeks | pink blush giveaway

three quarters of the way (+/- a little) to meeting our baby boy!
if I've said time has flown by before, I know I will be saying it in a couple of months when we have our little one in our arms! just two months left! say what?! gets me a little (ok a lot) sentimental thinking of allll the changes to come for my little family!
he has been all over the place today. left. right. high. low. using up allll of his space and making me oh so aware of it :) 
with a 30 week bump + one that is not little, finding clothes to wear can be a challenge!
Angela and I went shopping this weekend to look for some good Hawaii clothes for our vacay (next week!) and boy was it frustrating! with a dressing room full of tops + dresses + skirts- I would call it a fail... our 'usual' go-to clothes do not fit well over these baby bumps! 
it's all about the fit and the style. I like to go the more fitted route. tops and dresses that don't hang loosely from the ta-tas to the hips where there's question to where one may begin and the other end. ya know what I'm sayin here?? a little bit of shape still please!
I love this dress from Pink Blush!
it's fitted enough up top. the waist line is in just the right place. it's cute. lightweight enough for hot days. and it is comfortable! because comfort is just as important as the fit!
it will most certainly be packed up in my suitcase for Hawaii!
details at the bottom of this post for how to enter to win a $75 gift card to Pink Blush!
they aren't only maternity wear! they have everything. the cutest women's (non-maternity clothes), jewelry, shoes, bags, tons of baby gear/accessories, and goodness so much more!
this giveaway is for everyone + could be used for some great gifts too!
(scroll to the bottom on how to enter)
banner // hooray everyday
dress c/o pink blush
How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain: 30 pounds (and my app says baby will triple his weight over these last few weeks!) hopefully I don't do the same ;)
Maternity clothes? most certainly. a combo of maternity and non maternity that happen to be stretchy and longer fits. whatever is most comfortable (and clean) ;) at the time.
Sleep: give me all that I can get. I'm still able to sleep well at night and napping when able. I was talking to Brandon this week and gave myself permission to stop feeling the guilt of napping. it's been a struggle! I feel that I ought to be more productive rather than sleeping... b u t reminded myself to take advantage of it now because I certainly won't be catching up on sleep when the baby is born! so, sleep? yes. it's a big part of my life lately.
Best moment this week: oh little one has been so active! it's my favorite thing feeling him all throughout the day. I love to try imagining how he's placed in there and picturing him moving his little long arms + legs. most certainly long! thanks 6'6" hubby ;)
Current symptoms: really just that third trimester uncomfortableness kicking in. nothing in particular to complain about though. for quite a few weeks now, I've been noticing some braxton hicks here and there throughout the days. it isn't anything that causes me great discomfort, but I notice some lower back ache when having them. that's exactly how they were with Harper too.
Looking forward to: HAWAII!! only one week away! so darn excited for this, but it will be my first time being away from Harper over night and I know that part of it is going to be very tough on me... at least I'll be in paradise :)
Love this dress as much as I do?? Pink Blush has been so kind as to offer up a $75 gift card! Head on over to my Instagram (@brittneyhjelseth) to enter the giveaway! 
giveaway ends Friday (5/6) at 10pm MST and the winner will be announced on Saturday.


Friday, April 29, 2016

29 weeks

goodness gracious here we are. 29 weeks!
only 11 (ish) weeks left!
it's a week now into the third trimester with this sweet baby boy. it's like the minute I woke and entered this last trimester of pregnancy last week, my body just knew it. achy feet + tiredness just hoped onto a new level. just like that.
any sort of bending over, or picking up Harper, or shaving my legs is not a pretty sight! this big belly is right there taking up all the roomy space it desires. but baby brother is using his space in my tum-tum really well and enjoying the roominess from older sis Harper stretching it out for him 2 years ago :)
banner // hooray everyday
How far along? 29 weeks
Total weight gain: 28 pounds
Maternity clothes? my favorite thing to wear lately is either my maternity jeans or shorts (depending on this WA weather...) and then a long tank or t-shirt. my maternity jeans are nearly just as comfortable as my sweat pants so it makes for a win win. I feel comfortable bending down 50+ times a day with the toddler, and yet I still look (relatively) presentable for when I have to go out in public :) I really feel the extra body heat from carrying this little one, so no matter what the weather is out, I tend to be more comfortable with a thin, short sleeve top that breathes well.
Sleep: napping. napping. napping. still nearly every day. when I do get that afternoon nap in, I notice such a difference in the evening. I actually have some energy left in me from the day to get through dinner, clean up, bath + bedtime. and then it's straight to the couch to relax with the hubby.
Best moment this week: feeling little one's hiccups! I started feeling them last week, but have been noticing it more often now. with all the movements being bigger than ever, it's such a great feeling to feel baby brother. and if I could really have it my way, I would just sit around all day watching Ellen, eating my strawberry + almond butter toast, while feeling my sweet boy. but like that will ever happen. but a girl can dream ;)
Current symptoms: not really too much I can complain about- just the onset of more uncomfortableness. but hey, that's to be expected. I have been having some calf cramps. and goodness gracious those are no joke! I pop some Ca+Mg tablets a couple times a day (as told to by my midwife) ;) since the babe is starting to pull it from my body. it does make a difference in helping with those dreaded charley horses for sure!
Food cravings: just give me my strawberry + almond butter toast! two times. every. day. 
Looking forward to: the nursery is making progress! we have the crib, dresser, bedding, and a few decorations to go up on the wall. we also just moved the rocking chair out of Harper's bedroom and into the baby's. honestly, it broke my heart a bit! feeling like we're having to make Harper grow up even quicker due to prepping for little brother's arrival. I have such torn emotions of wanting to cherish every day I have with just Harper and the overjoy of excitement for baby brother to get here. but oh I know Harper is just going to look like she's ten years old when we have a newborn in the house!
I got curious on doing the ol' comparison of baby bump pictures... I easily ran across a picture from pregnancy with Harper at 26 weeks. so here's a comparison of just a few weeks ago to then.
whoa belly!!
both are 26 weeks, but look q u i t e different!

follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

28 weeks

the days have f l o w n by quicker than normal lately and I had to have Brandon quick snap a picture for 28 weeks before it passes us by! 
we had such a busy week/weekend and one of the best parts was finding out whether Tyler + Angela are due with a baby boy or baby girl in Septemeber... 
...and it's a B O Y!!
these little cousins are going to have so much fun growing up together!

oh baby brother, I can't wait for you to be here and fill these little things. 
we are getting close. two thirds of the way there!
banner // hooray everyday
Jesus saves, bro // imperishable clothing co
crib bedding // pottery barn kids
How far along? 28 weeks + 4 days
Total weight gain: 28 pounds
Maternity clothes? yep! 
Stretch marks? still just the oldies from pregnancy with Harper :) but I know there is still plenty of time for that to change! 
Sleep: sleep is too good. I could stay in bed all day if there weren't house chores and a toddler calling my name. I'm waking 1-2 times in the night to run quick to the potty, but I am right back to sleep once my head hits the pillow.
Best moment this week: many of them! finding out the gender of Tyler + Angela's little babe! felling little babe's hiccups for the first time :) it's one of my absolute favorite things of pregnancy. and then there's the part of the week where I got a new car! (gmc yukon denali- picture to come!) we're really prepping for this baby ;) I just love it and I love picturing our growing family piled on in. 
Current symptoms: in the afternoons I'm really feeling that third trimester tiredness. most days I try to nap while Harper is down for her nap, but that doesn't always happen. getting my weight off of my feet feels so good to help with the aching that hits by afternoon.
Movement: oh yes!
Food cravings: as of last week I started eating whole wheat toast + almond butter + sliced strawberries for breakfast and it is heavenly! I've eaten it nearly every day since and often I eat it twice a day :) I could call it a craving but I don't foresee it stopping once the baby is born. Angela had told me about this breakfast combo (but with peanut butter) a couple of years ago, but I never believed just how good it could be! any nut butter would be delicious on it!
Gender? BOY!!
Labor signs? no- thank goodness!
Looking forward to: our Hawaii getaway in just a little over two weeks!! bring on the babymoon!

Just how sweet is big sis in this picture!?? :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

2nd trimester favorites

how. how. and another h o w!!?
we're at the last week of my second trimester and I know as cliche as it sounds... time has just flown by! I felt that my pregnancy with Harper went by quickly, but that's nothing compared to this one. I'm sure taking care of chasing a busy toddler around all day has something to do with it ;) all while getting things ready for this new little bundle to join our family!
with the second trimester's end rolling around, thought I'd share a handful of my favorite things from the last several weeks.
1. hydro flask water bottle - I received this as a Christmas gift and hadn't actually used it until recently. I am in love with it! with trying to keep up on my fluid intake throughout the day, I keep water with me all day long. this water bottle is insulated and keeps my water cold for hours on end.
2. honest co. belly balm - well. stretch marks. we all have this dilemma, and know that it really comes down to genetics. but if there's something that can be done in hopes of reducing them, I'll do it. although I do already have them on my hips from the first pregnancy. embrace it :) I also love this essential oils product too!
3. palmer's cocoa butter - again for stretch mark assistance :) but my skin has also been dry all over and this lotion has been so so moisturizing. and the smell! yum!
4. honest co whole-food based prenatal - so easy on my stomach and it doesn't have that strong smell that some prenatals can have. I've been very happy with these!
5. ooh la lift - this stuff is so great! those no make up days where I would still like to care for the bags under my eyes... (which I never really understood until joining motherhood!) this gives me a quick little eye lift ;)
6. full panel maternity jeans - these are heaven sent! I don't know what it is as a pregnant girl, but I put off buying maternity jeans for wayyy too long! I so wish I would've started wearing maternity pants sooner. my pregnant self is so comfortable in them! and these ones here are so cute!
7. snoogle body pillow - if my husband would be ok with it, I would use this for sleeping even after pregnancy! it takes up half of our bed, but when I'm pregnant, it is so great for finding comfortable sleeping positions. it is so worth it!!
8. chewy with a crunch kind bar - recently ran across these and love them as a good snack for when we're running out the door. I love that they aren't too crunchy and crumby. great ingredients and a yummy on-the-go snack when needed. which is often!

so there ya have it. 
I use most all these products every day and I'm certain that will continue on into the third trimester (plus some!). 
second trimeter bliss is about to end, and I'm sure more and more days of uncomfortableness are in my future. but so be it :) baby brother will be here in 3 months and I'm sure it too is going to fly by!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Friday, April 15, 2016

27 weeks

this Washington weather just can't decide what it wants to do! it was sun sun sun last week, and now we've had days full of cloud + rain. yuck! BUT it looks like the sun will be returning and I just.cant.wait. 
we just love being able to enjoy our days outside and then eating dinner out on the back deck is one of my absolute favorites. this year Harper is old enough (& walking) to where she can play in the backyard while dinner is being prepped :) there isn't anything better! 
to think we will be adding little baby brother to this mix in just a few short months- ahh! get's me all giddy inside to think what this summer is going to be like with him here :)
oh and his nursery furniture came! yahoo!!
it was delievred 10 days earlier than we expected. I was completely shocked. that never happens with deliveries! especially the ones you are highly anticipating :)
tank / gap
How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain: 25 pounds
Maternity clothes? I need to start looking into some maternity tops, because my options from my closet are running slim! 
Best moment this week: appointment with my midwife, Susan for sure! you know how I love going in for these checkups! :) baby boy sounds great and is growing well. we're actually measuring to be about a week ahead, but Susan believes that's due to him being long ;) that's what ya get with a 6'6" daddy!
Worst moment this week: last week I had my glucose tolerance screen- which I passed (yay!). but the downside is we found out that I'm hypoglycemic. so my blood sugars can really drop down on the low end. which makes me feel real yuck if I don't eat to keep my blood sugars up. Brandon and I have always joked that I get hangry (hungry + angry). well apparently there's a reason for it- low blood sugars! and that's likely what the sickness in the night has been related to. however, I've found that if I make sure I have a snack right before bed, that makes a huge difference! which makes total sense. we also found out that I'm anemic with low, low iron. hello- reason for the tiredness! and in comes the iron supplement. so... with all that I'm having to really make an effort to focus on myself and my nutrition (good thing I have that RD behind my name) ;)
Current symptoms: t i r e d feet at the end of the day! I'm really feeling this extra weight. I vacuumed the house and mopped the hardwoods yesterday and after that, my feet were aching with any weight that I put on them. that might be the last time I clean the house in awhile ;)
Movement: I really feel him all throughout the day and I can't help but try to imagine what he looks like in there moving around in my belly. those little arms and legs are active!
Happy or moody most of the time: I felt like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday morning, but getting out of the house for a couple errands made all the difference.
Looking forward to: the sunshine that is suppose to be coming our way this weekend!!

*oh and as you see I'm sure, I changed up the background on the blog page.
goodbye pink and hello white! it feels so much more fresh to me :)


Friday, April 8, 2016

26 weeks

I've worn red white and blue more than once this week, but this weather's gotten me all happy inside and wishing it were July- where every day is a sunny day!
I forgot I had the sunglasses on when I had Brandon snap this picture quick (he disagrees with me when I say 'quick' for a picture) :)
We were just about to head out to the backyard to soak in the rays and eat some lunch. Hello 80 degrees!!
How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: 24 pounds
Maternity clothes? bottoms- yes. tops- no. but tops that are longer and stretchy of course :) I just went and bought myself a pair of maternity shorts now that it has been so warm outside. In the hot afternoon I've just been dying wearing jeans.
Stretch marks? nothing new here. so far! fingers crossed new ones won't come. but then again if they do, then they do.
Sleep: love it!
Best moment this week: my mama was here visiting so we had a fun few days spent with her :)
Worst moment this week: saying goodbye when my mom had to leave. the pregnancy hormones really do not help, but I'm generally a big teary mess at the airport!
Current symptoms: umm... I can't think of much. at least not much that I would consider much of a 'symptom'. I've noticed I'm a little congested again, but that's no fuss. my feet do get tired by the end of the day for sure! withe these nice days, we've been out doing more so I'm on my feet nearly the entire day.
Miss anything? right now, nope!
Movement: oh yes! I love how movements keep getting stronger. I sometimes wish I could peek into my belly to see him when he's moving around.
Food cravings: well... do I call it cravings or more 'I'm pregnant so I give myself a little more room for splurging' :) those macadamia clusters from costco... let's say I should not have bought them!
Looking forward to: I have a midwife checkup on Monday, so I'm certainly looking forward to that and hearing little baby's heartbeat!

These baby cousins don't know how great they're going to have it.
Growing up only 2 months apart!

follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Friday, April 1, 2016

25 weeks

every week I say this to myself, but how, how, how!?? another week down and they are just flying by lately!
one evening this week, I found myself getting a little emotional about pregnancy ending (I mean I still have a few months, but still. I'm closer to the end, than to the beginning). I told Brandon, "I'm so sad that the pregnancy is almost over.. I just love this part.."
he thinks I'm crazy. and so does my sis-in-law when I told her.
but second trimester is bliss! and how I just love carrying my babies.

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain: 21 pounds. it's shocking really! b u t  my midwife did tell me at my last appointment that these few weeks I may really notice some weight gain since it's the time that my body is working on doubling it's blood volume. and boy was she right!
Maternity clothes? no change here from last week. mainly just pants. but since we've been having such nice days I really need to get myself some maternity shorts! I don't want to be trapped to jeans when it's 70 degrees outside! but watch, the day I buy some, we'll lose this weather and be back to 50s and rain ;)
Stretch marks? still no new ones!
Best moment this week: definitely this great weather we've been having and all of the outside time we've gotten! soaking it up while it's here! zoo. park. walks. sidewalk chalk.
Worst moment this week: well... waiting for baby's crib and dresser to come.. since we've decided and now know what it will be, I just want it now! but the countdown continues... three weeks and it will should arrive... I need to work on my patience on this matter
Current symptoms: really feeling good! I can tell that the tiredness that I have been experiencing is starting to wear off and naps during the day aren't as mandatory ;) but this sunshine could be part of it too! and I figured out that the nausea I was having in the night was caused by my vitamins. I've always taken them right before bed with a snack, but for some reason they aren't settling well now. I'm taking them earlier in the day now, and the problem has been solved!
Miss anything? right now, nope!
Movement: yep! all throughout the day! and especially in the evenings
Food cravings: nothing new.
Wedding rings on or off? on. but then again, I never take my rings off anyways, so maybe they're just stuck on :) I haven't checked
Happy or moody most of the time: happy :) helps that I'm feeling well!
Looking forward to: my mama is coming to visit from Idaho for a long weekend (gets in today!). I am so excited to spend some time with her. a fun few days ahead for us!


Saturday, March 26, 2016

24 weeks

Whoa belly!
Each week is making such a difference at this point in the pregnancy!
How far along? 24 weeks + 1 day
Total weight gain: 19 pounds
Maternity clothes? in love with the two pairs of jeans I bought! I still have a number of shirts (that aren't maternity) that I'm still able to wear. 
Sleep: sleep. is. great. our new mattress is so, so comfy and Brandon and I are both sleeping so good on it! I still use my pregnancy body pillow every night and it really helps me sleep in a comfortable position. the pillow is quite big, which makes Brandon SO thankful that we have a king sized bed!
Best moment this week: Thursday was great. We were able to spend some time together as a family (Brandon tries to take Thursdays off whenever possible- life of a realtor!) and then later that day we stopped by to see close friends of ours who had a sweet baby boy not quite two weeks ago. There's nothing like a newborn to make your 20 month old look HUGE!
Current symptoms: a strange one that I've never experienced prior to the last 10 days or so... (not when I was pregnant with Harper either)- some nights I've been waking up in the middle of the night feeling super nauseous. I never have to throw up, but I have to sit there for a few minutes, eat some crackers, and then I'm able to fall back asleep (most of the time). I don't ever feel nauseous during the days and I never suffered from morning sickness. so it's a weird one for me, but thankfully it isn't too hard for me to manage!
Miss anything? turkey sandwiches still. but I'm able to have them if I heat the deli meat up in the microwave when I get home and then put it back in the refrigerator for later. it's so worth doing, because sometimes that is all I want for lunch! and man does it taste good! :)
Movement: yes. lots of movement lately! 
Food cravings: I guess you could say turkey sandwiches :) specifically- whole wheat bread, Boar's Head chicken breast (from the deli), Tillamook sharp cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, a little bit of mayo, and a dill pickle spear on the side! oh yeah, and still loving those reeses peanut butter eggs. it will be so good once Easter is over so that I can no longer buy them!
Happy or moody most of the time: happy. but I have been a bit more hormonal/emotional these last few days. so if I cry around you, don't think too much of it ;)
Looking forward to: we f i n a l l y decided on a crib + dresser!! it's taken awhile and a lot of looking to find exactly what we've been wanting. but I am so excited and hopefully we'll have all the pieces here in the next few weeks so that nursery decorating can really begin!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Saturday, March 19, 2016

23 weeks

We had such a great start to this week :) and it feels like Monday was just yesterday. 
As a stay-at-home-mama, how is it that the days blend and before you know it, it is Friday again!?

Monday we had a check-up appointment with my midwife, Susan.
I look forward to every prenatal appointment during pregnancy! Right now we're still on the every 4 week appointment schedule, but I am eager for the point when we get to go more frequently :)
We talked about a lot of things during this appointment. and it felt great to get so many topics covered!
We talked blood glucose test (which is to come in a couple weeks), turkey sandwiches, nutrition (specifically protein and electrolytes to prepare my body for labor), circumcision, my blood volume doubling over these next few weeks and what to expect there, and the bit of nerves I've sometimes felt about natural childbirth for this second time. 

No joke when I say I feel I have the best midwife around.
She is such a good fit for me. Direct and straight to what I need to know, while also being reassuring and reminding me of what I have in my favor this go around.

We heard baby's heartbeat and it was nice and strong at 150 bpm. Based on the old wives tales, you would guess we were having a 'she' :)
It's still lower than Harper's ever was. Her heartbeat was always around 160-170.
banner / hooray everyday
cardigan / white plum
How far along? 23 weeks + 1 day
Total weight gain: 18 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes! I  f i n a l l y  did it and went to the mall on Friday! I picked out two pairs of maternity jeans and they are! I seriously regret that I didn't go sooner! (like two years ago sooner when I was pregnant with Harper) I've been living in them since I got them.
Sleep: I've been a lot more tired this last week. At my prenatal appointment, my midwife said that's due to my blood volume working on doubling and it may be that way for the next few weeks. Thank goodness Harper naps well and most days I've been sneaking in a little nap for myself too.
Best moment this week: our appointment and hearing little one's heartbeat.
Current symptoms: the biggest things this week have been the tiredness and still feeling extra thirsty. which again, Susan said those both are related to my body increasing its blood volume. I'm doing my best to listen to my body and give it what it needs in those areas.
Miss anything? having more clothing options. trying to figure out what to wear for Eater next week and due to this belly :) my options are limited.
Movement: aw yes! the movements are getting bigger and bigger and I love it! he's actually kicking around right as I type this :) I'm still thinking he is more active than Harper was.
Looking forward to: a week with little planned and enjoying my time spent with my Harper girl and hubby :) Maybe a trip to the zoo (since we just got zoo passes!) if there's some decent enough weather.

follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Friday, March 4, 2016

21 weeks

banner / hooray everyday
How far along? 21 weeks - belly really grew this week!
Total weight gain: 15 pounds. I can't remember how much I had gained at this point with Harper (total of 36 at the end of pregnancy), but man I feel like the weight is really coming on this time! 
Maternity clothes? I really, really need to get my booty to the store to find some jeans! I have one pair of jeans left that I'm somehow still able to button, but that isn't going to last much longer. Procrastination at it's finest!
Stretch marks? no new ones from this pregnancy
Sleep: oh sleep. it is so so good! :) I can feel my body getting more tired from busy days running around with a toddler, and by evening my body is so ready to sit down and rest. and I am more than willing to listen to my body!
Best moment this week: having Harper back to her fun and happy self after being sick last week.
oh and one more :) I also went to a Le Leche League meeting for the first time and thought that the support and info shared was so great for breastfeeding moms! a little reminder of what's to come with my newborn :)
Current symptoms: my feet are getting more tired by the end of the day from the extra weight. I don't know if that would really be a symptom... but other than that I'm doing great!
Miss anything? not at the moment :)
Movement: yes. more and more movement! lately I've been feeling a bunch of little, quick movements in addition to the feeling of him rolling around inside.
Food cravings: none lately - fine by me!
Gender? BOY!!


Friday, February 26, 2016

20 weeks

banner / hooray everyday
How far along? 20 weeks! half way there! (give or take a couple weeks/days)
Total weight gain: 13 pounds
Maternity clothes? no.. but I have got to get myself into some maternity jeans. and soon! the hair elastic trick is beginning to be less comfortable
Stretch marks? same as weeks prior and still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter and this essential oil prenatal balm after showers.
Sleep: so good! for me that is :) with Harper being sick this last week, we've had nights with her up.. but the last two nights she has been back to sleeping through the night and this mama is loving her rest!
Best moment this week: Brandon and I were out doing some errands and just chatting about new baby to come, and he said, "ya know, I'm actually looking forward to having a newborn again." talk about making my heart so happy! I just looove having a newborn. it's one of the things I am most looking forward to. to know he is looking forward to it too makes me love this man (who is an awesome daddy!) just that much more :)
Worst moment this week: Harper being sick :( breaks my heart seeing her that way. BUT so thankful she is being herself more and more now.
Current symptoms: I've been e x t r a thirsty lately! which of course then means more trips to the potty :) congestion is ongoing (and has been), so I keep the humidifier by my bedside and run it every night. I had the same thing with congestion all throughout my pregnancy with Harper too. other than that, symptoms are very limited! there are times I don't even feel pregnant. I'm going to hold on it while it lasts, because it won't be this way for too much longer I'm sure of that!
Miss anything? hard pear/apple cider on these sunny days we've been having and a cold turkey sandwich!
Movement: sure thing! I feel more movement with him than I did with Harper (however, she wasn't a huge mover). not sure yet if that's due to second pregnancy or if he is just more active. we will see in the weeks to come!
Food cravings: really, nothing lately! I was just telling Brandon how different this is with this pregnancy. with Harper I was all for the sweets. ice cream. brownies. fruit. lately I've had the same preferences as I normally do when not pregnant. if anything, I have less interest in foods. unless of course we're talking potato chips + sour cream ranch dip :)
Looking forward to: going to Sip and Savor on Sunday evening! it is so refreshing and uplifting to my soul!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth