Monday, December 5, 2016

sleep. sleep. SLEEP.

Brandon and I have been quite blessed in the sleep department with our kiddos. 
there's always that anticipation that once you become parents you won't get ANY sleep. and though it has definitely been reduced (and there are of course always sleepless times) overall, we haven't been too sleep deprived. 
*i'm literally knocking on our wood desk right now*
and then.. harper got sick.
and then.. tanner got sick.
and then.. thanksgiving weekend rolled around.

and we are doing everything in our power to get our sleep back!

tanner has just been all thrown off. with a whole bunch of variables in the mix. bronchiolitis. moving out of the pack 'n play and into his crib in his nursery. and then of course the fact alone that he's a four month baby ;)

harper's days run so much better when we have our structure and routine. that was lost for about 3 weeks. and then comes thanksgiving weekend where she went days without a nap + bedtime was much past it's usual. 

fast forwarding to now. tanner we've pretty much checked him off our list and sleep's improving for him. the toddler, miss harper, on the other hand. for about a week's time there's been nap protesting, bedtime protesting, and early morning rising. a few days of skipping nap and she was quick to realize that fun things go down while she sleeps ;) 
...but hearing that sweet little voice come into our bedroom at 5:30am really takes away its sweetness.

the last few days the 2-3 hour naps are making their way back (hallelujah!!!!), bedtime hasn't been quite as much struggle, and we're on night three of using the ok to wake clock. so far that brilliant thing is slowly helping the bags under our eyes.

so a post about sleep... but it's always a hot topic...
and I'll forever remind myself and say, "it's just a phase" :)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Thursday, December 1, 2016

three + four month favorites

...doing this quick before yet another month flies by!
november has been a bit of a tough month over here. from harper being sick with a yucky cold, to then tanner coming down with bronchiolitis. I'm not quite sure where the last three weeks went. sick babies make for such a roller coster of days/weeks. it looks like we're finally seeing the light though! 

so... a few of our favorite things for three + four months!

floor play mat // since tanner began reaching and playing with toys- toys have been a big new favorite around here. the floor mat we have is from when harper was a baby and it's just as loved!

car seat toys // we're entering the phase of needing entertainment in the car. of course tanner gets very entertained by harper :) a few carseat toys have also been helpful. we have this elephant and this hanging toy and he really likes them both. 

nursing cover // I ended up buying a second of these after tanner was born. being that it doubles as a carseat cover, it easily got dirty and days (or weeks) could pass by the time I got it washed, dried, and back in my bag :)

paci clips // we use these every day! though my legs could benefit from the squatting down all day long, it's much easier that we use a clip to keep the paci from falling on the ground. and these leather ones by Ryan & Rose, I love for tanner.

monitor // we had/have this exact same levana monitor for harper and were so happy with it that we bought a second to have for tanner. harper's has been dropped a thousand and one times, but is somehow still hanging in there and working for us!

play chair // we used this chair allll the time when harper was a baby. and we're already getting lots of use out of it with tanner! it's also so easy to clean- which makes me love it that much more :)

mama roo // another hand-me-down from harper. we're likely nearing the end of swing days as tanner prefers more and more to be in a sitting position. but it's still quite useful to bring into the kitchen for him to hang out in while i"m making dinner on the nights where he doesn't want me out of his sight :)

how in heaven's name will he be tuning F I V E months in just less than two weeks!?


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Christmas Holiday Fun List

I've always been the "no Christmas until after Thanksgiving" kind of person. I know, I know... some think I'm all bahumbagh because of it. well.... having kids is changing me. just a little.
the christmas decorations were brought in from the garage this last weekend, I'm already writing a christmas bucket list for us this year, and as I'm sitting here typing, I've turned on the classic rudolph show for harper.
...and I'm actually loving it!!

having kids (especially now of age to understand more of the excitement) makes this holiday even that much more fun! I can't wait for us to do all these fun holiday things together and to see harper light up and enjoy it all with us!

here's one of our pictures from last christmas season. I was just barley pregnant with tanner :)
so excited to take our family pictures this weekend!

2016 Christmas holiday fun list:

--decorate the tree as a family with christmas music playing in the background and sipping on hot apple cider

--bake + decorate sugar cookies. I"m on the lookout for the softest sugar cookie recipe. I've yet to find one that I've fallen in love with.

--ZOO lights at our local zoo. we've been before, but I just know harper is going to LOVE it this year! she already loves when we go to the zoo and this will be magical for her.

--drive around neighborhoods looking at christmas lights with some hot cocoa :)
--watch christmas movies in our christmas jammies while eating stove popped popcorn

--make, cut, and wrap our annual homemade caramels

--deliver christmas goodies to our neighbors. we did this last year and it was so fun to quickly see each of our neighbors. we all live on the same street, yet sadly, we rarely get to see each other unless it's in passing while going to get the mail.

...and tonight we're breaking out matching christmas jammies!

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!
we always something to be thankful for.


Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Favorites

...and another friday already!?
this was Tanner's first week into being a four month old and it zipped by so so quickly. we just went in for his four month well baby check yesterday and he is growing like a champ!
his stats put him about the size of your average 7 month old. big boy we have here!!
18 lbs 13 oz + 27 inches long. 
yes, really... twenty SEVEN. 
this boy is already taking after his tall (and handsome) ;) 6'6" daddy!
...we also found out while at his appt that sweet little boy has bronchiolitis. this hurts my mama heart so badly! the coughing and struggle of getting that icky mucus out is so hard to watch. I broke down to tears from his struggle after his first breathing treatment during the appt. but our amazing pediatrician is so great and gave me all the tools and advice we need to get this sucker gone!
"it'll get worse, before it gets better".
ok, now I'm ready for it to get better!!
with that... it's still a happy friday over here! Brandon's 32nd (!!!) birthday is on sunday. we're celebrating with some friends this evening, doing some family celebrating with us four on saturday, and then on his actual birthday (sunday) we have friendsgiving with our supper club group. it's going to be a busy, but ever so fun weekend over here!

we had a very similar week last year too, but we've added one more family member this year :) I had just found out I was pregnant with tanner the week before Brandon's birthday last year. best birthday gift I could give, right?? how can this year even compete ;)

to kick it off...
---a few of my favorites lately!---

slippers. I treated myself with these during one of nordstrom's sales. there's nothing like a pair of cozy slippers by the fire when it's cold and rainy out. it's one of my favorite things about the fall and winter months. I'm dying to get Harper a pair of slippers for christmas. if you've seen any cute ones to suggest- please let me know!

hard cider (these are my absolute favorite- so good!). I have one nearly every night after the babes are in bed :) brandon and I head up to the bonus room, hang out on our new sectional, and enjoy a relaxing hour together. I look forward to it each day. it's our nightly getaway :)

this is us. if you haven't been watching, you NEED TO. it is so so good. I feel like I know each character personally and they're my friends/family. the only downfall is having to wait a whole week for the next episode ;)

that's it!
Happy Friday, all!!
and send some prayers our way (if ya think of it) for little tanner to get better quickly!


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tanner Ross || 4 months

oh tanner boy! how fun and full this last month has been!
so much growth, development, and changes too.
the cuddliest little boy who gives the best snuggles.
we have our four month well baby check on thrusday and I'm so anxious to see where his stats are!
if I could, I'd go every  month just to do a stats check. it feels so good as a mama to see that confirmation that your baby is growing and thriving well. I am beyond thankful for healthy, growing children.
one of my favorite parts of our days is when my sweet baby boy wakes (whether it's in the morning or from a nap) he is so smiley and happy. no doubt that sweet smile can pick up my mood and bring so much light to the day. this boy is heaven sent. and his mama is ever so grateful for him.
four months later and I'm finally starting to make the bed again. boy does it make a difference in my day. if I get the bed made, I feel so much more put together, and I at least accomplished one thing that day ;) I've also been meal planning our dinners again and these two things are making life feel like we're getting a hang of things and back to 'normal' or more so figuring out our new 'normal'.

age: 4 months

               birth: 8lbs 2 oz  --  21 inches
 2 days: 7lbs 11oz
 12 days: 9lbs 1oz
                                1 month: 12lbs 4oz  --  23 1/2 inches
                     2 months: 15lbs  --  24 inches
                                                 3 months: 17.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)
                        --4 months: we'll find out on thrusday!!

clothes6/6-9 month
diapers: size 2

Tanner name sign // Quincyjeanart
banner // hooray everyday
jesus saves bro shirt // imperishable clothing co

10/15- rolled from front to back.
10/19- first flight! to palm desert and he did so so good. so content like it was nothing. the drive home from the airport after a long week away was another story ;)
10/25- first swim! at nana and papa's condo in palm desert. he did so well in the water and seemed to like it. he lasted in the water (until being over it) longer than we had expected.
10/28- first trip to the pumpkin patch! hung out in the ergo with daddy the whole time while sister and I enjoyed all they had to offer :)
10/31- first Halloween! we went with the most simple of costumes- a baby bear. mom did not soar high with halloween costumes this year and we went with quick and simple.
11/8- (election day!) started rolling back to tummy too. no more leaving him on the bed/changing table!

still exclusively breastfeeding. and going strong! my goal is to breastfeed for at least one year. I went 13 months with harper and wouldn't be opposed to going a little longer with tanner if he and I are both happy with it.
he tends to nurse about every 2-4 hours.
he had been taking a bottle quite well. but we only make it happen 1-2 times a week, if that. and about a week ago he was no longer interested and made it clear he preferred his milk right from the source :) but with some practice this last week, we've had some improvement and he's taking it again.
it can be a hard thing for me because I love nursing and hate keeping it from myself and my baby. but I also know I need to be able to give myself the break that I need when it's needed. and the hubs and I need some kid free date nights. we''ll get there.
I've noticed this little guy eye my food a couple of times- but we still have a couple of months until that door is opened!

overall I still can't complain, but strong little man started breaking his way out of his swaddle. because of that (and that he's rolling over) we've done away with the swaddle during night time sleep. with harper, after the swaddle we transitioned her to the zippee and it worked out great. we've done the same with tanner now. because of having more freedom and also all of his developmental changes this last month, night time sleep is a little less solid than it used to be. and will be until he gets used to the freedom of his arms being able to move around. since then the norm has been 1-2 wake ups.  but not bad! we're transitioning and working on it.
he's still sleeping in our room in the pack 'n play at night (which we're thinking we might change here soon! but to be across the hall just seems so far away!).
naps are in his crib in the nursery.
2-3 naps a day. in the morning after being awake about 1.5-2 hours he's ready for one. then another nap later in the afternoon for a couple of hours. this afternoon one usually overlaps harper's 1-4pm nap. yay! #momwin :) and then there's sometimes a quick later afternoon/early evening nap. kinda depends on how long the previous two naps went for.

playing playing playing!!
just last week he started reaching and grabbing for toys and it's so much fun. I love watching him take it all in and hold a toy in front of his face in amazement. I can just see his little mind working and learning.

---things I want to remember---
--oh he started making the sweetest little noises when being rocked down for sleep.
--overall he does great in his car seat in the car. UNLESS he's gotten super tired and might be a tad hungry. then he is MAD at me! not a fun ride home like that... the good news is Harper just deals with it and doesn't follow her little brother's lead.
--oh drool. it comes and it goes. but so much chewing on fingers and teething toys. the teeth seem to just cause discomfort here and there, but not constant.
--on 'typical' days we have a routine, but not a schedule. wake, eat, play, sleep, repeat.
--harper caught a cold this last week and shockingly tanner has not got it. I'm praying he won't! both babes have been loaded with essential oils and the humidifiers.

P H O T O  D U M P

I'm loving this age right now and I know each month is just going to get that more fun. I'm loving learning his personality. I'm loving the chunky thighs. and I'm most certainly loving being a boy mom! and though brandon's starting to disagree with me, he's still definitely a mama's boy! ;)


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth

Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday Favorites

it's friday (YAY) and it's already the s e c o n d week of November!
can'  I mean really, Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away. and Christmas... I don't even want to think about how close that is yet. I told myself I was going to get a headstart on my Christmas shopping this year and not wait until after thanksgiving to get going... and well, I haven't even bought a single gift yet. nor even thought about what gifts to be getting. maybe I'll make myself feel better and order a gift for someone tomorrow ;)

---a few of my favorites lately!---

mint chocolate chip cookies
I used to make these cookies allll the time. and then I got pregnant with tanner and I just didn't have the energy. and that's probably a good thing cause I would've eaten ten a day while I was pregnant. I found this recipe awhile back and it's the best cookie recipe I've found! (when I'm making cookies it's either these or my no bakes - they're my two go-to's) :) we love the mint/chocolate chips. I've also replaced the chocolate with white chocolate before and I might actually like that even more... but really you could use any type of chips with this dough. it's the best cookie dough! I eat probably two cookies worth of dough before I even get them baked.

essie gel nail polish
love it! I love going to the salon to get my nails done (with gel), but the downfall for me is getting back when I'm in need of them again. and I hate the hassle of trying to peel them off. this essie gel polish is great. it of course doesn't last quite as long as the real gel polish, but you don't need a light and it definitely lasts longer than regular nail polish. I'm kinda rough on my nails and I've found that I can have these a good 7-8 days before I notice and chips. and then I drag it out about another 7 days until I get to painting them again...

bonus room
we have a 'bonus room' in our house and the year and a half that we've lived here, it's been a catch all room. just recently we finally decided to actually do something with it! we've been working on cleaning it out and refurnishing it. it's a work in progress still, but every night brandon and I can't wait to get up there and relax together once the babes are in bed :) it's like our nightly getaway.

this stuff!! hashtag praise hands!! I was making a order from ulta and needed a little bit more to reach free shipping. (the dollar amount to free shipping always gets me! anyone else???) so quick saw this lipgloss and thought I'd throw it in my cart and give it a shot. I love it. best lipgloss I've had. and so I ordered two more.

my baby boy turns f o u r months old this weekend!! how??!

well, cheers to the weekend!! :)


Monday, November 7, 2016

weekend | flying solo

it was a weekend that I thought was going to draggg by. but it didn't. it actually flew by! 
Brandon went on a guys trip with his dad and brother to Louisiana for the LSU vs. Alabama game. #bucketlist for them all.
meanwhile.... angela and I were back home in WA caring for our babes. we decided to spend the nights together, which was the greatest decision.
we didn't do or plan much beyond our mama duties, but it was better doing it together than alone.
it was all about having dinner delivered, feeding + bathing babes, bedtime routine, and an hour or two of relaxed hanging out before rolling ourselves into bed.
we survived, got a weekend full of sister (in-law) time, and even made it through a costco run on the rainiest day we've had yet.
memories were made and though we're quite exhausted, it was a good time!

and later this week we will all be road tripping home to Idaho together. be praying for us!


Monday, October 31, 2016

sunshine + fall + our hjelseth life

it's been busy over here and yet not busy at the same time.
I think life with two kids is just 'busy' now. and always will be :) with a two year old and a three month old, our days have been full of potty trips, nursing, diaper changing, snack/meal making, napping, house tiddying, and such. and then we threw in loading up/unloading + packing/unpacking all four of us for a sunny week getaway. a whole lot of busy with some relaxing too! I tell ya, flying is so much work. Brandon an I both said our next trip away we are HIGHLY considering driving. 
we had such a great time in palm desert! Harper LOVED swimming all day long. Tanner often napped by the pool. and it gave Brandon and I the best view watching our precious children. they are such a blessing and as cliche as it sounds, I don't know what we did before them. there were also times where we were stuck inside the condo because napping babies make for happier babies. 
spending the week together as a family and with our favorite people tyler, angela, and lleyton was so refreshing (and no question at times so hard because of babes being off their norm). but we're back to the real Fall weather and I'm actually enjoying it! the everyday 90 degree weather was fabulous, and now we're back to the 50s and rolling right into these holiday months! and speaking of holiday months...

I see all these posts/pictures of moms who nailed it with their kids' halloween costumes... 
I am not one of them. thanks to amazon prime, Harper's costume (should- fingers crossed!) be here today and I JUST picked up a semi costume for Tanner to wear yesterday. 
but hey. that's life. and we will still have just as much fun celebrating this day. and thank goodness my kids aren't old enough to know the difference yet! ha!

we're so excited to go trick-or-treating tonight. even though it's Harper's third (what??!!) halloween, it feels like her first. she gets it now and the hype and excitement is there. she's been talking about wearing her costume and trick-or-treating for days now. and once she realizes what that's all really about she's going to have so much fun! holidays with kids really are better :)

Happy Halloween, all!!
what is it you're most excited for today?!


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

potty training | what worked for us

I'm no potty training expert, but can only share what has worked for us :)
and that doesn't mean we are in the clear with absolutely zero accidents. I haven't read all the various 'methods' for potty training that are out there (because honestly it seems like too much conflicting info!) but I'm pretty sure occasional accidents are still quite normal. 
...way back when Harper was just 18 months old I thought "she's totally ready to start potty training and can do this". so I bought the potty seat that goes on the real toilet, was no way going to do a candy reward, and we began. well we got nowhere! who are these mothers who talk about potty training their kids so young!? I don't like it. it puts too much pressure on the rest of us.

we tried again a few months later and I had a bought Harper her own 'little' potty. no such luck. she just did not want to go. and it was too much of a fight to be worth it.

so with all that over the past months she's seen her "potty" in the bathrooms and become quite familiar with what it was and what it was for. she would at times pretend to "go" and sit down on her little potty (clothes + diaper all on). THEN she got to the point of taking her diaper off during the day and while in her crib. (she had been telling me about going pee pee or poo poo for quite some time). but looking back I don't think that really is the one true sign that "they are ready".

so with the diapers coming off, I decided we were gonna give it another shot and I was going to be strong this time. no more diapers and we were going to push through! (but in the back of my mind I didn't really know if this would be it). 

that weekend we went to target (of course!) ;) I let her pick out two packages of panties (again. we had done this months ago as well), a candy (yeah- I said I would never do this), and some stickers. I explained that she was going to get all of these when she started going in the potty.
--from the morning of day one (which I dreaded getting her out of bed that first morning because then it meant it was go time!) it was straight to panties and I told her the diapers were simply all gone. 
--I forced fluids by giving her diluted juice. 
--asked her every so often if she needed to go, but also reminded her to tell me when she needed to. 
--I really tried to keep the entire experience positive. no shaming her. 
--a candy and a sticker if she went. the reward and me cheering her on after was so motivating to her and she quickly caught on! that made her 'want' to go.

of course there were accidents (mainly the first half of the first day), but also lots of success with all the practice she was getting in from all the fluid running through her!

sleeping time we've been putting pull-ups on (I'm not that brave yet!) and I tell her they're nap time/bedtime panties. we don't use the word 'diaper' anymore!
I've hesitated to write this because I don't know if we've reallyyyy nailed it quite yet.
accidents occasionally happen, naps are hit or miss, and night time is another story.
 BUT yesterday we had zero accidents, she was dry after nap (which I gave her a 'special treat for that!), and hardly wet at all this morning!
it's where we are and I'm so proud of the progress! 
being older, and being truly ready makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE! it came so much easier for her and made it easier on us as well! she took to it so quickly that it almost seemed natural. I absolutely believe that the timing is everything. she was ready. and I only knew that by her willingness.

we're going to palm desert today which means flights and traveling through the airport (with a potty not always just 10 steps away!). praying all will go well with all the time we are going to be AWAY from home this next week and that the accidents will be minimal! :) you can do this Harper!!
so proud of her and how well she's done.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Tanner Ross || 3 months

oh my sweet tanner boy!! you fill our hearts with sooo much joy!
such a squishy, little love bug.
one of my favorite things to do is look back at the previous month's post and see all the changes that have come our way in just a few short weeks. and boy, oh boy have you grown! the way it's gone the last three months, I don't expect anything different though. you're such a big little babe and everyone is always so shocked to hear your age. but then again you've always been sitting at the top line (or higher) on those growth charts :) and it's one of my favorite things about you! your chubbiness makes you oh so cuddly and your round face and heavy cheeks are what I always dreamt for in my babies.
age: 3 months

               birth: 8lbs 2 oz  --  21 inches
 2 days: 7lbs 11oz
 12 days: 9lbs 1oz
                                1 month: 12lbs 4oz  --  23 1/2 inches
                     2 months: 15lbs  --  24 inches
                                       **3 months: 17.4 lbs  --  (from the scale at home)

clothes3-6/6 month
diapers: size 2

Tanner name sign // Quincyjeanart
banner // hooray everyday

at three months, this little {big} guy has DOUBLED his birth weight! shocker, right? ;)
watching a seahawks game with daddy. but there's no doubt there will be a thousand more!
playing in the sitting play seat.
pushing up with his arms at tummy time.
away from mommy at bedtime while I was out with some girlfriends.
walk with auntie and cousin lleyton at chambers.
nursing sessions have spaced out a bit and are more regular. every 3-4 hours for the most part. that is until we hit another growth spurt! then I'm sure we'll experience the nurse, nurse, nurse all day long. but we're having a little more regularity and freedom in our days so we're enjoying it! it allows for more play time too :) he's also doing well with the bottle! though we don't offer it all that often... hopefully he won't get to refusing it.
from the looks of him, clearly he's eating just fine ;) I mean come on.. those cheeks!! and the all over body rolls as seen in the picture above :)
giggling!! oh the giggling!! tanner boy LOVES to play in the mirror. and when we play/sing to him he's full of giggles and squeals. this age has become so fun and the way he focuses on everything around him, he's soaking it all in and learning his surroundings. he has been loving to be in a sitting position, so to put him in the play seat for a few minutes at a time has been fun. 
a good handful of nights we've gotten uninterrupted sleep and this guy has sleep all through the night (10:30-7ish)! it's certainly not every night. but we enjoy it when it comes. most nights include one wake up. then it's nurse, and right back to sleep. I'm still doing the 'dream feed' with him. he goes down for the night around 7:30/8 then, before we go to bed around 10:30 I top him off to get a longer stretch of sleep before he wakes to eat.
naps are usually quite smooth as well. it's often 1-2 smaller naps in the morning time and then I've been getting him to take his big nap at the same time sister naps. hallelujah!!!!! having both babes napping at the same time for about two hours is so great for us all to get a little rejuvenating for the rest of the afternoon/evening. it can be hit or miss but he sometimes gets a small late afternoon/evening nap in as well. or I'll just put him in the solly wrap and he'll usually catch a couple zzz's in there.

other things I don't want to forget:
he's good with his car seat but if we aren't in the car driving or moving in the stroller, he doesn't like to stay asleep in it. usually ;)

we had a couple weeks with more spit up than we had been used to, but it's now settled back down. which I'm glad about! it was causing my laundry pile to increase with us all going through more outfits each day!

SO much drool. could teeth really be making their way????

he gives his big sister the biggest smiles of all. with such ease too. she hardly has to do a thing to get the smiles out of him. its warms my heart SO much. and makes me a little jealous too.

this month we've really gotten into a swing of our new normal. Tanner is more predictable and we've got our daily routine down. well as well as we can with a THREE month old and a toddler :)

the need to burp after eating, is quite minimal these days! which is so great so little tummy bubbles aren't causing any discomfort.

hair is coming back in on top where it had thinned out. and this sweet boy has THEE cutest hair line!! it's absolutely one of my favorite things.

in general, he's comforted by me and my touch if he's having a harder time falling asleep for naps. this never worked with Harper! she always wanted to be soothed by being picked up.

Tanner's favorite things: 
looking/playing in the mirror! propped up to sitting to be able to see what's going on around him. standing too! little guy loves when I hold him to stand on his feet. such big smiles- like he's proud of how big he's getting! so funny, but he loves when he's startled! I can 'scare' him with a 'boo', he gets startled, and then gives the biggest smiles and giggles. we might have a thrill seeker on our hands ;) boy does he love to play with big sis! Harper is so into Tanner and loves to play with him (as best she can at his age) and he gives her just the biggest smiles. I love seeing their sibling bond grow.

I still am blown away at how good/easy of a baby our little one is. (I mean I know things can change and phases will always come and go) BUT he is so go with the flow and has such a good demeanor and calm personality.
P H O T O   D U M P
this one KILLS me. everything about it. especially those facial expressions!


follow along on instagram @brittneyhjelseth